Gutpunching give/take/trade

Favorite Place To Punch On The Stomach or Be Punched?

Slimguy369 (2)

2/03/2024 7:04 PM

When I am against the wall with an unflexed belly and deep and hard gut punched right in the centre.


Belly Bee (0)

1/30/2024 5:34 AM

Straight to my midsection will be fine. So my air leaves me all at once


Belly Bee (0)

2/03/2024 7:15 PM

(In reply to this)

Straight up the middle


OrlJockwrestler (4)

11/07/2023 12:46 PM

favorite place is definitely right on my bellybutton


Mikebedo (1)

11/06/2023 5:32 AM

long hard deep sessions to the midsection, navel, and inner obliques.


Strongabs1 (5)

10/30/2023 4:30 PM

In the same way that they left a tube pressing on my stomach for a long time, in the same position, similar to a press. Please log in to view gallery photos.


Strongabs1 (5)

10/30/2023 4:28 PM

I love being hit continuously in the solar plexus while I vacuum, and staying in that position for a long time, until they manage to expel all the air or vomit. Please log in to view gallery photos.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

11/05/2023 6:40 AM

(In reply to this)

I don't slug to the solar is too high for me, I am afraid of damaging organs in that area of the body. I always go right for the NAVEL with my bare knuckled fists. Some slugs to the lower abdominals, then it's back to pounding my Jobber's BELLYBUTTON until it is red, raw and SORE! YUM!


inthegut (0)

11/06/2023 8:54 AM

(In reply to this)

nice, my bellybutton would be a great target for you, along with my lower belly.


Leopard (1)

10/27/2023 7:17 PM

I'd like to be punched in the center of the abs where the lines meet, to form a "+" sign. Please log in to view gallery photos.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

11/06/2023 10:04 AM

(In reply to this)

How about Gutpunching you right in the NAVEL? That is my favorite body part! I enjoy watching Jobber's stomach skin gradually become reddened as my gut slugs continue relentlessly. 👊💥🥵🔥


Punchee1300 (2)

10/25/2023 2:18 PM

Lower abs and sometimes the solar plexus/navel


Rt ND Guts (4)

10/24/2023 10:13 PM

navel area for sure


Robin-hearts (3)

10/24/2023 7:20 AM

Right in the upper midsection near the solar plexus, love when I get winded 😮‍💨🤤 Please log in to view gallery photos.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

11/07/2023 4:05 PM

(In reply to this)

Solar plexus is too high for me...I have concern about damaging my Jobber's ribs. I always aim directly for the NAVEL, some slugs to the lower abdominals.


musclefun (0)

10/21/2023 10:51 AM

The upper abs and the lateral abs


dave1701 (3)

10/17/2023 4:38 PM

Just below the solar plex like them hard and deep..


Gutplay1960 (0)

10/17/2023 9:50 AM

Has to be the navel or just below it


belly fighter (0)

10/20/2023 8:56 AM

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uglyirishman (2)

10/24/2023 2:45 PM

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Yes, I love getting punched in the belly button area. Really erotic and a turn on


GPNavelPuncher (0)

10/20/2023 7:42 AM

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I agree! The navel and lower abdominals!


TShelton (0)

10/19/2023 12:40 PM

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👍 In the belly button


OrlJockwrestler (4)

11/06/2023 11:43 AM

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yes!! right in the bellybutton


Oooof1967 (0)

10/16/2023 12:48 PM

Right below the naval


boxer1985 (12)

10/14/2023 10:19 AM

Solar plexus


punchee4gutpuncher (2)

10/13/2023 9:41 PM

My belly needs it mainly deep into the stomach.


Juggernaut (0)

10/12/2023 12:18 PM

My Favorite Overall place to be punched would be the chest.


musclefun (0)

10/15/2023 11:52 AM

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Yes, muscular pecs are also a good place


GPNavelPuncher (0)

10/14/2023 1:07 PM

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I think that could endanger your heart. Keep the slugs directed to your NAVEL


Juggernaut (0)

10/21/2023 9:38 PM

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Technically any blow anywhere on the body has the potential to be harmful. But the vital organs are protected by a layer of fat, muscle, and the rib cage. Its the most protected region of the body. If there's any area that can take a hit, the chest would be it.


