Bigger VS Smaller Matches

Two small punks vs One big man

Fight Boston (6)

5/05/2021 3:11 AM

I would love to be in a 2 on one match with two heavy guys or in a group match with all heavy guys and me.


kohl (36)

9/15/2020 6:07 AM

Any videos of smaller dominating his big man


DCJobber (82 )

9/16/2020 9:18 PM

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I will make one with you, Kohl...😉


kohl (36)

9/16/2020 9:27 PM

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bring it jobber man. glad to take you down


Jamiejobber (0)

6/21/2020 11:00 PM

Wish I could find a match like that in Galveston Texas. Even a 2 big heels vs me


LookingToTrample (0)

6/15/2020 2:58 PM

6'5 470lbs here will dominate 2 twinks under 180lbs.. In Minnesota can make this happen this weekend


commandertc (76)

4/22/2020 9:51 AM

Will happily do a tag team as well. Be a very hot match!


commandertc (76)

4/22/2020 9:50 AM

I will step into the ring with any of you.


JayPuncher (12)

4/20/2020 11:49 PM

I'd love to do a 2 vs 1 boxing match. The2 guys could tag out when necessary if they needed a break or were knocked down or they could double team me...


dann the man (12 )

7/12/2020 4:30 AM

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I'd love to be your punching bag


giro mail (24)

4/17/2020 9:31 PM

Recom, of you want I can be the other one!


Powerhouse Bull (4)

4/16/2020 3:45 PM

I am with @slamitdown they can tag in and out two on one they could even bring in a third to tag in and out. I still will maul them down and more ways then one.


PhxGrapple (1)

6/15/2020 3:05 AM

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Psh, I could take ya myself.


Wrestler4Fun (9)

4/17/2020 9:51 PM

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I can also be the second one


Recom (0)

4/17/2020 5:43 AM

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Love to see this- 2 on one or tag 2 and 2!


slamitdown (0)

4/17/2020 7:31 PM

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Hey recom–U want to see it–or you want to DO it? Bring along another punk, I bet Powerhouse Bull will join me in tag team match–bull+gorilla wrestle you and your buddy


Powerhouse Bull (4)

4/21/2020 4:38 PM

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Done, Where and When.


Wrestler4Fun (9)

4/21/2020 3:03 PM

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Powerhouse Bull and you (slamitdown) make a terrific team, almost unbeatable, so you should allow us to make a team of 4 guys to wrestle against you, do youaccept the challenge?


silverchamp (2)

7/08/2020 8:34 PM

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Id join you JobberGym


Powerhouse Bull (4)

4/21/2020 4:37 PM

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Its your Funeral man, Bring it!


slamitdown (0)

4/21/2020 4:35 PM

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SURE–U+3 pussyboys vs me and Bull---swat you punks like tennis balls, trample you 4 down, using your carcass like battering rams–slam into each other,-YEAHHHH, do your worst boys...for Stakes, right?


Powerhouse Bull (4)

4/21/2020 4:43 PM

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Now Now Slamit, be nice, we can't help it if we will totally Dominate and use these Little Guys as the next notches on our belts. It almost seems unfair for stakes but it is the only way we roll so I guess it is what it is. Kind of feel bad for them already


Wrestler4Fun (9)

4/21/2020 5:09 PM

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haha, you two make me laugh a lot, you are very funny, "Mr Big Mouth Boys" team...
You are big and very strong, but we are going to form a team of 4 small, but muscular, fast and clever guys.
We will prepare a strategy to dominate you, humiliate you and kick your ass...
We are going to destroy and enjoy owning you both... playing with your big and muscular bodies


silverchamp (2)

7/04/2020 12:27 PM

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I volunteer as 1 of the 4


timothy ryan (0)

4/21/2020 2:38 PM

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I'd take you and powerhouse bull on


Powerhouse Bull (4)

4/21/2020 4:39 PM

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Bring It Little Man you will be fun to wipe up the mats after with.


timothy ryan (0)

4/21/2020 6:02 PM

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Bring it, big guy; it'll be fun to watch you tap and submit. Bigger they are, the harder they fall


Powerhouse Bull (4)

4/21/2020 11:13 PM

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I am sorry I don't understand the term Tap since I have never done it nor do i let my matches have taps sine i will just Maul you to the end!!! Now about me falling, this kid is a riot!


Powerhouse Bull (4)

4/17/2020 3:24 PM

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Bring it Little Man


leanaussiemuscle (31)

4/18/2020 11:43 PM

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I’ll take you big boys on 💪🏽😈
Can’t wait to see the surprise on your face as you tap out


Powerhouse Bull (4)

4/20/2020 4:11 PM

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I don't understand the word or concept of me being tapped out? Never had the sensation Little Man. However wiping the mats with you after I beat your ass, that one i am very Familiar with!!!!


leanaussiemuscle (31)

4/20/2020 11:38 PM

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Grrrrr!! Beaten and humiliated for being so cocky. Even if I manage to lock you in a sleeper hold your neck is probably too thick.


Powerhouse Bull (4)

4/21/2020 4:59 PM

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You Know it Little MAN! GRRRRRRRR


leanaussiemuscle (31)

4/22/2020 12:39 AM

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Slap on a sleeper hold but you just laugh and stand up and start strolling around the mats with me dangling off your back. Then you just fall backwards and trap me under your wide back. Squashing and crushing with your body weight.


Powerhouse Bull (4)

4/22/2020 4:49 PM

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Finally you get what is going to happen to you boy!


giro mail (24)

4/16/2020 2:52 PM

I want fight a 2on1! Count on me!


Glovefight (14)

4/16/2020 7:21 AM

I'd love to fight two twinks at the same time. Any way they want to deal it out, I'll enjoy fighting them until I make them mine.


Wrestler4Fun (9)

4/16/2020 1:47 PM

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I would love to be one of those 2 guys and see if you are able to make us yours


Glovefight (14)

4/16/2020 8:51 PM

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Hot, smooth, sweaty chest. I'll take you on. Bring your skinny friend, let's fight. How do you want to fight? Gear, rules?


slamitdown (0)

4/15/2020 5:22 PM

How about 2 twinks wrestling this horny gorilla? Tag in-out OR 2 vs 1 from the start.


crunch1994 (0)

5/03/2021 6:31 AM

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Shit I’d be down

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