Age should not come into competive or fun matches. However I have had guys who are more into the erotic side and not wishing to be nasty i just dont fancy in the first instance. competive and fun matches i dont mind with all ages but for me if its erotic i do have to fancy as well and is not the same thing age wise and other factors. Just wish people wouldnt automically think that .
Having reached a ...well, frankly ripe old age of 51 yrs old, I find that I can see both sides. But I think the fantasy-type fighting is not relegated to only older men. There are quite a few of us seniors who actually train in some type of MMA. I have also met some older guys who at one point fought competitively, but no longer do so because of injuries they have suffered. Likewise, I have met several young men who would rather do a fantasy fight and are afraid of a real match. "Youth is wasted on the young." I wish I had realized how much I enjoy this when I was in my twenties, as opposed to my forties! Lastly, it is a myth that all older men hound younger guys. When I was in my 20's, I always admired the older, more muscled men in their 30's and 40's. While I appreciate the young/pretty look, I'd much rather face a seasoned opponent with experience.
With different generations you get differences in culture.
I've been chatting to several young guys recently who are interested in wrestling, and to most of them their definition of wrestling is much more along the lines of MMA/UFC rather than WWE or BritPro. In other words, they are interested in (and in some cases practice) actual martial arts. They have no interest in any type of fantasy/pretend fighting.
A lot of guys on gay sites like this are of an age when there was no UFC or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, so the image of wrestling ingrained in their minds is the old WoS or WWF/WWE theatrics. Also, it was a less liberated time when it was much more rare for a gay man to get involved in something like judo or karate. In the UK there has never been a tradition of Greco-Roman wrestling like there is in the US (and similar traditions in other countries). It was Big Daddy or nothing.
Today things are different. MMA is getting more popular and widespread every day, and to young guys it has the special appeal of being REAL. It stands apart from pro/WWE, which they look down on as being camp choreography, a million miles away from the real thing. If you log onto a site like Sherdog you will find the majority of the users are in their twenties or late teens, and many of them are interested in grappling because this is one of the basic elements of UFC.
some on this site think its just about fighting and that its wrong for any erotic element to enter into it (more likely they don't understand themselves)
This made me laugh. I find it endlessly amusing that there are so many gay men who are unable to contemplate the possibility that you can be a gay man and NOT have every single aspect of your life coloured by your sexuality. Priceless.
Just found this discussion, and found it interesting reading everybody's comments. I too am an 'older' guy and to me what matters is whether two people can have a good time wrestling or whatever, regardless of age. Barriers are all in our own minds. But I understand the view of younger men; when i was 20 someone of 25, was 'old', to me. Just a reflection of your own immaturity and lack of experience. Once you get to 25 plus I think you start to become more tolerant and realise that age isas someone said a number. But yes - we all have our preferences. For me age IS irrelevant, but if you want to wrestle I think you need to be fit, and also to consider what the other person wants, so between you, you can both have a good time. My main issue is with the 'purists' - some on this site think its just about fighting and that its wrong for any erotic element to enter into it (more likely they don't understand themselves), others that its just sex in wrestling gear. Most guys I think see it as a mixture of the two, in the same way as human sexuality is all shades of grey... in my view. Amuses me when silly people find stuff'wierd' or shock/horror! you'd wrestle a WOMAN!! Get a life haha!!
I like profile which don't have ages listed. Some of the hottest guys are over 40 and some 20 year olds are awesome mainly because they are hot and just because they have the right attitude and the right likes and dislikes the same as I have. personally I am hot for some guys because they are more mature and know what to do with their bodies and it turns me on. then I see a young guy that turns me on because he is youthful and inexperienced and likes to be overpowered. All ages have there good points for me.
here's an interesting question for you. Now i have wrestled guys from 18 to 60. all weights and experiences and all over the world. I train at an MMA club weekly for 2 reasons - 1) i want to get better and 2) I am getting old and like to keep fit. I can wrestle for hours and pride myself on wrestling non stop with a 26ys for 8hrs (water only). I know he has left the site again but I disagree with fitsports comment. Its not weird wrestling anyone regardless of age. I am 15 yrs old than the next guy at my club and they don't have an issue with it and we all go drinking together. Randy Coulture is a legend to most guys that follow serious fighting but he is 48 years old. If he offered you a free training session would you turn is down because your 22 so must make him creepy. Come on!! Mattmalia makes a good point and is learning from older guys but we also learn from younger sometimes. Finally, being younger or a muscle guys does not give you stamina. I have wrestled some studs that could only last 45mins yet i have met 2 300lbs guys who went non stop for 3 hours. I conclusion, it is about preference and we can all have it in different ways but if you wanna wrestle then age is should never be an issue. Too many guys including a lot of young ones really find the wrestling erotic rather than competitive. I think if that is what they are really looking for then off course they can say no to any off us. Just don't pretend your here for the wrestling.
I have had great matches with guys in their 20's, 30's, 40s, 50s, and occasionally 60s.
I think conditioning and attitude matter more than age. Training helps too... I'm 41 and I didn't start sports until age 34 or so. I am a better athlete than I was at 20, 25, 30, or 35.
Now and then, some guy on this site will tell me I am too old. Their loss.
Have wrestled older and younger guys..To me, it's definitely not about the age, but rather how fit and able-to-go-the-distance the other guy is. I prefer a VERY competitive match and for that to happen for me, the other guy has to be in great physical condition/skilled. In that respect, I've found there are as many younger guys as older men that dont fit the bill. For me, wrestling is a test of how strong/tough/skilled you can be a combination of all those at almost any age
Age is only a number to me. I look for the attitude and personality of an opponent. I tend to prefer other mature men near my age because we tend understand that this is just not about physical issues, but for other well-rounded things as well. A good opponent will bring all of these aspects to a match, regardless of age.