OrlJockwrestler (4)

10/12/2023 1:24 PM

(In reply to this)

You have amazing pecs to punch


Antonio GP (0)

10/11/2023 3:36 PM

Navel area but sometimes also in the pit of the stomach


big belly (0)

10/11/2023 9:56 PM

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id love to trade punches with you right below the bellybutton


OrlJockwrestler (4)

10/07/2023 5:24 PM

Right to the bellybutton!!


abpuncher (13)

10/21/2023 2:35 PM

(In reply to this)

Oh yeah...deep in the navel...especially if relaxed. Also fun to massage and push blunt objects deep into relaxed navel/or just below... Please log in to view gallery photos.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

10/21/2023 4:19 PM

(In reply to this)

HOT guy taking the gut punches! Lucky guy gut punching him. Next time, place his arms behind his head, wrists tied TIGHT so he cannot resist fast, hard, DEEP gut slugs. Aim for his NAVEL!👊💥🥵🔥


big belly (0)

10/06/2023 3:12 PM

I love it hard right below my bellybutton


Wolfman65 (6)

5/31/2022 12:26 AM

I prefer to receive long drawn out sessions to the midgut, navel, and inner obliques. I'll take some blows below the navel and solar plexus, but not long repeated series there, unless forced.

As far as Gut Punching another, anywhere the sub wants? Though I prefer leaner or lightly padded abs for punching. I like the more solid feel of muscle.


NorthwestGPer (2)

10/12/2023 8:33 AM

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Dittos to @Wolfman65's post. At, above, below, or to the sides of the navel are greats target for giving or receiving.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

10/15/2023 8:57 AM

(In reply to this)

I agree. I always aim for the NAVEL. It is my target for my bare knuckled fists. Some slugs to the lower abdominals, then it's right back to pounding the navel HARD. I enjoy his reddened stomach sign of success!


GPmale (0)

4/02/2022 1:12 AM

Any place not too high, not too low and not too far in the sides.


Juggernaut (0)

10/12/2023 12:13 PM

(In reply to this)

I'm going to be the odd man out as well and echo that sentiment. For some strange reason I feel an overwhelming compulsion to preserve the integrity of my internal organs more than I do towards a transient pleasure (not that there would be one) of a fist to my lower intestines.

For overall favorite place to be punched see above. ⬆️


Challenge3 (40)

3/02/2022 1:00 PM

Sounds great, lets do this to each other.


big belly art (0)

3/01/2022 10:25 AM

Been belly /g ut punching a long time and have been hit just about everyplace in the belly , have to be honest being hit beow the bellyuboon has to b emy favorite spot it hurts a lot more & knocks th wind out of you a lot faster. This is my favorite place to punch or be punched !


inthegut74 (0)

7/16/2021 9:23 PM

I love 2 on guy holding me up while the other throws hard uppercuts in my lower belly just below my bellybutton


glovedstomachpunchMi (2)

7/08/2021 10:44 PM

I like it just above the belly button, in the stomach, completely relaxed. Punches just hard enough to make me sick to my stomach and wind me a few times.


Stomach Gutpunch (1)

10/12/2023 10:19 AM

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Totalmente de acuerdo contigo. Por encima del ombligo. En el centro y la boca del estómago. Con el estómago relajado y puñetazos muy profundos, que me dejen doblado y sin respiración


Gut2bPunched (0)

7/10/2021 1:11 PM

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stomachpunch (5)

7/09/2021 9:24 AM

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I fully agree with you, I would love to be the one to punch you or otherwise see a video where you take punches right above the navel in the center of the stomach, and see you spit out all your breath. will we ever have the pleasure of seeing your video?


glovedstomachpunchMi (2)

7/16/2021 12:25 PM

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I would love to make more videos! Would love to find someone willing and local.


gutpuncher219 (12 )

7/18/2021 4:03 AM

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Here's hoping I'll get to visit Michigan next summer! I'd luv to swap punches with ya!


bellypunchee52 (0)

7/16/2021 4:42 PM

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What videos do you have?


