Gutpunching give/take/trade

GP on TV

Brett364 (1)

1/15/2022 3:26 PM

I found The Equalizer clip. The gutpunching scene starts around the 7:30 mark. This guy has hot abs for sure., but you don't see many punches.
It's mostly audio.


abs007 (1)

3/29/2022 10:26 PM

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the most perfect set of abs i've seen


abs007 (1)

1/19/2022 2:25 PM

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classic – his reactions, holding his bare stomach in the chair after being punched is a turn on!


benwoulds (5)

1/19/2022 3:12 AM

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Wow, smoking hot, thank you for posting. I recall one other gutpunching scene from the old Equalizer, 2 guys beat up another young guy in an alley. At first one doesn't want to punch the victim, but he eventually gets into it. Don't know the name of the episode, if anyone does please advise. Thanks!


OrlJockwrestler (5)

1/25/2022 1:11 PM

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oh yeah...that was really hot great abs


marquis419 (0)

1/19/2022 3:36 AM

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Thanks, benwoulds, for the new information.

Your description "I recall one other gutpunching scene from the old Equalizer, 2 guys beat up another young guy in an alley. At first one doesn't want to punch the victim, but he eventually gets into it" reminds me of another scene I saw somewhere. Two guys are in an alley and one of them is punching another guy in the gut and then invites the other guy to do it too. The other guy does it "wrong," and the first guy has to explain (and demonstrate) it for him! I don't know what show this was. I'm thinking it was not "The Equalizer" because I didn't watch that show. I don't even know how I happened to know about the "No Conscience" episode.


benwoulds (5)

1/19/2022 4:34 AM

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Hey Marquis419. I actually think that is The Equalizer, though impossible to know for certain. Also, you should youtube "gutpunch tv and movies". I'm sure you'll find tons of stuff! The scene that turned me onto gutpunching was on the old Batman tv series. The episode was The Foggiest Notion, where Lord Ffogg's 3 goons work the Batgut over against a bar after a long struggle. Batman also takes some good shots to the gut in the episode where Catwoman drugs Robin into being a bad guy.


marquis419 (0)

3/29/2022 10:21 PM

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Hi Benwoulds:

If you ever figure out what episode of "The Equalizer" that was, please let me know or post the information here!


marquis419 (0)

1/24/2022 10:56 PM

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I remember watching that "Batman" thing when it was on originally, when I was like 12. I might have been into GP then (i.e., fantasizing about it), but I don't remember. I don't disbelieve you, but I find it difficult to believe there could be any "good" (i.e., realistic) GP on that show because it was so campy, with the goofy villains and the tilted camera and the "reaction" words spelled out on the screen. It sounds worth checking out. Is any of this on YouTube?


benwoulds (5)

1/25/2022 5:17 PM

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The episode is blurry, it's called The Foggiest Notion.


ruffguystuff (1)

1/15/2022 9:10 PM

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the audio is hot enough on its own - can imagine the action that goes with it! Wouldn't mind a session like that


marquis419 (0)

1/15/2022 2:39 AM

For years I have kept a mental catalogue of TV show episodes with hot gutpunching scenes. I have actually bought entire-season DVD sets just to be able to own one such episode. I decided to write out that mental catalogue and post it here because I thought you guys might be interested.

The Equalizer (original 1985 version), season 1, disc 5, episode #20, “No Conscience.” A young, hot, shirtless guy with really impressive abs is being questioned by some thugs and repeatedly punched in the gut. His reactions are great. You see some of the punches but some you only hear in the background while the thugs are talking amongst themselves. He’s sitting down during the beating (I prefer standing up), but it’s still hot.

Tom Brown’s Schooldays (1971 PBS version), volume 2, episode #5. Two shirtless-and-in-long-pants nineteenth-century schoolboys have a bareknuckle fight to settle some dispute. A good amount of gutpunching, obviously fake, but still hot.

Magnum P.I. (1980s version), season 4, episode #8, “A Sense of Debt.” One of Magnum’s sidekicks accidentally injures (with a car) a bareknuckle fighter and has to take his place in a bout. He is losing badly when he notices his opponent’s stomach (there’s actually a shot that shows him looking at something, and this is followed by a close-up of the guy’s stomach), so he punches him in the gut a couple of times and then the round ends. Part of the deal with his replacing the real boxer is that some hoods have kidnapped the boxer's daughter and Magnum is trying to get her released. The sidekick who is doing the fighting keeps looking to his friend to see if they’ve gotten the daughter released so he can quit. After the initial gut punching described above, while he’s resting in the corner between rounds, his friend gets the signal and tells him he can get out. The replacement fighter says, “Conley’s the one getting out. He does have a weak spot.” The next round starts and he goes to town on Conley’s stomach, punching him many times. It’s really hot, but you don’t see any punches landing (at least, not that I remember; I don't know where the DVD is at the moment), and the punchee’s reactions are not exactly what one would expect from a guy getting worked over in the gut. That doesn't diminish my appreciation of the scene, though.

Desperado (1987 TV movie, not an Antonio Banderas thing). Yaphet Kotto’s character (a sheriff, I think) ties up Alex McArthur’s character (an outlaw type) by his wrists in a jail cell and punches him in the stomach a few times. Drawbacks: The punchee is not shirtless, and you see him only from the back. Good vocal reactions, though.

There was some kind of show or movie in which Jackie Earle Haley plays a thug or bully along with some followers, and they have this young guy cornered in an alley. Haley says something like, “OK, no more arm thing” and then whips a punch into the young guy’s stomach, with, if I am remembering correctly, a great reaction. It was really nice. I have no idea what the title of this thing is, though.

If any of you guys know of other stuff like this, please share!


benwoulds (5)

1/19/2022 3:11 AM

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Great idea. There were several other gutpunching scenes in Magnum, one where he turned 40 years old and is beat up in an alley by 2 thugs, and another where he is in prison undercover but discovered and beat up by 3 or 4 thugs. I think the word "Chicken" is in the title. Both scenes are great.

In the old BJ and the Bear from the 70s, Greg Evigan is held and gutpunched at least twice, the first time in "The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful", by a biker gang, I think available online. The other episode I am thinking of is a 2 parter from season 3, "BJ and the 7 Lady Truckers" (not the same as the "Snow White" episode), but every time I find the episode (part 1 of 2), the beating is cut out. If anyone can find it, please share!



marquis419 (0)

3/29/2022 10:30 PM

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I remembered another one, from the science fiction series "Sliders," about a group of people who travel to different parallel universes. In the episode "Electric Twister Acid Test" (season 3, episode 3), they find themselves in a place where there are lots of tornadoes. They encounter some agrarian people the inspiration for whom might have been the Amish. (No offense intended to Amish people, who probably aren't even reading this or even own a computer.) The agrarian people become suspicious of the "sliders" and you see Jerry O'Connell (who is kind of hot) shirtless and with his arms way up tied to some tree branches while two of the "farmhands" interrogate him. One of them punches him in the stomach twice.


marquis419 (0)

1/24/2022 11:08 PM

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Could the Magnum chicken episode be "A Pretty Good Dancing Chicken"? The description here does mention prison.


marquis419 (0)

1/24/2022 11:12 PM

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That episode is on YouTube, but you have to buy it. :(


marquis419 (0)

1/25/2022 2:33 AM

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I found the episode on iTunes and bought it for $1.99, then scrolled through it looking for the good stuff. Nice scene where Magnum is held by two or three guys and then gutpunched about three times by another guy.


abs007 (1)

1/15/2022 2:51 PM

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Like this! Starting a list of my favorites.

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