With the greatest of respect, I think that the younger guys should also understand that many older guys prefer to wrestle people of their own age and that with age comes greater strength and cunning in combat. The presumption should not be that younger people have the higher ground either in terms of fitness, fighting skills or in terms of sexual desirability.
I got into wrestling when around 20 with guy of 44, good looking fit guy-he was great fun to wrestle with , he had another agenda as well but let things happen rather than force them. However one thing people should try to do always is respect the feeligns and opinions of others and if a young man does not like the idea of wreslting with an older guy thats entirely his right he shouldnt be abusive in declining and equally his opion shouldnt be challenged.
If you are older you should be a bit wiser and that wisdom should include the knowledge that younger people are not always as thoughtful or tolerant as older ones.
So a bit of understanding both ways can help-if you are an 'older guy' understand that some younger guys may not like the idea of hooking up with you and if you are younger remember that if you are lucky in life you will be an older guy one day and treat people the way you would like to be treated.
We all have one thing in common on this site so lets respect each other because of that shared interest. If the answer has to be 'no' make it a polite one on the one hand and to accept rejection with good grace on the other.
I was in my early twenties when I had my first private matches, all much older guys : I learnt so much. They were all reliable and honest. Just my experience.
Experience over age. I'm young and I've only ever met older to wrestle. but that is essentially irrelevant, I think you can learn more off wrestling an older guy as, he could have been into it longer and therefore be more experienced, but also since when has age stopped people being competitive ? I recently went against an older guy who had a heart by pass and he gave me a good match, age isn't a huge factor in my opionion but I do think experience can be sometimes.
There are enlightened younger men who don't have hang-ups around age nor (casually) use damning language like "weird" to describe any cross-generational contact let alone friendship/relationship. The hang-up over age does NOT belong to older guys. Also, not all midlife/older men necessarily want to have sex with younger men and vice versa. I guess I have always gone for men 30 or 40 plus even when in my 20s.
Point to be noted, why is it always younger men who assume that we are desperate to get into their speedos, singlets whatever or are jealous of them in some way? Are younger men the epitome of desirability? What counts as attractive, socially engaging anyway and who arrogates the right to define or pontificate on it from on high? Is attraction limited to the body's surface alone (which you can soon go off if that's all they have) or the whole person? (which is what keeps a friendship/relationship going). Personally, 20s do little for me sexually and intellectually if the comment below is typical. But, I might want to wrestle one and have a chat/beer afterwards like two grown-up human beings who see age as form of difference but not as a barrier or some kind of father-son mimicry. In this game, nobody forces or obliges anybody to do anything they don't want to do. I think we need to think more creatively and humanely about difference - racial, bodily, and in terms of age etc. Much more intelligent and courageous to stand up and not be duped by media images in the gay and straight press that dictate that only slim, toned, youthful guys/people are worth anything. How limited, limiting and how wrong too. I like this site because you DON'T usually get body fascism here that you get on the bar scene (regardless of age) e.g. for the crime of being fat or not having that monochrome, boring, gay approved look. Let's keep that limited way of thinking out of this site, eh, and keep it real, different and human?
Just like most older men arguing here that age should not matter - well I'd like to ask you something..would most of you wrestle a woman?? If no - then there is your answer too - it's a "preference" - accept it and move on.
Point to be noted - why are such topics always started by older guys and hardly any young ones even want to comment?? I can understand your frustration when a younger guy doesn't want to wrestle you - if you are 50 and the guy is 20.. obviously it's weird for the 20 yr old to be in close physical contact with a guy older than his own father... the exact same way it would be weird for most older gay men to wrestle or have sex with a woman.
I personally find it annoying when a 60 or even 50 year old hits on me...especially if they are fat and out of shape on top of being older.. fact is most older gay men don't want to be with other older men themselves so why blame younger guys for not wanting you???
Thanks Olfbutgoodie. Like to add, you are looking pretty agile for 63. Awesome job. I think that makes a big difference rather than age gaps. If a guy is pretty out of shape and young, that could be the reasoning. And the age wouldnt be a factor. Its all merely preference with most guys. Be they Straight, Bi or Gay.
No offense. I am sure you are all very good wrestlers. I just prefer to hang out with guys around my age. For me its like, if I throw a party, I would not invite my parents generation, I would invite my friends and the people they hang out with, who just happen to be also around this age.
I don't think you would expect to be invited to this kind of party, would you? Sports is the same, for me. I prefer do it with people I would hang out and party with. And I agree this is not because of sex. Its just natural choice for me.
It is disappointing when younger guys aren't interested. As an old, straight guy I understand it to some extent. WE all tend to be judgmental often without sufficient knowledge.
Leatherhound seems to have hit it on the head. Age is merely a number. And it is more about ablity. I dont believe it is ever meant an insult or rejection, when one says, "No Thanks" Even if it is unsexual, there is still a matter of, performance from each opponent. The risk factor has to be considered. It isnt just rejection of a younger guy to an older guy. But also goes the same way. Biggest point is the level of fun for each one involved.
i am definetly "older" by just about anyone's standards. and my sexual tastes aged with me ie i once thought men over 30 should be excluded from saunas in the interest of not being disgusting. now i would not touch a man under 30 and prefer 50+. but what has that to do with fights? simple - most wrestlers want some sexual contact from it. not all but a lot do. so sexual prefs carry over to wrestling. but others are like andy and get their juices flowing from the thrill of a fight. there, age might seem unimportant. but be realistic - there comes an age when you can no longer jump down from a height, when joints are not supple, when bone breaks become more of a risk. and when you just cant even get up as fast as you used to if you go down. if you are in that position,it does not make sense to take on a twink in a fight - unfair to him in having to hold back and humiliating to you knowing he is holding back. conclusion: age matters for sex and beyond a certain point matters a lot for wrestling or boxing/fist fighting. lucky the man whose tastes age with him!!
