Box Fest (Fall 2025) 10/04/2025

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Event Overview
  • OrganizerBoxer1990
  • Closed attendanceThis event is private. Attendees must be confirmed by the event organizers and details are hidden from non-attendees.
  • Date
    10/04/2025 9:23 AM
    (Saturday, in 213 days)

    The event's time zone is based on its location.
  • Deadline to apply
    (Friday, in 149 days)
  • Number of attendees
    64 attendees
  • State
  • Chat room
  • Event location
    USA - California

Fees include:

- Boxing Gym Rental (pricing to come)

Quick Chat
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You must be participating in this event to view the content.
Event Description

Hello Boxers!

Yes the rumors are true! We have been gathering ideas and feedback for Box Fest during the Fall of 2025! The reason for this is to allow people to have plenty of time to plan and save.

The event will take place in Los Angeles, CA at Fig4mans gym in West Hollywood (exact location TBA) on October 4th, 2025 and October 5th, 2024. There will be no fee. I couldn't remove the fee from above but there will be none

While I myself enjoy the erotic side of it, this is not that type of event. So if that is what you are looking for, this is not the event for you.

Any feedback and ideas are always encouraged and I hope this can be a fun event for all of us. If highly interested please select you would like to attend. ONLY if you are strongly considering coming. We'll need accurate numbers. It would be a shame to have a lot of flakes say they are attending and are a no show. We don't want that.

Looking forward to seeing many of you at the event and hoping it is something for us all to remember! More details to come!

Guest book
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Content related to this event is only available to attendees.

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