Mdx98 (1)

7/05/2021 4:36 PM

I like to be punched deep right above the belly button Please log in to view gallery photos.


GutPunching Receiver (1)

7/04/2021 2:18 AM

I like to be tied up while being beaten in the stomach. To finish off, a few good shots in the face and I’m done. Hamilton Ontario here.


gutpuncher219 (12 )

7/08/2021 4:19 AM

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Hopefully we can reconnect sometime!


Punchmyguthard (0)

7/03/2021 11:57 PM

Into the belly button or below it esp upper cuts to my big gut


bellypunchee52 (0)

7/03/2021 3:59 PM

Directly right below the belly button right into the belly


pablogpbp (0)

7/03/2021 3:06 PM

belly buttons area .. to give and receive


NorthwestGPer (2)

7/03/2021 10:04 AM

Being punched on the naval is great. Also, it's above and below the naval. Left or right of the naval is good, too.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

3/02/2022 12:47 PM

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I always aim for the NAVEL, some slugs to the lower abs. I love to watch a guy's stomach skin turn red, as my slugs continue relentlessly. Tie the guy in bondage. 👊💥🥵


AbsAbuser (1 )

7/02/2021 2:33 PM

I like to punch a guy in belly button/ navel, belly Button/ navel area, and lower belly/abs


OrlJockwrestler (4)

10/07/2023 5:01 PM

(In reply to this)

Oh yeah. Best location


mikey3458 (25 )

7/01/2021 8:41 PM

I like to be punched right in the belly button. Also like punches below the belly button in the pelvis area


stomachpunch (5)

7/01/2021 10:37 PM

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As for me both when I give and when I punch I love to hit and be hit right on the stomach wall; I love too much to feel and make the other feel that blow of breath that rises from the stomach up to the mouth. provided that the stomach muscles are not hardened, so that the fist can sink and reach the stomach very easily.


Barefotdude (0 )

4/28/2021 10:32 PM

I like getting punched right above belly button in lower abs.


AlejandroGutPunch (1)

4/28/2021 7:40 PM

Right in the solar plexus. I love to feel that pain there!


Punchmygut (0)

4/28/2021 1:36 PM

Bellybutton and above...


FightNow (1)

4/29/2021 2:13 AM

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I like just right there too!


rikisoftstomak (0)

4/27/2021 5:36 AM

Right in my belly button


CodyW (34 )

4/25/2021 11:24 PM

Right in the belly button so it takes your breath away. Please log in to view gallery photos.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

10/08/2023 4:11 AM

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Agree...Gut Punch right in the NAVEL!


OrlJockwrestler (4)

4/26/2021 5:30 PM

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hell yeah.. right to the bellybutton


Challenge3 (40)

4/26/2021 3:07 PM

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CodyW, Ill take your shots and give them right back at you.


ruffguystuff (1)

4/25/2021 6:34 PM

to the sides of the navel, dead on, and just below


OrlJockwrestler (4)

4/26/2021 5:30 PM

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man, you work the bellybutton area good


ruffguystuff (1)

4/26/2021 11:53 PM

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its the way I like to take it and how I like to give it 😈


unsure (0 )

4/24/2021 10:14 PM

Basically anywhere on or below the navel. Getting punched in the side of the lower belly is an underrated pleasure


commandertc (63)

4/18/2021 5:45 AM

I can host you! Or comento you if I am traveling through your area.. heading to salt lake city right now from Seattle area.. if you are near the interstate let me know... I can smash you or ypu smash me in the cab of my.semi truck


commandertc (63)

4/18/2021 5:43 AM

Belly button, above or below ... definitely throw some frog splashes in qnd belly on belly pins and grinding and bare foot stomping followed by even more punches!!!