Interesting discussion. I think the very complex pressures of ageism mean that there are no real or mere innocent personal preferences/choices. I agree with Andy but I dont think we should thank guys for giving us a go. I'd walk away from any younger guy who thought he was doing me a favour by wrestling, having sex or whatever. Although I disagree with MagicTeen's idea that it is only some innocent, neutral preference, he makes a good point in kind of asking whether us guys in midlife would wrestle (erotically or not) guys seen as older or even old. There are some guys post retirement from paid work who are still quite fit and certainly randy. As Dame Edna would say, "They have their juices." I am just finishing my PhD on gay men and ageing. Midlife gay men can be ageist towards younger men dismissing them as scatty, self-obsessed and insubstantial but they also kept away from old/er guys who were more often than not absent from any of the stories told to me in in-depth interviews.
Something to think about.. When an older guy says "age doesn't matter" it usually means "I'm quite happy to wrestle young guys". (Not saying this is always so.)
Well us young guys are like that too! We are happy to wrestle young guys. :)
I couldn't agree more with the previous messages. I cannot see why younger wrestlers always seem to shy away from the older chaps on here. It makes no difference to me or to the match and whilst I am sympathetic if its erotic fighting we're discussing, all other styles should not rely on age discrimination. I fully understand that you can't make anyone wrestle you but it would make for a much more balanced wrestling life if from time to time you came up against guys of all differing ages. I hope that this forum may persuade some younger chaps to take the plunge and challenge us. After all they should be very much fitter and faster than us (speaking for myself of course) Come on chaps lets mix it up a bit.
Wish i knew why age seemed to matter,I think the younger generation seem to see as no fun to wrestle,possibly they think we are not good enough for them as well.
This is where we as older wrestlers boxers and fighters should try and encourage the younger generation to have a go with us and show them we can still have hard matches or soft matches with them without the need for any sex to be involved.
Personally it's the fight or the struggle i get my kicks from.
I still try to get the younger guys to come along to any events i orgonise but have to admit it is very rare that they take the opportunity to do so.
I also look at the Eagle in london on a wednesday night and think HELL it's us older guys that started the whole event off along with Ashley Ryder, But by my 4 visit to the event there were no over 30's wrestlers at it.Reason being that none of the younger wrestlers wanted to wrestle anyone over 30 no matter how many times they were asked.
I realise that personal preferences play a part in this but find it so strange that the majority of them will not give us the chance to prove that we are still able to compete at there levels.
I have to thank the younger guys that have given me the chance to go up against them and they know who they are, I just wish that there were more of them that would take the chance.
Hi Superheavy aged 62, I used to do sub all the time but recently got into pro style, the thing is what a great workout! got a fair old sweat on, and the heart was pumping as we went through the moves.
Any big guiys out there that fancy taking on a Big daddy lookalike get back to me.
It's amazing how often age crops up in the stories we tell. AND most often as ANXIETY not value! It's difficult tho: when I was in me twenties, older guys of abt 50 plus used to scare me a bit. That shows just how is ingrained ageism, which cuts both ways as younger gays can be stereotyped/dismissed as cotton-headed, self-obsessed twinkies. Ageism suffuses our society but seems to be more emphasised within gay male culture, especially on the bar scene. Ageing is perhaps "accelerated" among gay men - you are old before yer time. But, there are other more optimistic stories beginning to emerge from younger and older men who are questioning, perhaps blurring age divisions and what it means to GROW older. Also, the 'western' take on ageing is not universal. Whilst richer, post-industrial countries tend to be age-negative/denying and death defying e.g. botox and cosmetic surgery, other cultures value age/ing. We have much to learn from other cultures and should not therefore see them as a threat and as 'swamping' our own (white British)culture, as if it is natural and pure. That way fascism lies. Anyway, there's an awful lot of cultural work to be done deconstructing age/ism but it is a worthwhile political project if we want to live in a more inclusive society.
Well I am in my sixties and love to fight, and hope to do so as long as I can which should be forever...but it has moslty been boxing, body boxing, and gut punching...I have never been very good at wreslting although I go for it with others in my experience range...also like wrestling with body punching and some CBT as that kind of makes up for some of my lack of wrestling ability...
So to me age is not a problem at all, altohugh I am begining to feel a little out of place with the guys that are really yong, but that really depends on the guy, but I genenrally like older guys mostly bacause we have more in common...
I love wrestling younger guys, am 48, quite fit and we both get a great deal from it, enjoying the experience greatly. My profile pic shows an 18 year old lad being tough on me and winning his bout!
WRESTLING & COACHING FOR THE UNDER 35's Saturday 27th, 12 till 3PM
A SPEEDO-WRESTLERS coaching and wrestling session aimed at guys under 35 who want to wrestle in a group with guys their own age range. We'll be running these sessions monthly for a £10 entry charge and hope they will take off to be weekly at a £5 charge. Anyway it won't happen without YOUR support so if you want to get into this then please indicate your interest and also let your wrestling friends know.
At this early stage we are still very flexible for meeting days and times if Saturday afternoons are not good for you.
The plan is a three hour session (or longer) for guys to get coached in pinfall and submission wrestling in a VERY safe purpose built wrestling environment. We have 16'x16' of fully floor and wall-matted wrestling space.
You'll also get the opportunity to wrestle as often as possible within the time frame. ALL our bouts are refereed to ensure safety and timekeeping is by electronic timer. There is no dress code and you can wear whatever wrestling gear you feel most comfortable in.
For your information; SPEEDO-WRESTLERS is an openly gay/bi all-male wrestling club with its own purpose-built wrestling facility. We organise sessions of SAFE small and large group wrestling and coaching on a weekly basis. We also organise special wrestling events (Saturday evenings usually) on a fortnightly basis. Through this year we hope to expand our activity and also develop the facilities at our Clubhouse considerably.
