Freestyle Wrestling

Starting a Veteran's Wrestling Club

BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

3/19/2018 6:28 AM

I find that participation in BJJ, especially no-gi fills my wrestling need. In fact some BJJ schools also have wrestling classes. If you are in an area without a wrestling club you might find this as an excellent alternative. Most BJJ schools and members are quite tolerant of older grapplers. Thanks


SportsLover (1)

3/18/2018 7:38 AM

It is sad that we (Vets) can't find acceptant in our communities. Here in NYC we HAD a club but it has all but dissolved over insurance. Yes I'm older and mature from the Viet Nam era.


veterangrappler (16 )

3/18/2018 5:11 PM

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What happened to the Metro club in NY?


spike huber (18)

3/18/2018 5:00 PM

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After YEARS of doors slammed in my face there are two new changes in my pursuit of veteran wrestling. First, I finished the privacy fence around my outdoor wrestling ring. Total privacy for outdoor amateur wrestling . The other is that wrestling academy that stopped adult wrestling last November 19th had closed. The coach reached out to me about starting a new one once they find a new home for their club. So I am hosting either amateur wrestling or Pro but the ring is a boxing ring with mats so it is not meant for the bumps and rope running of pro. I also still have all my custom made old school BRIEFS and BRIEF CUT singlets and asics and Adidas wrestling shoes .


WrestlerandGeek (24)

3/18/2018 10:57 PM

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Cool on ur outdoor thing. Sad u older guys have no place to go. Try to go to tournaments and ask tournament directors. I cant emphasize that enough. Since u guyz want mat time, go get that mat time. It will work out.


nu2rasln (42)

2/20/2018 12:26 AM

The golden gate and metro wrestling clubs are the only ones I have the honor of wrestling at. They welcome all and are willing to train and instruct others.


spike huber (18)

2/20/2018 5:04 AM

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if you live in San Francisco or New York great. What about those of us that are in small cities and town across the United States.


nu2rasln (42)

2/20/2018 5:55 AM

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These clubs I mention have the enough wrestlers to develope clubs ..... if you live in a area that has a few wrestlers of course you're gonna have problems trying to start a club up. Goldengate club teaches and helps coach high school wrestlers as well with the district's blessings. They presented a plan to the city and school. They did the footwork. It's not going to be easy. But it can be done.


veterangrappler (16 )

2/20/2018 1:30 AM

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San Diego Bulldog Club is great too


spike huber (18)

2/20/2018 5:05 AM

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If you live in San Diego


WrestlerandGeek (24)

2/19/2018 5:38 PM

I feel for so many of you guys who want to do more with this sport. I myself have no idea how to help. Most of the thibgs sean macgowan said are true as is the fact that the ufc and mma have made wrestling less attractive for anyone past college. I can only suggest going to an open tournament within a 3 hr radius of where you live, compete carefully and talk to coaches in person after showing them how serious you are about the sport. Even us guys who pass for early 20s had to prove our worth and even with the amount of awards ive earned, i still get very little respect from many clubs and teams and am not that welcomed. However, actions still speak louder than words so that might be the best way to be allowed to train with hs or colleges.


spike huber (18)

2/19/2018 5:48 PM

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My last wrestling club experience after talking to the coach over 3 months to get an adult club started ended up after 2 adult practices was a cancellation of the adult club. Homophobia in wrestling is a bigger deal in the straight wrestling community than the gay one


WrestlerandGeek (24)

2/19/2018 5:55 PM

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Thats the thing im not talking about an adult club. Im talking just training with wrestlers of all ages. I mean if u want a gay wrestling club i cant help you with that. From my experience that doesnt work here in the US unless u snatch up str8 white looking military studs to be your poster boys. Europe does better in that regard and so does australia. Theire gay clubs are in fact mostly gay men and theyre very good. But no, i train with str8 people and if it means not sharing that im gay with everyone i really am ok with it. My coaches know and they dont care.


veterangrappler (16 )

2/19/2018 5:19 AM

Any guys interested in starting a wrestling club in the Portland, OR area?


veterangrappler (16 )

12/29/2017 8:25 PM

Great wrestling club in Paris with about twenty wrestlers.


spike huber (18)

12/30/2017 4:55 AM

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and of what use is a wrestling club in Paris unless you live there?


veterangrappler (16 )

12/30/2017 6:49 PM

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Well, it is a great place to wrestle whenever you visit France.


