Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

What did you accomplish in 2018?

legflexxxer (31 )

1/04/2019 12:04 PM

Recently Learning De La riva, Single Leg X guard and butterfly guard as a white belt ;-)


active (0)

1/03/2019 9:31 AM

really looking for a good bjj class , had two this year and both closed , due to relocation and land was bought so need to get out a find a good class
so where bjj is concerned i was let down , but onwards and upwards


musclejudo (27)

1/01/2019 1:18 PM

Celebrated my 6 th BJJ year, 1st year as a Purple belt, won the Worlds Master Championships in Las Vegas, met a lot of cool guys who train as well seriouisly BJJ … biggest accomplish: … staying healthy and spreading BJJ joy and "having a good time"


hedloker uk (155)

1/02/2019 4:12 PM

(In reply to this)

Fantastic and inspirational !


Spruceman (55)

1/01/2019 7:47 AM

Nothing in 2018 in the formal training Department; but reckon one hulluva lot gained by taking on guys, per my recommendations on this site and beyond in the informal grappling, strength, and aggro Departments. :) Hope to add to those in 2019, especially if I can find some BJJ mates to work with me in those endeavours here in my matroom, Hint, hint. :) Gi & No gi.


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

12/31/2018 4:06 AM

I believe I am more stable in my positions now


Wrestletowrestle (29)

12/30/2018 12:32 PM

I definitjt improved my no gi jujitsu game and intend to get even better in 2019


Alan2005sg (262 )

12/31/2018 5:19 AM

(In reply to this)

Yes, let's meet in 2019!


bjjguynyc (11)

12/30/2018 12:59 AM

What did you accomplish in 2018?

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