Why do men cockfight?

boredtotears (0)

3/13/2018 11:38 PM

its like wrestlers are saying i am man , mine is bigger than yours/ please


roughrider1954 (0)

2/11/2018 7:26 PM

not fair if one is larger than the other


Bill Tampabay (0)

5/13/2016 5:50 PM

Sexfighting is a conflict between two sexual rivals to test which of their bodies is truly better at sex. In a sexfight the rivals go mouth to mouth, ass to ass, and cock to cock to see whose body, and sexual skill, is superior. This isn't necessarily sexual wrestling or naked fighting as the rivals are trying to prove who is better at sex in a battle of sexual skill and sexual endurance. The rivals are not trying to harm the other, unless stated otherwise. In a sexfight, the rivals attempt to outkiss each other, grind their hard cocks together in attempt to force the other cock to ejaculate, finger each others asses as they kiss, grind, and 69 to prove who's better at sucking dick, and preform various other sexual battles, such as finger fucking your rival's prostate (depending on fetish and preference). In some matches the rivals will insert into each other's ass a double ended dildo so as to outfuck the other. No matter what sexual acts are engaged in with their rival, in the end, the loser is the the man who lost too many types of sexual acts, the man who can no longer cum after hours and hours of sexual contest, or simply the man that came first! There are many ways to do a sexfight, but when it is all said and done, the rivals will know who's cock is stronger. There is no pinning at all, no stopping the other man from sexually touching you. You want him to touch you. You want to go all out at each other in the same way, so you can prove that you are better.

Ideas of "sub" or "dom", "top" or "bottom" should melt away in a sexfight. The point isn't to prove who the dom is between two men, the point is to prove who the better man is, and yes, a sub can sexually be a better man than a dom. Nutfighting, a common act in man to man sexfighting (but not one I see as necessary at all, and am not really looking for) where two rivals attempt to prove whose balls are stronger. They swing their balls into each other, or get into the scissoring position, and try to smash the other man's nuts with his own. This is normally done until one man backs off from the pain, but in some extreme cases can go until one, or both, of the men's nuts pop. Is anyone looking for a trip to the emergency room? The winner of a sexfight usually uses the loser's body as a fucktoy until the winner is finally finished.

I now pause to point out that Emmett00 is most skilled. We have talked of a tag team match with two older, short men for as long as a week-end. Location and motel to be determined. If you are interested, get in touch with Emmett00 as a I travel. Bill Tampabay.


Behindthemask1 (0)

4/14/2024 3:59 AM

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Thanks for this informative explanation of what a CockFight Challenge is between two or more men...


Emmett00 (5)

5/13/2016 9:53 PM

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I enjoyed my sexfight with you, Bill. I'm looking forward to a rematch to avenge my earlier defeat by you. I'm ready to milk you dry by hand or mouth until you can no longer continue and submit. I would also love to be your tag partner in sexfights against other older men. I'm ready to tangle whenever you want, Bill.


grapevine lock (0)

6/04/2016 11:32 PM

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Just reading your comments about sexfights and cock 2 cock has made me so hard Emmett.
Yes alright!!.... I would luv to sexfight you cock 2 cock, I think I would so rub your cock to death. First I would lock our cocks on head to head, shaft to shaft with a tight sexual grapevine pin, my cock would dominate your cock so much that the juices would flow and flow and flow, I know one thing, our cocks would be so sore after the struggle.
That's my sexfight with you and I win!!
Think you can do better, I'm waiting to hear.


Bill Tampabay (0)

5/13/2016 10:52 PM

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Emmett, so now you're the avenger. So now you're going to milk me dry. We will see about that. Bill


Emmett00 (5)

5/13/2016 10:57 PM

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Yes we will, Bill. You're a tough cookie, but I'm capable of defeating you. It will be another classic encounter. Emmett


Bill Tampabay (0)

5/13/2016 10:59 PM

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I get hard just thinking about you. What's your phone number I'll give you a call. Bill


bengoshi (2)

8/07/2016 6:42 PM

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So what was the outcum of the next match? Sounds really hot.


Emmett00 (5)

4/18/2016 4:37 AM

I've been cockfighting and sexfighting since 1982. I still enjoy it a lot. Nothing like getting naked and taking on another naked man to see who would get their cock milked first. It's so hot and horny to cockfight and sexfight.