OrlJockwrestler (4)

4/26/2021 5:31 PM

(In reply to this)

i like how you work


FightNow (1)

4/18/2021 4:30 AM

I like to punch in the navel and being punched in the same place, hard up to end over my knees.
Me gusta golpear al ombligo, y ser golpeado en el mismo lugar, hasta quedar arrodillado y pedir que paren.


gutpunchlover78 (0 )

4/24/2021 4:29 PM

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Cuando quieras ;)


abuster (74 )

4/17/2021 6:20 PM

Favorite place to punch: right in the midsection above the naval. And then ill say the naval are my favorite places!


wrestlerdu (72 )

4/17/2021 1:41 PM

Direkt über den Bauchnabel in Intervall.


boxer1985 (12)

4/17/2021 12:39 PM

With un uppercut in the solar plexus, really strong


Stomach Gutpunch (1)

10/12/2023 10:26 AM

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Es donde realmente me encanta. En la mísma boca del estómago. Justo bajo el esternón


Marrok65 (0)

7/19/2021 7:13 AM

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Solar plexus is the game changer! That'll make you see 🌟🌟🌟🤢


GutpunchMexico (10 )

4/18/2021 7:26 AM

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Justo como más me gustan


Stomach Gutpunch (1)

4/17/2021 5:57 PM

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Siiiii....En la mísma boca del estómago!!!!


uglyirishman (2)

2/03/2021 5:17 PM

Love being punched in the belly button area any takers,


wa rassler (4)

2/04/2021 7:33 PM

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Yeah I'd slug you there


uglyirishman (2)

2/04/2021 7:45 PM

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Well come and have a go, would love you to gut punch my belly button area till I drop to the floor and then keep punching till I pass out


wa rassler (4)

2/04/2021 7:47 PM

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Maybe we will punch each other and see who can take more before passing out. We can have a go at each other!


uglyirishman (2)

2/03/2021 5:17 PM

Love being punched in the belly button area any takers,


mitch2345 (0)

2/01/2021 4:01 AM

The chest, belly, and above it.


hertsdog (40 )

1/31/2021 8:44 PM

Right in the belly button or slightly lower


Southniner (0)

7/04/2021 3:21 AM

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I’d love to work over your hot body


OrlJockwrestler (4)

4/26/2021 5:32 PM

(In reply to this)

perfect spot bud


riotgear (40)

1/31/2021 12:11 AM

It’s gotta be the lower guts. Belly button and below. That’s how you control a gut


GPNavelPuncher (0)

10/08/2023 4:19 AM

(In reply to this)

I agree 100%. That's where I always deliver gut slugs with my bare knuckled fists. I don't stop until my Jobber's stomach skin is nicely sign of success, a job well done! 👊👊👊💥🥵🔥


RadnerBearman (0)

1/31/2021 12:28 AM

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Based on experience, that is a very true statement. Most guys just arent that tough below the navel. Some of us are because we train and condition to be hit there.


wa rassler (4)

1/31/2021 8:44 PM

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I know I can't take many hits in the extreme lower belly, it's a great way to put me on the ground. But if it's an open target, go for it!


RyanMojave (0 )

1/30/2021 12:06 PM

definitely upper stomach👌


Southniner (0)

7/04/2021 3:23 AM

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Love to work over your abs dude


Stomach Gutpunch (1)

1/30/2021 11:14 PM

(In reply to this) the mouth of the stomach


painauthority (2)

1/25/2021 12:44 AM

love getting pounded between belly button and upper ribs and where ribs meet abs also like a good mix of rib poundings too


wa rassler (4)

1/17/2021 9:51 PM

Right under the navel, with a haymaker going that deep pain feeling and if you hit hard enough the guy will double over.