Just think though, if at the end of the year guys here say "Yea they have all that wrestling kit and do all this wrestling stuff but there is nothing for younger guys!" then it won't be the fault of SPEEDO-WRESTLERS or the guys who volunteer to help organise it!!!
See below for other events planned this and next month ....
Muscle Guyz Wrestling (Bodybuilder or Muscled Wrestlers only) ... £10 Sat 30th 11AM to 4PM
Sat 6th Feb - 11 to 6PM ... HardAndy’s NHB Wrestling & Boxing & Bodypunching (Monthly) ... £10 Sat 6th Feb - 7 to 10PM ... Rip ‘n Strip, Nude & Oil Wrestling Special ... £10 Wed 10th - 7 to 9PM ... Coaching & Wrestling Open Group (Weekly) ... £5 Thurs 18th - 7 to 9PM ... Coaching & Wrestling Open Group (Weekly) ... £5 Tues 23rd - 7 to 9PM ... Coaching & Wrestling Open Group (Weekly) ... £5 Sat 27th - 12 to 3PM ... Under 35’s & Younger Persons Coaching & Wrestling Group (Monthly) ... £10 Sat 27th - 7 to 10PM ... Jockstrap Wrestling & Coaching (Monthly) ... £10
Following on from the discussions here and elsewhere in relation to younger people and wrestling; I'd like to announce the first session of wrestling and coaching aimed at the younger element. The 'younger element' are guys defined as being under 35. Arbitrary? Of course but you have to draw the line somewhere - though I suppose if you were 36 and had a great body the younger guys would not object!!!
As already announced on the SPEEDO-WRESTLERS website the first meeting date will be 12 till 3PM SATURDAY, JANUARY 16th. Coaching will be at the basic, beginner level onwards and the be based developing skills in both pinfall and submission wrestling.
There is a cost for this monthly coaching and wrestling and it is only £10 per session.
As time goes on and the numbers attending increase in size then we'll make the sessions fortnightly and then weekly. However this really depends on the younger element grabbing hold of this new wrestling club meeting and running with it.
There is no expectation of participants wearing speedos as I'm given to believe that the younger guys don't like that but prefer to wear taliban shorts instead. Whatever! It does not matter as it is more important that guys turn up than what they wear. So wear whatever gear you feel makes you more comfortable but just give your initial, at least, support to this and we'll see how it goes.
On the same evening from 7 till 10PM there is a Nudist Wrestling & Coaching Meeting but that is not related to the previous session and is totally separate.
yopu look very sexy, for example, and your wrestling pics really got me hard! to me a man in his fifties or older is a real MALE, i like his body, his hair, bush, whatever, it has something very masculin, a young man, of course, can never have, although wrestling a young guy is also very hot... when i wrestle an 18 year old guy, i am an old man for him - so it depends on the point of view.
I think wrestling can be a perfect workout for older guys, and don’t understand why it is not generally accepted and practised by men of age 60+. Of course on an adapted level, for instance by eliminating risky moves like smashing and by starting from the kneeling position. I don’t care about ageing, my oldest opponent was 71 and it was good & sane wrestling and big fun !
hi Jedi, you are right! in all the years in the gym i also went through several injuries and so ia lso say be careful with my right shoulder or whatever and that´s it! i wouldn´t have any problem in wrestling a guy who is in his sixties or seventies!
The only impact of age are the medical issues that come with it; joints being less flexible are most likely to be an issue. With a sane opponent, that's not a problem. I've wrestled a powerful 70 year old, who during the match said "my leg doesn't go that way any more!", so I adjusted the hold, and made sure I didn't injure him. I've had another opponent, in his early 60's, that said "watch the shoulders", only to then us that to get out of the hold! Being old does not always mean safer or saner!
you are right. it is a thing between two males and to wrestle a mature, experienced man can be very hot! another question is, what is old?? when i was 22, am of 35 was quite old to me, now i am 45 and feel young but in fact, i am old now for most gay guys...
TigerWizard (24)
1/11/2012 11:32 PMAge should not come into competive or fun matches. However I have had guys who are more into the erotic side and not wishing to be nasty i just dont fancy in the first instance. competive and fun matches i dont mind with all ages but for me if its erotic i do have to fancy as well and is not the same thing age wise and other factors. Just wish people wouldnt automically think that .
restle (31)
1/06/2012 1:26 AMold or young... Bring em on. Pro, sub or MMA... Lets Play. Black, White, short or tall Wrestle em all!
WarriorMuscle (34)
1/05/2012 8:03 PMHaving reached a ...well, frankly ripe old age of 51 yrs old, I find that I can see both sides. But I think the fantasy-type fighting is not relegated to only older men. There are quite a few of us seniors who actually train in some type of MMA. I have also met some older guys who at one point fought competitively, but no longer do so because of injuries they have suffered. Likewise, I have met several young men who would rather do a fantasy fight and are afraid of a real match. "Youth is wasted on the young." I wish I had realized how much I enjoy this when I was in my twenties, as opposed to my forties! Lastly, it is a myth that all older men hound younger guys. When I was in my 20's, I always admired the older, more muscled men in their 30's and 40's. While I appreciate the young/pretty look, I'd much rather face a seasoned opponent with experience.
Sturdy (31)
1/04/2012 3:18 PMWith different generations you get differences in culture.
I've been chatting to several young guys recently who are interested in wrestling, and to most of them their definition of wrestling is much more along the lines of MMA/UFC rather than WWE or BritPro. In other words, they are interested in (and in some cases practice) actual martial arts. They have no interest in any type of fantasy/pretend fighting.