Andy Bluebear (4)

4/17/2016 6:52 PM

At the end of the day, for a lot of men, your cock represents your manhood...and if you manhood can bear another man's...well then...


grapl (0)

7/29/2014 11:28 AM

It's good to all happen according to the flow at the time. You might start off alternate gut punching, naked. That's a turn on to start with. Then can move to body punching "boxing" & then to diving to grab the other guys cock while he is avoiding capture & trying to get a grip on yours. I got into this as I missed out on fun during puberty due to a puritanical upbringing. Next can come sword fencing, slamming against each other. Next? Wrestling with a hard on is a challenge not to get hurt, but if you are using oil there comes a point where one of you can slam it between the other guys legs and just frot while he gets excited by the grind of the top guy's belly.


Leanbody (0)

6/19/2014 7:01 PM

Frottage is the best way to get someone off I love the way two naked bodies are rubbing and two cocks are rubbing. Love the sexually part of it and and the way it feels I'm smooth and love when two smooth bodies are rubbing a very big turn on for me.


MickeyCool32 (0)

5/31/2014 9:52 PM

think it sees how good a guy is at maintaining erections, controlling cum and orgasm etc but i like both the competition aspect and turned on by the sexual aspect too love frot too


SFFight (70)

5/29/2014 3:53 PM

There are numerous types of cockfights - stroking contents for cum (first to cum loses or second to cum wins after each cum for the first time) or grinding cocks against one another or any part of your body. For me it is more about cock and cum control (either both or one of the two) and more sexual in nature because cum is involved. Since I am into frottage as well, it fits into the same type of matchup - for me, a frot fight is a struggle for a position to grind on your opponent, fighting to hold the position and fighting/grinding to make the other guy cum.


tall man 66 (0)

6/05/2014 7:19 PM

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One aspect of cock fighting I like most is to box my opponents cock with my own...mixed in with fighting for physical dominance by wrestling and body punching. Besides just grinding, pulling back and slamming shaft into shaft and cock into cock head is the real test of how big, hard and dominant a cock is...holding my cock head against another man's thick cock head and trying to see who's shaft bends first...who can stand to slap his cock the hardest, slamming erect cocks together till one collapses!


jason (27)

5/29/2014 8:14 PM

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I find that as the match continues and clothes are ripped off, that it all involves a cock fight and who will cum first. I always try to get my opponent to cum first as it drains him and becomes somewhat easier for a pin or submission.


MickeyCool32 (0)

5/28/2014 2:23 AM

i am guessing it can be simply a contest or can be a contest but also turn each other on. i think if its just rubbing cocks to stimulate thats not really a fight and you can have a contest and stimulate each other after too so its a complex thing


MickeyCool32 (0)

5/28/2014 2:14 AM

cocks a muscle like any other it can be a dominance thing but i guess more gay and bi guys like it but then some people like naked wrestling and they are straight


gabortoulouse (2)

7/01/2013 2:52 PM

Hello all I'm really sorry, but I dont understand, even reading these posts, what is cock fight. Comparison of cocks ?


Tynesider (82)

7/08/2013 7:30 AM

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My understanding is that it means two men clashing each other's cocks against each other.

Google it for other interpretations.


gabortoulouse (2)

7/15/2013 12:01 PM

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Already googled it, but... lot of interpretations ;-)

Thx a lot anyway


postman2pat123pin (1)

5/15/2013 5:58 PM

love to cockfight,plain and simple it turns me on


maturewrestler51 (12)

2/05/2013 12:37 AM

It's a competition, plain and simple.


midmich65 (1)

3/16/2018 12:17 PM

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I have been interested in this style for a few years now, and I agree, just another way to test your mind and body against a rival


job4heel (7)

5/16/2013 4:22 AM

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I just dont understand the term. Sounds like a term for getting "off"


Lildicky (0)

2/01/2013 3:01 AM

I can see the bi-gay interest, but for me it is more of a naked fight between two men gay or not. Men have cocks, so that is why I use term cockfight. For cat fight, women have pussies or kitties, so I use the cat fight term for their nudefights. To me sexfight is universal and implies sex not fighting and I rarely use that term. Even in loser sucks winner, or stakes like cbt and stuff is not gay or sexy, but humiliating to lose. Sexfight though for me is more of a gay/bi thing because the whole thing is sex not fight, so not my thing because I prefer sex with women :)


bassman (40)