If I get hit here I like it because it makes my junk shake from the impact.


luis2083 (1)

1/16/2021 7:57 PM

I always prefer blows to the navel since I can take more than 2 hours supporting punches but I do not like the plexus because I do not enjoy it is not the same sensation between pleasant pain and suffering


GPNavelPuncher (0)

10/06/2023 11:24 AM

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How about 3 hours with my bare knuckled fists. Aim for your NAVEL as my target, some slugs to your lower abdominals. Then back to slugging your bellybutton. When I am done, your stomach skin will be nicely reddened, ready to show off to your next Gutpuncher.


Kickbox9119 (30 )

1/14/2021 1:43 PM

One shot to the solar plexus will put anyone down and make the meet short.
I prefer to get hit in my lower abs. That way it can last a long time and I can either flex or be un flexed.
I trained Muay Thai for years. And still one shot to the plexus will put anyone down. I just don’t find that enjoyable. I like the meet to last a long time.


sparko2 (3)

1/13/2021 6:27 PM

I like to be punches around the navel area... I cant take it in the sola plexus


RadnerBearman (0)

1/13/2021 5:31 AM

Im probably the exception here but when you are 6 ft 5 as a heavy weight boxer and you fight another heavyweight who is 5 ft 11 his straight jabs catch a taller man lower. There are always stray punches so over the past 47 years of boxing, I have worked my lower abdominal muscles harder. As a result Im well conditioned in the gut. I actually like being hit below the navel I find it a real turn on seeing how much I can take. But thats just me. I work my CORE hard every day so i can take it and hang with younger men and women boxers and kickboxers


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

1/11/2021 11:42 PM

Okay, I finally had my first match today took quite a pounding so I can answer this. I'm not going to say they were my favorite place, but the places on my stomach that had the most effect. My second set of abs which would be in the solar plexus area and right on my belly button. This places I felt the punches the most.


GutpunchMexico (10 )

1/13/2021 4:01 AM

(In reply to this)

uff !! what a treat!! who punch you?


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

1/13/2021 11:43 AM

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Well, it as an actual match, but I was punched by Delrayguy.


ncgamer (2)

12/21/2020 6:33 PM

Deep belly button punches are the best.


Cylus (4)

1/27/2021 7:24 AM

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I totally agree!


Ofthalmos (0)

12/19/2020 5:33 PM

I love hard punches in the upper stomach.


Stomach Gutpunch (1)

12/20/2020 3:05 AM

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Igual que a mi. En la boca del estómago


DCabspunch (20)

12/14/2020 6:49 PM

Definitely give and take to the belly button


Punchee1300 (2)

12/10/2020 2:23 PM

I love getting punched in my lower abs and solar plexus.


boxer1985 (12)

12/10/2020 11:09 AM

I love straight to the solar plexus with an uppercut


Stomach Gutpunch (1)

1/28/2021 5:06 PM

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Me encanta recibir un buen puñetazo en la boca del estómago que me deje doblado y sin respiración....hasta caer de rodillas en el suelo.....


GutpunchMexico (10 )

12/11/2020 4:20 PM

(In reply to this)

hey! I want to practice that with you !! 🥊


punchmybelly (0)

12/07/2020 8:21 PM

I love to be punched either right above the belly button so it knocks all the wind out of me or in the lower belly with a uppercut. I love that feeling as well.


bellyboi (0)

12/06/2020 6:40 AM

Very hard and straight into the solar plexus. That's where I like to be hit. By punchers who enjoy doing such things to other guys, knocking the wind out of them for real. Please log in to view gallery photos.


stomachpunch (5)

12/06/2020 8:32 AM

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your attitudes, and your body, would be perfect for me. I would hit you as you wish. I would like to see a photo of you sooner or later or even a small video, where you collect some nice punches.


bellyboi (0)

