First Masters Boxing Fight: Epilogue
- AussieBoxer
- 11/04/2024
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First Masters Boxing Fight Result
- AussieBoxer
- 11/02/2024
- 39
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Today I lost my first Masters Boxing Fight by TKO referee stoppage in the first round.
My opponent was taller, heavier, faster and came at me hard from the opening bell.
I countered and landed some clean shots, but these did not faze him, and he just kept up a barrage of combination punches.
I kept my form and composure, but the referee stopped us and gave me a standing-eight count. I indicated I was fine and wanted to fight on. I managed to slip under a straight right I saw coming but stumbled a bit moving to my left, which allowed him to throw another barrage, trapping me in a corner. I was trying to weave my way out of the corner when the referee stopped the fight.
I don't feel hard done by. I believe the referee thought we were mismatched and stopped the fight before I could get hurt, so he was doing his job.
My trainer said he thought my opponent, although fighting in the Cadet category (no previous Masters matches), probably had an extensive amateur boxing record, judging by his skill level. I was also fighting at the lower end of the welterweight division, which at Masters Boxing ranges from 65.1 to 72.5 kg. I would say my opponent probably outweighed me by 10kg. I have done well sparring against taller and heavier opponents, but a competition fight is another thing altogether, and competitive fight experience was what I was lacking.
I am sporting a bit of colour under my right eye, but I was examined and given the all-clear by the ring doctor after the fight, and I feel fine, physically and mentally. In fact, I feel very good.
I have done something I would never have dared do not all that long ago.
I am in the best shape of my life, and enjoyed a glass of riesling, a veal scallopine limone and nutella profiteroles for post-fight dinner with my friends/fellow competitors/sparring partners and our trainer. Goodbye weight-cutting! None of us will return to Adelaide with gold medals, but this has been a wonderful experience for us all.
The standard of the Boxing at these Masters Games was outstandingly high. I return home a better boxer and person.
First Masters Boxing Fight tomorrow
- AussieBoxer
- 11/01/2024
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First Masters Boxing Fight: 5 days to go
- AussieBoxer
- 10/29/2024
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First Masters Boxing Fight: 5 days to go
- AussieBoxer
- 10/29/2024
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With 5 days to go until my first sanctioned, scored fight at the Pan Pacific Masters Games at the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia on Saturday November 2nd, my fellow fighters and I are now in light training mode, the final phase of our program. We did a photo shoot, tried our red and blue amateur-style boxing kits on for size, and did a few shadowboxing and heavy bag rounds. Fine-tuned a few things. Feeling great. As I got off the train to work this morning, a young man I didn't recognise greeted me by name as if I were some celebrity. I still can't recall if he was a student I used to teach or not, but it’s something I'll take with me!