Future Opponents Any style Olympic / Greco-Roman Submission No holds barred Pro wrestling Sumo Boxing Kickboxing / Muay thai Judo Just watching Your Invitations Browse Popular Archive 69 future opponents found.Page 1/6123456Next kuriensk VS rohitmehera15093/23/2025Kochi, Kerala, India 4 6Show InkedRican VS Mac4funQLD3/23/2025Stockton, USA - California 1 4Show chrisWWW1991 VS rohitmehera15093/23/2025Kanayannur, Kerala, India 4 5Show A rematch YEARS in the making!3/23/2025orlando, USA - Florida 23 14Show Amateur Fighter VS LuchadorChinito (2-day big fight)3/24/2025Bologna, Italy 18 12Show stuttgart grappling VS Ronaldo453/24/2025Stuttgart פרדסיה, מחוז המרכז, Germany 6 2Show GlovesUpGuy VS muythai3/25/2025Raleigh, USA - Iowa 9 4Show Punjabimunda VS unfettered1083/25/2025Toronto, Canada - Ontario 4 0Show Cdncplfight VS testofstrength553/25/2025Ottawa, Canada - Ontario 23 18Show sharkffm VS MOSPORTY253/25/2025Frankfurt am Main, Germany 1 0Show Pennsypinner VS rasslerfullnelson3/26/2025Shartlesville, USA - Pennsylvania 8 5Show Rematch for the Heavyweight Southern Title3/26/2025Orlando, USA - Florida 22 17Show69 future opponents found.Page 1/6123456Next