First fist fight

baltimoredude29 (0)

12/29/2023 1:08 PM

True story -
I was about ten and at the pool with my mom and best friend Tony. Tony had two best friends - me and Sean. Tony was like 9 and Sean 9 too. We were friends too up until this day, and after, but mostly just cuz Tony. I’m a ginger, Sean’s blond, Tony was Italian with a dark mop. Sean and I were slimmer more athletic builds with Tony slightly bigger.

We were horsing around in the pool and I forget what made me do it.. I think he splashed me and it got in my eye and we were wrestling… playing around but wrestling. So I put him in a surfboard stretch - but really dug my knee into his back and pulled his arms back as far as they’d go for real. Once I had him locked in we both used all our strength - me to keep him in it and him to get out of it. He screamed/yelped like a girl. I let go when I realized I probably took it too far and hurt him. As soon as I let go he yelled in my face “that fucking hurt!” And he jumped on me dunking me underwater. Then he put me in the same surfboard stretch and taunted me “how do you like it?” “OK dude get off me!” I grunted- he was growling as he drove his knee into my back. I managed to free my arms from his barely with a lot of my strength and now I was pissed. The lifeguard blew the whistle but we had just gotten started. I was going to get back in his face and figured we’d just scream it out but when we charged through the water at one another and met face to face he quickly smacked me across my face so hard my cheek was red that evening. Some of our friends laughed and that really pissed me off cuz now I was embarrassed and on the verge of tears. “I hate you!” I screamed into his face - we were nose to nose and nostrils flaring. Then I grabbed him by the neck as he tried to choke me and we went under. Underwater we let go of eachother but kicked and grabbed hair and clawed at eachother- whenever one boy would come up for air the other would dunk him back down. Tony got between us after a couple rounds of this as our hair was beginning to look like Angry Birds from pulling and we both had cuts and scrapes on our faces and arms from our nails and fists. Even with Tony holding us back from eachother we were both so angry that once we just stood in the pool and were forced to look at eachother we both wanted more blood and grabbed at eachothers faces. “You want more?” I remember him saying and I said “bring it on” and he accidentally scratched me in the eye so I gave him the strongest punch in the nose I could and he started crying as he used one hand to grab a fist of my hair and the other to repeatedly punch me in the face and head. Tony started crying I was crying and Sean was crying by the time the lifeguard separated us. Our moms were screaming at us and made us make up and hug. Afterwards, somebody had to put his nose back in place and I had a black eye for a week. We fought once more that summer in my basement but that ended with us laughing and not taking anything personally though we were really fighting. But we didn’t punch eachother the second fight in my basement we just had been arguing and he tried to bully me and I told him he’s weak and so what started as basically a test of strength disintegrated into kneeing eachother in the balls and gut, pulling eachothers hair, banging eachothers heads on the floor and… well ok we did bite eachother but barely and in places nobody knew… he bit my arm first so I bit him on the side… and just as it was probably about to turn into our second fist fight we had eachother in headlocks and fists full of hair when we looked at eachother and busted out laughing… if not cuz we really didn’t hate eachother probably cuz my mom was coming down the stairs lol. after that through high school Sean and I only confrontations would be resolved in arm wrestling or with words. We both had lots of fights in middle and high school but I think besides his brother I was his first real fist fight as well so I think we sparked something in eachother haha


JiminQueens2 (58)

12/29/2023 11:56 PM

(In reply to this)

Nice story. Mine came at 9 years old.

I was hanging around in the park with my friends and a bunch of kids that I didn't know–one of my friends knew a kid in another group, and a kid in that group knew a kid in a third group, etc., etc., etc. There was one kid that was giving me shit the entire day, even though we didn't know each other and had never met in our lives. I mostly ignored him, so he decided to escalate matters by putting his hand in my face. Not a punch, more like a pat.

So I put MY hand in HIS face by punching him in the mouth. Since I was on the timid side, I'm not sure who was more surprised, him or me. But we both got over our surprise pretty quickly when he charged me and tackled me.

We rolled on the ground for a while, wrestling and punching where we could. I think he even pulled my hair at one point, though we were on the border of "anything REALLY goes and no one thinks twice about it" and "Hair pulling is for GIRLS". All of the other kids were all around us, yelling and cheering us on - which is probably why it wasn't very long before some adults stepped in and separated the two of us. No bruises, no blood, nothing torn, but we were still glaring at each other, so the adults made us leave the park by separate routes.

I never saw the kid again, unfortunately. Afterwards, I couldn't believe I'd hit him, but something in me probably would have liked a rematch.

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