Sean MacGowan (10)

10/23/2017 2:34 PM

We have a small club in Philly, which is open to older guys.

I've been dismayed at the lack of training options for adults in general... and can imagine it's only harder for veterans. I know several younger guys who are fit, talented and young-looking enough that they are able to train with club teams where the members are college- or even hs-aged. But that doesn't work for guys who can't pass for 20's (which is annoying to say the least).

As a commenter above mentioned, I think the answer is to network wherever we can and - where there are not currently options - start clubs and informal groups ourselves.

For those in my area, if you're interested in the club in Philly, message me.


veterangrappler (16 )

10/23/2017 7:18 PM

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Wrestled at the Spartans in Philly years ago. Assume that the small club you are referring to. I find that if you have a mat, the wrestlers will follow. Sometimes you can get a HS coach to let you use his mats or, if you have space, set up mats at home.


nu2rasln (42)

9/05/2017 5:22 AM

Guy do you train them or those wanting to participate? Or is it a free for all with no structure? I live in Cincinnati and where I lived in California we had 5 clubs which all had veterans's not till I moved here do the midwest area void of clubs. except for chicago's club


spike huber (18)

9/06/2017 12:45 AM

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I am frustrated with the lack of wrestling for vets. My point about the post


nu2rasln (42)

9/06/2017 1:21 AM

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Ok I understand


scottimike (26)

8/28/2017 7:56 AM

Its great to network in this way bravo US guys.


spike huber (18)

8/29/2017 3:04 AM

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There is a USA Wrestling National Wrestling event every year in Las Vegas that has a veteran division. What I cannot grasp is why there are just 2 clubs that are open to older wrestlers. I want to try to compete yes Compete. I think wrestling has a diminishing interest thanks to the UFC and MMA.


spike huber (18)

9/04/2017 10:22 PM

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I reached out to both the USA Wrestling Events Director and the State Director for the State of Tennessee about a veterans wrestling club. The state director never responded after three attempts and the USA Wrestling Events Director Pete Isisas told me to start my own club.


veterangrappler (16 )

9/05/2017 12:27 AM

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And they wonder why college wrestling programs keep getting cut. Seems there is not enough interest? HM. Maybe it is something the governing body of USA Wrestling is doing.


spike huber (18)

9/05/2017 2:04 AM

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well, i watch the USA Westling Channel and they interview the guys that win the tournament in every age group and they all have some training environment. I never saw any sport that offers NOTHING to people. NOTHING. what a fucked up sport.They want support and offer no opportunity for the older competitor except one tournament a year? It is a lot different in Europe.


veterangrappler (16 )

8/28/2017 11:49 PM

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Come to the US and wrestle us.


jimmyterrific (56)

8/28/2017 5:43 AM

I did not know Chicago had a wrestling club, do not believe there are many wrestling clubs, might be trying bjj so I can get some moves when I am on ground


jimmyterrific (56)

8/27/2017 5:28 PM

I would love to wrestle in this, but when guys are so spread out across the country, it is so expensive to wrestle guys frequently


spike huber (18)

8/27/2017 7:51 PM

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I agree. Chicago has a veteran's club. I an all over USA Wrestling right now about the need for veteran wrestling. I am not happy about their attitude. In any case if SOMETHING exists , then we can coordinate practices and time to meet


veterangrappler (16 )

8/26/2017 5:44 AM

Love to wrestle at the club. Assume this is near you which is far from me.


spike huber (18)

8/26/2017 5:50 AM

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I have a wrestling mat. I am a wrestler I am the club


spike huber (18)

8/25/2017 11:19 PM

For amateur wrestlers 50 and over

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