A lot of guys on gay sites like this are of an age when there was no UFC or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, so the image of wrestling ingrained in their minds is the old WoS or WWF/WWE theatrics. Also, it was a less liberated time when it was much more rare for a gay man to get involved in something like judo or karate. In the UK there has never been a tradition of Greco-Roman wrestling like there is in the US (and similar traditions in other countries). It was Big Daddy or nothing.
Today things are different. MMA is getting more popular and widespread every day, and to young guys it has the special appeal of being REAL. It stands apart from pro/WWE, which they look down on as being camp choreography, a million miles away from the real thing. If you log onto a site like Sherdog you will find the majority of the users are in their twenties or late teens, and many of them are interested in grappling because this is one of the basic elements of UFC.
some on this site think its just about fighting and that its wrong for any erotic element to enter into it (more likely they don't understand themselves)
This made me laugh. I find it endlessly amusing that there are so many gay men who are unable to contemplate the possibility that you can be a gay man and NOT have every single aspect of your life coloured by your sexuality. Priceless.
gymgeordie (9)
1/04/2012 11:05 AMJust found this discussion, and found it interesting reading everybody's comments. I too am an 'older' guy and to me what matters is whether two people can have a good time wrestling or whatever, regardless of age. Barriers are all in our own minds. But I understand the view of younger men; when i was 20 someone of 25, was 'old', to me. Just a reflection of your own immaturity and lack of experience. Once you get to 25 plus I think you start to become more tolerant and realise that age isas someone said a number. But yes - we all have our preferences. For me age IS irrelevant, but if you want to wrestle I think you need to be fit, and also to consider what the other person wants, so between you, you can both have a good time. My main issue is with the 'purists' - some on this site think its just about fighting and that its wrong for any erotic element to enter into it (more likely they don't understand themselves), others that its just sex in wrestling gear. Most guys I think see it as a mixture of the two, in the same way as human sexuality is all shades of grey... in my view. Amuses me when silly people find stuff'wierd' or shock/horror! you'd wrestle a WOMAN!! Get a life haha!!
Nick444 (1)
12/08/2011 9:18 PMI like profile which don't have ages listed. Some of the hottest guys are over 40 and some 20 year olds are awesome mainly because they are hot and just because they have the right attitude and the right likes and dislikes the same as I have. personally I am hot for some guys because they are more mature and know what to do with their bodies and it turns me on. then I see a young guy that turns me on because he is youthful and inexperienced and likes to be overpowered. All ages have there good points for me.
hardandy312 (44)
11/23/2011 8:34 AMSeems a long time since i started this discussion and it has been very interesting reading back through the comments.
I have to agree fully with Mark uk and thank him for his input on it.
Mark uk (294)
11/23/2011 1:55 AMhere's an interesting question for you. Now i have wrestled guys from 18 to 60. all weights and experiences and all over the world. I train at an MMA club weekly for 2 reasons - 1) i want to get better and 2) I am getting old and like to keep fit. I can wrestle for hours and pride myself on wrestling non stop with a 26ys for 8hrs (water only). I know he has left the site again but I disagree with fitsports comment. Its not weird wrestling anyone regardless of age. I am 15 yrs old than the next guy at my club and they don't have an issue with it and we all go drinking together. Randy Coulture is a legend to most guys that follow serious fighting but he is 48 years old. If he offered you a free training session would you turn is down because your 22 so must make him creepy. Come on!! Mattmalia makes a good point and is learning from older guys but we also learn from younger sometimes. Finally, being younger or a muscle guys does not give you stamina. I have wrestled some studs that could only last 45mins yet i have met 2 300lbs guys who went non stop for 3 hours. I conclusion, it is about preference and we can all have it in different ways but if you wanna wrestle then age is should never be an issue. Too many guys including a lot of young ones really find the wrestling erotic rather than competitive. I think if that is what they are really looking for then off course they can say no to any off us. Just don't pretend your here for the wrestling.
redlandguy (194)
11/20/2011 12:55 AMI have had great matches with guys in their 20's, 30's, 40s, 50s, and occasionally 60s.
I think conditioning and attitude matter more than age. Training helps too... I'm 41 and I didn't start sports until age 34 or so. I am a better athlete than I was at 20, 25, 30, or 35.
Now and then, some guy on this site will tell me I am too old. Their loss.
MississippiJock (117)
10/29/2011 7:50 PMHave wrestled older and younger guys..To me, it's definitely not about the age, but rather how fit and able-to-go-the-distance the other guy is. I prefer a VERY competitive match and for that to happen for me, the other guy has to be in great physical condition/skilled. In that respect, I've found there are as many younger guys as older men that dont fit the bill. For me, wrestling is a test of how strong/tough/skilled you can be a combination of all those at almost any age
Foofnwoo1954 (0)
10/14/2011 9:44 PMAge is only a number to me. I look for the attitude and personality of an opponent. I tend to prefer other mature men near my age because we tend understand that this is just not about physical issues, but for other well-rounded things as well. A good opponent will bring all of these aspects to a match, regardless of age.
MancsMonkey (0)
9/17/2011 12:25 PMWell said, Ironbull. Younger guys are not the benchmark of athleticism nor desirability. They do very little for me either way.
Ironbull (96)
9/17/2011 9:54 AMWith the greatest of respect, I think that the younger guys should also understand that many older guys prefer to wrestle people of their own age and that with age comes greater strength and cunning in combat. The presumption should not be that younger people have the higher ground either in terms of fitness, fighting skills or in terms of sexual desirability.
jaydee (0)
9/15/2011 5:01 PMI got into wrestling when around 20 with guy of 44, good looking fit guy-he was great fun to wrestle with , he had another agenda as well but let things happen rather than force them. However one thing people should try to do always is respect the feeligns and opinions of others and if a young man does not like the idea of wreslting with an older guy thats entirely his right he shouldnt be abusive in declining and equally his opion shouldnt be challenged.
