My spartan story

loyalgrunt (3)

2/09/2021 5:59 AM

this is a goodone as well about a wrestling brotherhood of men. been a dream of mine.


alhappyfight (9 )

2/10/2021 2:21 PM

(In reply to this)

Hello Loyal U're a good writer. I like so much, reading ur story, when the oldest stud propose to the younger one to wrestle as ancient Greeks, and when they go quickly naked to start a new fight.
naked sporty hugs from France Alain


loyalgrunt (3)

2/10/2021 2:36 PM

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hiya allhappy yes i love how they love eachother as they are told to live as a greek warrior wrestler. i wish i was clever enough to write this but not me. the author is Ript Jock.

naked sporty hugs


alhappyfight (9 )

2/10/2021 2:42 PM

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okok, thanks for the information Loyal and congratulations to Ripts Jock. Though i would have prefer at the end a brotherhood masturbation than a sodomy, but never mind.


loyalgrunt (3)

2/10/2021 3:19 PM

(In reply to this)

oh yeah me too. or frotage and edging. cock fighting too.


frenchprowrestler (126)

2/09/2021 11:55 AM

(In reply to this)

Great spartan story ! Thanks


loyalgrunt (3)

2/09/2021 2:41 AM

good story. keep it coming. every man's dream including mine to be a spartan warrior and fight and die for your mates.


alhappyfight (9 )

2/08/2021 8:09 PM

Youare a good writer Spartan.


spartan73 (0)

1/30/2021 4:35 PM

Today I begin a serial writing series about my life as a young Spartan hoplite, educated in the art of war and ready at any moment to die in battle to preserve my ideals of justice. The training that I undergo every day is hard and intense, and I want to involve my readers: it requires strong motivation.
I will then begin the adventure, which can start from my memories, which I have since the age of seven, when I was accompanied away from my home. Not by force, it is the Spartan law: the children of my age at the time were taken away from the care of their parents to begin the hard training in the art of warrior.
So imagine a child, in the hot and arid city on the hills of the Peloponnese, holding his mother in his hand for the last time: yes, I was ready for the situation, my father and my mother had prepared me for that day, but when in fact the day came I felt very upset. The role of my parents would be replaced, from that day, by paidonómos, the tutor, and the agoghé began, or the hard period of training that would transform me into a strong man of war.
I had just turned seven a few months ago: in fact, summer had just begun and I had nothing on: nothing strange for the children raised in Sparta: at home, and in my games with other children, we wore no infant clothing, so we would be been tempered and had the ability to move freely. My mother told me to go get ready to leave the house, so I went to put on a thong and introduced myself to the two men who walked me out.
Just a look back at the house where I had lived up to that moment. Life changed.

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