
Londonlatino is recommended by ShortMick (7/22/2019)

First Match: 23/1/2019
For my first match with a fellow short man, I really saw the difference in dynamic. And for someone who says he's small and usually plays the jobber, Londonlatino clearly knows how to take control. It was a difficult match, he's bigger, stronger, has plenty of wrestling experience and has such great tactics - so it was no surprise that I was a near helpless jobber.
In terms of strength, I wasn't drastically outmatched, but my lack of technical skill by comparison were a major hindrance. I pushed, wriggled and twisted,trying to maneuver out of his holds, but almost always ended immediately back in another. He is very strong, and as a few others have said, his scissor hold is brutal!
Also a very kind, welcoming host, I hope to meet again!

Round two and I was out for revenge! He was squeezed, he was stretched out and he tapped out. My first time being a full heel and it was incredibly satisfying. Though he didn't make it too easy for me, I'd forgotten about his leg strength!
Let's see who's in charge next time!
As always a fantastic host, and we had a nice conversation too.


SpladlePin is recommended by NickZ (7/22/2019)

Passing by the barn at Thunderdome around 1am, we had a great intense spontaneous submission match in the dark, plus some gut punching. It was hot to pound on his hard abs. He's skilled, fit and highly recommended, and looking forward to the next match. :)


icejohn2 is recommended by RasslorBear (7/22/2019)

IceJohn is energetic, exciting, and effervescent. We had an excellent pro match, putting each other in holds and letting control go back and forth until we were sweaty and exhausted. He's also very sneaky, so watch out for that.

After the match, he was the best host and had a ton of recommendations of things to do in Milwaukee. Since I was only in town for a short time, I didn't take up al his suggestions, but next time I will.

When we meet next, it will be in a submission match where he promises he can control me from the get go. We shall see.

If you have the chance, wrestle him. He's amazing off and on the mats.


grafholk is recommended by LukasHuber (7/22/2019)

Wir hatten im Vorfeld einen guten Kontakt und Grafholk ist pünktlich und zuverlässig erschienen.
Was für ein Riese und stark wie ein Bär! Es ist völlig unmöglich, seinen Griffen zu entkommen, wenn er einmal fest zugepackt hat! Genauso schwer ist es, ihn aus dem Gleichgewicht zu bringen und ihn auf der Matte zu drehen oder anderweitig zu attackieren.
Ein Gigant wie ein Schraubstock, für den ich einfach zu leicht und auch zu schwach war.
Wir haben uns beide schön verausgabt und uns nichts geschenkt - dabei war jede Runde fair und freundschaftlich.
Eine echte Empfehlung für jeden, der sich total auspowern möchte. Jederzeit gern wieder!


waltyfight is recommended by amex2 (7/22/2019)

Il caldo, che io soffro tanto, ci ha tarpato le ali.
Breve incontro ma intenso. Sostanziale pareggio. Io piu' forte di braccia lui di gambe. Dobbiamo vedercela nuovamente con altre condizioni climatiche. Sara' un incontro interessante. Nessuno vuole cedere.
Persona gioviale educata e corretta nella lotta.
Lo raccomando!


graproma is recommended by waltyfight (7/22/2019)

Graproma...Innanzitutto lo voglio ringraziare per la squisita ospitalità che ha concesso a me e ad Amex,l'altro avversario che ho raccomandato,nella giornata di oggi.
Ma Graproma non è solo stato..."maestro di cerimonie".
Ho lottato anche con lui e posso assicurare che quest'uomo,a dispetto dell'età,è un vero e proprio lottatore dotato di prontezza,forza,agilità tipiche di chi ha qualche anno in meno.
Per questo,soprattutto,lo voglio raccomandare.Una grande forza di volontà,sport praticato anche fuori dai matches di lotta rendono Graproma veramente un avversario temibile che consiglio a tutti di affrontare se ci si trovasse a Roma.
Grazie Graproma!


amex2 is recommended by waltyfight (7/22/2019)

Amex,un avversario col quale abbiamo per diverso tempo combattuto a colpi di e mail o messaggi.Oggi,finalmente,ci siamo incontrati ed ospitati dal gentilissimo collega ed amico Graproma.
Nemico giurato di entrambi è stato il caldo soffocante che poco ispira questo sport d'estate.
E' stato un breve match di tre riprese dove ci siamo equivalsi.Amex è snello ma ha una considerevole forza"nervosa" nelle sue braccia che è difficile gestire.Io l'ho bloccato in una terribile morsa in stile bodyscissor.Mossa,questa,fra le mie preferite.
Ci siamo riaggiornati a settembre/ottobre quando il clima e le temperatura saranno più...ragionevoli.Intanto,a chiunque volesse incontrarlo,lo raccomando molto.
Ciao Amex,alla prossima!


gigromeo is recommended by Athleticasian (7/22/2019)

I clearly underestimated this clearly experienced BJJ guy. He was nice enough to teach me some moves. Nice off the mats as well. It feels like an honor to be his last match before leaving the Netherlands. Looking forward to hosting him when he is in Amsterdam.


jkhammerd is recommended by MuscChamp (7/22/2019)

Long, ripped, muscular and incredibly strong for a lanky guy, this guy gave me quite a battle. He attacks aggressively, but still needs to learn the "finishing skills" to force his opponent to submit. Meanwhile, he acknowledges me as alpha and respectfully received his "marking" as my beta! 💪💪💪 He's mature, fun, and extremely competitive. He hates to lose and is gaining skills quickly. Wrestle him soon, guys, or he will assuredly beat your ass!


LukasHuber is recommended by grafholk (7/22/2019)

... Puh, hartes Treffen ;-). Er ist mir technisch weit überlegen und kämpft offensichtlich sehr regelmäßig.

Seine zahlreichen Tipps konnte ich bei unserem Treffen nicht alle sofort anwenden, so dass ich versucht habe, mich mit meinem Mehr an Gewicht und Größe zu behaupten.

Das ist mir halbwegs gelungen, so dass ich hoffe, auch er ist gut gefordert gewesen. Ich hab' jedenfalls jede Menge Körner gelassen und von daher hat es sich schon gelohnt.

Alles um den Kampf herum war super easy und angenehm.

Wer wirklich seine Kräfte testen will, sollte mit ihm auf die Matte.