If you are older you should be a bit wiser and that wisdom should include the knowledge that younger people are not always as thoughtful or tolerant as older ones.
So a bit of understanding both ways can help-if you are an 'older guy' understand that some younger guys may not like the idea of hooking up with you and if you are younger remember that if you are lucky in life you will be an older guy one day and treat people the way you would like to be treated.
We all have one thing in common on this site so lets respect each other because of that shared interest. If the answer has to be 'no' make it a polite one on the one hand and to accept rejection with good grace on the other.
brightonbearhug (2)
9/15/2011 2:57 PMI was in my early twenties when I had my first private matches, all much older guys : I learnt so much. They were all reliable and honest. Just my experience.
MattMelia (18)
9/14/2011 6:03 PMExperience over age. I'm young and I've only ever met older to wrestle. but that is essentially irrelevant, I think you can learn more off wrestling an older guy as, he could have been into it longer and therefore be more experienced, but also since when has age stopped people being competitive ? I recently went against an older guy who had a heart by pass and he gave me a good match, age isn't a huge factor in my opionion but I do think experience can be sometimes.
Ironbull (96)
9/13/2011 10:23 PMThe older I get:
+the more I use my life experience to read my opponent to my advantage
+The more I know about holds and tactics
+The cooler my head and the stiffer my resolve
+the stronger I get
+The longer it takes to recover
+The easier it is to have a good time
+The more I like my fellow wrestlers
+The gladder I am that I discovered wrestling all those years ago
MancsMonkey (0)
2/04/2011 1:49 PMThere are enlightened younger men who don't have hang-ups around age nor (casually) use damning language like "weird" to describe any cross-generational contact let alone friendship/relationship. The hang-up over age does NOT belong to older guys. Also, not all midlife/older men necessarily want to have sex with younger men and vice versa. I guess I have always gone for men 30 or 40 plus even when in my 20s.
Point to be noted, why is it always younger men who assume that we are desperate to get into their speedos, singlets whatever or are jealous of them in some way? Are younger men the epitome of desirability? What counts as attractive, socially engaging anyway and who arrogates the right to define or pontificate on it from on high? Is attraction limited to the body's surface alone (which you can soon go off if that's all they have) or the whole person? (which is what keeps a friendship/relationship going). Personally, 20s do little for me sexually and intellectually if the comment below is typical. But, I might want to wrestle one and have a chat/beer afterwards like two grown-up human beings who see age as form of difference but not as a barrier or some kind of father-son mimicry. In this game, nobody forces or obliges anybody to do anything they don't want to do. I think we need to think more creatively and humanely about difference - racial, bodily, and in terms of age etc. Much more intelligent and courageous to stand up and not be duped by media images in the gay and straight press that dictate that only slim, toned, youthful guys/people are worth anything. How limited, limiting and how wrong too. I like this site because you DON'T usually get body fascism here that you get on the bar scene (regardless of age) e.g. for the crime of being fat or not having that monochrome, boring, gay approved look. Let's keep that limited way of thinking out of this site, eh, and keep it real, different and human?
fitsport (9)
2/03/2011 7:30 PMJust like most older men arguing here that age should not matter - well I'd like to ask you something..would most of you wrestle a woman?? If no - then there is your answer too - it's a "preference" - accept it and move on.
Point to be noted - why are such topics always started by older guys and hardly any young ones even want to comment?? I can understand your frustration when a younger guy doesn't want to wrestle you - if you are 50 and the guy is 20.. obviously it's weird for the 20 yr old to be in close physical contact with a guy older than his own father... the exact same way it would be weird for most older gay men to wrestle or have sex with a woman.
I personally find it annoying when a 60 or even 50 year old hits on me...especially if they are fat and out of shape on top of being older.. fact is most older gay men don't want to be with other older men themselves so why blame younger guys for not wanting you???
scubawrestler (91 )
2/02/2011 3:48 AM@Rough Edge: It doesn't matter to me, Brother. Let's hook up when I'm back down your way, again. Sid
Rough Edge (39)
11/30/2010 11:46 PMwell im 48 and I hope it dosent matter
WresMscl (0)
11/28/2010 6:01 PMThanks Olfbutgoodie. Like to add, you are looking pretty agile for 63. Awesome job. I think that makes a big difference rather than age gaps. If a guy is pretty out of shape and young, that could be the reasoning. And the age wouldnt be a factor. Its all merely preference with most guys. Be they Straight, Bi or Gay.
MagicTeen (3)
11/28/2010 5:40 PMNo offense. I am sure you are all very good wrestlers. I just prefer to hang out with guys around my age. For me its like, if I throw a party, I would not invite my parents generation, I would invite my friends and the people they hang out with, who just happen to be also around this age.
I don't think you would expect to be invited to this kind of party, would you? Sports is the same, for me. I prefer do it with people I would hang out and party with. And I agree this is not because of sex. Its just natural choice for me.
Bomber (20)
11/28/2010 5:10 PMWell said WresMscl.
It is disappointing when younger guys aren't interested. As an old, straight guy I understand it to some extent. WE all tend to be judgmental often without sufficient knowledge.
WresMscl (0)
11/28/2010 5:03 PMLeatherhound seems to have hit it on the head. Age is merely a number. And it is more about ablity. I dont believe it is ever meant an insult or rejection, when one says, "No Thanks" Even if it is unsexual, there is still a matter of, performance from each opponent. The risk factor has to be considered. It isnt just rejection of a younger guy to an older guy. But also goes the same way. Biggest point is the level of fun for each one involved.
leatherhound (0)
11/28/2010 3:50 PMi am definetly "older" by just about anyone's standards. and my sexual tastes aged with me ie i once thought men over 30 should be excluded from saunas in the interest of not being disgusting. now i would not touch a man under 30 and prefer 50+. but what has that to do with fights? simple - most wrestlers want some sexual contact from it. not all but a lot do. so sexual prefs carry over to wrestling. but others are like andy and get their juices flowing from the thrill of a fight. there, age might seem unimportant. but be realistic - there comes an age when you can no longer jump down from a height, when joints are not supple, when bone breaks become more of a risk. and when you just cant even get up as fast as you used to if you go down. if you are in that position,it does not make sense to take on a twink in a fight - unfair to him in having to hold back and humiliating to you knowing he is holding back. conclusion: age matters for sex and beyond a certain point matters a lot for wrestling or boxing/fist fighting. lucky the man whose tastes age with him!!