12/09/2020 6:54 AM

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Hi Stomachpunch, I always appreciate you.
Hopefully I can get this photo to be added. This from a few years back when I was cross dressing...
I had been at a Halloween party, and had been hit quite a few times. The next day it all turned black and blue.
I will also try to send you a picture by private message.
bellyboi... Please log in to view gallery photos.


bellyboi (0)

12/09/2020 7:23 AM

(In reply to this)

Hey stomachpunch, I can't send the right picture to you in a private message.
But able to do so right here.
Another one from when I was cross dressing.
I went to a dungeon in Hollywood California. Where there were lots of Dominatrixes.
This is what I looked like when the dominatrix got done punching me. I went back to my hotel and took this picture...hope you like it. She was a good puncher.
But probably not as good as some of the guys on here !! Please log in to view gallery photos.


bellypunchee52 (0)

12/05/2020 1:40 PM

Where is the best place in the gut to cause a guy to drop to his knees? Just above the Navel into the stomach? Below the navel into the lower gut?


hertsdog (40 )

1/31/2021 8:46 PM

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Liver shot is the classic - google it


bellyboi (0)

4/18/2021 11:19 PM

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Hey hertsdog,
You are correct–a punch in the liver is classic and will cause ultimate pain.
I have been on the receiving end of such treatment, punched very hard in the liver by a boxer who knew what he was doing. I had offered him a free punch to my stomach. And before I knew it he hit me with his bare fist, right under my right ribcage.
Severely knocked the wind out of me and I was not the same for over an hour. Had a mark on my stomach from where he hit me and I've never forgotten that one.


bellyboi (0)

12/12/2020 6:08 AM

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Hard in the solar plexus.


BigScorpio55 (6 )

12/04/2020 11:03 PM

Above the navel/waistbandrl.


DanielGP (2 )

11/28/2020 6:12 PM

Just above the navel I think. Below it I don’t feel much of it. And too high a punch might hit the ribs which I like to avoid.
Thus, I’m aiming at the same spot on my opponent’s stomach. ^^


Stomach Gutpunch (1)

11/29/2020 4:46 AM

(In reply to this)

Sii. En pleno estómago, justo a la mitad entre mi ombligo y mi esternón


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

11/28/2020 4:08 PM

Those that like punching guts, where's your favorite place to punch a guy? Those that like to be punched, where's you favorite place to be punched. Well maybe it's not your favorite, but it causes you the most damage.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

6/30/2021 3:50 PM

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I wanted to update my answer given I had a match last month where my abs were pounded a lot. I took a whole lot and could have taken more. But the spot that got punched that made me hold my stomach and turn away was the solar plexus area. The punches to the belly button didn't bother me as much. But the solar plexus punches actually made me hold my stomach there. I also want to note, it took him a lot of punches to get me there. So there's my update for now.


SBGutpuncher (3)

7/11/2021 10:24 PM

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I would love to punch you right in your bellybutton, because it is so fucking hot! But I might rather tongue you than punch you in your bellybutton!


Challenge3 (40)

6/30/2021 9:00 PM

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You dont need to justify anything to us. I would be happy as hell just to have a match with you. No expectations or plans, We wrestle and exchange gut punches for as long as we can.


stomachpunch (5)

6/30/2021 10:02 PM

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And I'd like to trade punches in the stomach with you. you are a very attractive and interesting man.


GutpunchMexico (10 )

12/11/2020 4:24 PM

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You have to work all the abs! From below the navel to the solar plexus, and something on the sides. Exciting pain can be caused and / or felt anywhere.


roughouser (13)

12/05/2020 3:46 AM

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Between the ribs and the navel


Stomach Gutpunch (1)

12/05/2020 12:30 PM

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Ufffffff .... in full stomach .... I love it !!


Stomach Gutpunch (1)

11/29/2020 4:48 AM

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A mi me gusta que me dén en la boca de mi estómago, justo bajo mi esternón


FlatCap (0)

11/28/2020 9:27 PM

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Straight into the belly button, giving and taking, but both fists coming in at the same time from either side is cool too if it can be made hard enough.

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