1/31/2013 3:44 PM

I would have thought it was just a gay or bi thing. I know a few straight guys on here that would not entertain it. Part of the fun for me is the thrust action, and an erect cock has more impact for both parties. A pleasurable part of it can be when the cocks get entwined and when you're still you can feel them pulsate. Havent had one for a while, I must try and find a suitable opponent lol.


glovelover (4)

3/15/2018 6:47 PM

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Cockboxing is like a frotfight, with the leather boxing gloves put to use! See my free blog at <http://kinkyboxer.tumblr.com/archive>;


Lildicky (0)

1/31/2013 12:03 AM

To get their women to cat fight?


jerrodyo (1)

2/03/2012 6:37 PM

Good in a few ways for me... Have a cock that is under medium size, It some times allows me to psychologically best some of you bigger guys and frankly, some times the bigger guys put me in place as I'm cocky,handsome & built and get carried away with my own good looks. Please log in to view gallery photos.


The Troll (0)

11/25/2011 7:16 PM

I once wrestled Crusher from Stockport. We met in a front room and there was not a lot of space. We started kneeling. Crusher is very strong lad and he got me on my back.I trid to turn him but could not move him, I soon found that he was hrd and was slowly thrusting against me. It was a very erotic experience as we thrust against each other, my cock slipped out the side of my trunks as i battled to gain supremacy I pulled his trunks up his arse for purchase. He would not move and eventually i was hard as iron being frotted. He was the better man on hat occassion and when he cummed me I actually felt my back give so strong was the ejaculation. Crusher, if you read this I want a return.


bifighter (0)

11/15/2011 8:52 PM

Not wanting to be too cerebral about it, I just like it whenever it happens to happen…also big into cock and or ball control and even cbt while fighting in other styles…

But when it comes to straight cock fighting, then there is the just plain seeing if I can turn the other man enough to get him off before he gets me off…gay, straight, or bi, it doesn’t matter, it is all about cuming, belly to belly and cock to cock man to man it is just plain hot and fun...

Not to mention the loser having to suck the winner off while the losers cum is still running down the winners cock so the loser gets a good taste of his own cum as well as the winners, like I said, just plain fun…women do the same thing bi the way, grinding pussys into each other when they are fighting to see who can get the other off first…my ex was big on that… And we both enjoyed watching the other doing it as well as being watched…


Foofnwoo1954 (0)

10/14/2011 9:51 PM

I do this type of fighting for the competition, comparison and the physical/emotional release it brings, not to inflict pain or for domination. Generally mature men tend to look at this in this manner, doing it just to build a bond with another good man.


Ironbull (96)

10/09/2011 4:14 PM

I think the boundary between gay and straight is highly blurred and the unique sexual chemistry between straight men totally ignored. Why equally to rugby players get so genital about their game?


rassler (4)

10/09/2011 1:57 PM

Actually, I think that many straight guys like the idea of a cockfight. The reasons can be various, from the ones you quoted above (from a very good site, by the way) to the simple pleasure of rubbing dicks together.

Unless oral or anal sex, cock2cock is something a lot of men can enjoy without categorizing themselves as gay, "queer" or whatever, it's just pure man2man action.

It they do it as a test of superior strength/masculinity/endurance etc., it'll be less sexually stimulating but still a manly and very natural competition.


MickeyCool32 (0)

5/28/2014 2:12 AM

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it can simply be two cocks fighting each other you dont have to be bi or gay its a battle like other parts of the body, obviously it can be a turn on but it doesnt have to be all guys get turned on by wrestling and beating another guy. a cockfight to me is between two cocks not two guys thats just wrestling or whatever


Bigdave315 (0)

7/16/2014 12:40 PM

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I love cockfighting or wrestling nude. It don't matter who cum first but who tip first.


FairMatch (0)

10/08/2011 5:06 PM

While surfing the web I accidentally came across an article that discusses Cock Fighting. You can read this article at http://www.sexualcompetition.com/lexicon/categories/26.

It made me think why do men engage in cockfighting? The article implies that one reason is for a man to demonstrate that he is sexually superior to a potential rival for the sexual attention of a woman. Another reason could be as a test of stamina and endurance, e.g. who can maintain their position (e.g. an erection) from an attack by another man.

Also is this purely the domain of gay\bi-sexual men?

I would be interested in hearing all views regarding this.

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