MancsMonkey (0)
11/27/2010 11:45 AMInteresting discussion. I think the very complex pressures of ageism mean that there are no real or mere innocent personal preferences/choices. I agree with Andy but I dont think we should thank guys for giving us a go. I'd walk away from any younger guy who thought he was doing me a favour by wrestling, having sex or whatever. Although I disagree with MagicTeen's idea that it is only some innocent, neutral preference, he makes a good point in kind of asking whether us guys in midlife would wrestle (erotically or not) guys seen as older or even old. There are some guys post retirement from paid work who are still quite fit and certainly randy. As Dame Edna would say, "They have their juices." I am just finishing my PhD on gay men and ageing. Midlife gay men can be ageist towards younger men dismissing them as scatty, self-obsessed and insubstantial but they also kept away from old/er guys who were more often than not absent from any of the stories told to me in in-depth interviews.
MagicTeen (3)
11/27/2010 9:02 AMSomething to think about.. When an older guy says "age doesn't matter" it usually means "I'm quite happy to wrestle young guys". (Not saying this is always so.)
Well us young guys are like that too! We are happy to wrestle young guys. :)
hardandy312 (44)
11/26/2010 5:06 PMDual Action,you are so correct , It should make no difference in any fighting apart from an erotic match.!!
duel action (18)
11/25/2010 6:39 PMI couldn't agree more with the previous messages. I cannot see why younger wrestlers always seem to shy away from the older chaps on here. It makes no difference to me or to the match and whilst I am sympathetic if its erotic fighting we're discussing, all other styles should not rely on age discrimination. I fully understand that you can't make anyone wrestle you but it would make for a much more balanced wrestling life if from time to time you came up against guys of all differing ages. I hope that this forum may persuade some younger chaps to take the plunge and challenge us. After all they should be very much fitter and faster than us (speaking for myself of course) Come on chaps lets mix it up a bit.
hardandy312 (44)
11/25/2010 2:42 PMWish i knew why age seemed to matter,I think the younger generation seem to see as no fun to wrestle,possibly they think we are not good enough for them as well.
This is where we as older wrestlers boxers and fighters should try and encourage the younger generation to have a go with us and show them we can still have hard matches or soft matches with them without the need for any sex to be involved.
Personally it's the fight or the struggle i get my kicks from.
I still try to get the younger guys to come along to any events i orgonise but have to admit it is very rare that they take the opportunity to do so.
I also look at the Eagle in london on a wednesday night and think HELL it's us older guys that started the whole event off along with Ashley Ryder, But by my 4 visit to the event there were no over 30's wrestlers at it.Reason being that none of the younger wrestlers wanted to wrestle anyone over 30 no matter how many times they were asked.
I realise that personal preferences play a part in this but find it so strange that the majority of them will not give us the chance to prove that we are still able to compete at there levels.
I have to thank the younger guys that have given me the chance to go up against them and they know who they are, I just wish that there were more of them that would take the chance.
The Troll (0)
10/19/2010 7:15 PMHi Superheavy aged 62, I used to do sub all the time but recently got into pro style, the thing is what a great workout! got a fair old sweat on, and the heart was pumping as we went through the moves.
Any big guiys out there that fancy taking on a Big daddy lookalike get back to me.
MancsMonkey (0)
10/18/2010 11:39 AMIt's amazing how often age crops up in the stories we tell. AND most often as ANXIETY not value! It's difficult tho: when I was in me twenties, older guys of abt 50 plus used to scare me a bit. That shows just how is ingrained ageism, which cuts both ways as younger gays can be stereotyped/dismissed as cotton-headed, self-obsessed twinkies. Ageism suffuses our society but seems to be more emphasised within gay male culture, especially on the bar scene. Ageing is perhaps "accelerated" among gay men - you are old before yer time. But, there are other more optimistic stories beginning to emerge from younger and older men who are questioning, perhaps blurring age divisions and what it means to GROW older. Also, the 'western' take on ageing is not universal. Whilst richer, post-industrial countries tend to be age-negative/denying and death defying e.g. botox and cosmetic surgery, other cultures value age/ing. We have much to learn from other cultures and should not therefore see them as a threat and as 'swamping' our own (white British)culture, as if it is natural and pure. That way fascism lies. Anyway, there's an awful lot of cultural work to be done deconstructing age/ism but it is a worthwhile political project if we want to live in a more inclusive society.
bifighter (0)
10/18/2010 1:22 AMWell I am in my sixties and love to fight, and hope to do so as long as I can which should be forever...but it has moslty been boxing, body boxing, and gut punching...I have never been very good at wreslting although I go for it with others in my experience range...also like wrestling with body punching and some CBT as that kind of makes up for some of my lack of wrestling ability...
So to me age is not a problem at all, altohugh I am begining to feel a little out of place with the guys that are really yong, but that really depends on the guy, but I genenrally like older guys mostly bacause we have more in common...
Jeansman (0)
10/17/2010 6:13 PMI love wrestling younger guys, am 48, quite fit and we both get a great deal from it, enjoying the experience greatly. My profile pic shows an 18 year old lad being tough on me and winning his bout!
iainscott 8 (45)
1/28/2010 6:40 PMWRESTLING & COACHING FOR THE UNDER 35's Saturday 27th, 12 till 3PM
A SPEEDO-WRESTLERS coaching and wrestling session aimed at guys under 35 who want to wrestle in a group with guys their own age range. We'll be running these sessions monthly for a £10 entry charge and hope they will take off to be weekly at a £5 charge. Anyway it won't happen without YOUR support so if you want to get into this then please indicate your interest and also let your wrestling friends know.
At this early stage we are still very flexible for meeting days and times if Saturday afternoons are not good for you.
The plan is a three hour session (or longer) for guys to get coached in pinfall and submission wrestling in a VERY safe purpose built wrestling environment. We have 16'x16' of fully floor and wall-matted wrestling space.
You'll also get the opportunity to wrestle as often as possible within the time frame. ALL our bouts are refereed to ensure safety and timekeeping is by electronic timer. There is no dress code and you can wear whatever wrestling gear you feel most comfortable in.
For your information; SPEEDO-WRESTLERS is an openly gay/bi all-male wrestling club with its own purpose-built wrestling facility. We organise sessions of SAFE small and large group wrestling and coaching on a weekly basis. We also organise special wrestling events (Saturday evenings usually) on a fortnightly basis. Through this year we hope to expand our activity and also develop the facilities at our Clubhouse considerably.
Just think though, if at the end of the year guys here say "Yea they have all that wrestling kit and do all this wrestling stuff but there is nothing for younger guys!" then it won't be the fault of SPEEDO-WRESTLERS or the guys who volunteer to help organise it!!!
See below for other events planned this and next month ....
Muscle Guyz Wrestling (Bodybuilder or Muscled Wrestlers only) ... £10 Sat 30th 11AM to 4PM
Sat 6th Feb - 11 to 6PM ... HardAndy’s NHB Wrestling & Boxing & Bodypunching (Monthly) ... £10 Sat 6th Feb - 7 to 10PM ... Rip ‘n Strip, Nude & Oil Wrestling Special ... £10 Wed 10th - 7 to 9PM ... Coaching & Wrestling Open Group (Weekly) ... £5 Thurs 18th - 7 to 9PM ... Coaching & Wrestling Open Group (Weekly) ... £5 Tues 23rd - 7 to 9PM ... Coaching & Wrestling Open Group (Weekly) ... £5 Sat 27th - 12 to 3PM ... Under 35’s & Younger Persons Coaching & Wrestling Group (Monthly) ... £10 Sat 27th - 7 to 10PM ... Jockstrap Wrestling & Coaching (Monthly) ... £10
iainscott 8 (45)
1/10/2010 8:40 PMHi,
Following on from the discussions here and elsewhere in relation to younger people and wrestling; I'd like to announce the first session of wrestling and coaching aimed at the younger element. The 'younger element' are guys defined as being under 35. Arbitrary? Of course but you have to draw the line somewhere - though I suppose if you were 36 and had a great body the younger guys would not object!!!
As already announced on the SPEEDO-WRESTLERS website the first meeting date will be 12 till 3PM SATURDAY, JANUARY 16th. Coaching will be at the basic, beginner level onwards and the be based developing skills in both pinfall and submission wrestling.
There is a cost for this monthly coaching and wrestling and it is only £10 per session.
As time goes on and the numbers attending increase in size then we'll make the sessions fortnightly and then weekly. However this really depends on the younger element grabbing hold of this new wrestling club meeting and running with it.
There is no expectation of participants wearing speedos as I'm given to believe that the younger guys don't like that but prefer to wear taliban shorts instead. Whatever! It does not matter as it is more important that guys turn up than what they wear. So wear whatever gear you feel makes you more comfortable but just give your initial, at least, support to this and we'll see how it goes.
On the same evening from 7 till 10PM there is a Nudist Wrestling & Coaching Meeting but that is not related to the previous session and is totally separate.
germanwerewolf (0)
12/18/2009 12:30 AMyopu look very sexy, for example, and your wrestling pics really got me hard! to me a man in his fifties or older is a real MALE, i like his body, his hair, bush, whatever, it has something very masculin, a young man, of course, can never have, although wrestling a young guy is also very hot... when i wrestle an 18 year old guy, i am an old man for him - so it depends on the point of view.
wrestle4kicks (57)
12/17/2009 2:41 PMI think wrestling can be a perfect workout for older guys, and don’t understand why it is not generally accepted and practised by men of age 60+. Of course on an adapted level, for instance by eliminating risky moves like smashing and by starting from the kneeling position. I don’t care about ageing, my oldest opponent was 71 and it was good & sane wrestling and big fun !
germanwerewolf (0)
12/17/2009 2:01 AMhi Jedi, you are right! in all the years in the gym i also went through several injuries and so ia lso say be careful with my right shoulder or whatever and that´s it! i wouldn´t have any problem in wrestling a guy who is in his sixties or seventies!
Jedi (38)
12/15/2009 7:04 PMThe only impact of age are the medical issues that come with it; joints being less flexible are most likely to be an issue. With a sane opponent, that's not a problem. I've wrestled a powerful 70 year old, who during the match said "my leg doesn't go that way any more!", so I adjusted the hold, and made sure I didn't injure him. I've had another opponent, in his early 60's, that said "watch the shoulders", only to then us that to get out of the hold! Being old does not always mean safer or saner!
germanwerewolf (0)
12/15/2009 12:15 AMyou are right. it is a thing between two males and to wrestle a mature, experienced man can be very hot! another question is, what is old?? when i was 22, am of 35 was quite old to me, now i am 45 and feel young but in fact, i am old now for most gay guys...
waltermil (0)
12/14/2009 12:07 AMI would think that when wrestling, the main thing is the male to male struggling.
Why does age matter to some?