I'm with you NW,,,good God people,, give it a break!! Build a bridge,,, GET OVER IT. Take this to a political website, this is about fighting,, not whining.
For clarification (and my FINAL one at that):
My original post was –– except for those who have either misread, misinterpreted, or purposely misrepresented it –– not "whining" but rather some most appropriate venting about prejudices that, sadly, extend even into THIS part of our lives, into THIS very site. It was timely. It was applicable. And I had every right to compose and post it.
It is the continued and curiously-odd objections here informing me that I had no right to hold let alone express such thoughts that are actually generating and propagating the exceedingly peculiar (for a fighting site!) wafts of whining –– while also serving to clearly demonstrate my point of how some try to excuse bigotry and prejudices as merely being personal preferences.
That clearly said, I'm done reading and responding here. Repetition is rarely if ever heard by deaf ears.
One always can quit reading an OP on a forum is he doesn't like it. Hey, what happened to free speech as long as one isn't yelling FIRE in a crowded theater.Kudos to @PoundMyAbs.!
My core Coach, Radner Bearman, says I can be rather "loquacious", lol, so bear w me Guys. I dunno what's gotten into the KoolAid this past year but I'm finding it hard to understand this need for so many men to express themselves w trivial comments like this one. And since we apparently want to call out "injustice, bigotry & ignorance", I think we should also call out BS when we see it.
Lemme see if I get this str8t- this guy (aka PMA) finds a file of a guy in France whom he's hot to GutPunch. The French guy states in his file that he doesn't want to meet American opponents, wch is kinda his prerogative, right?? Anyway, PMA still decides to shoot an email & then gets blocked because the guy in France does not wanna meet Americans; & then PMA decides he has to comment on this "injustice, etc". Really, lol? REEAALLY??
So let's think about this- maybe the French guy doesn't wanna meet Americans because the former guy in the WH denigrated Europeans & threatened the continent's security w his words & actions or he didn't like what he has seen happen in allegedly the world's greatest democracy; France has a large Muslim population & maybe, if he is Muslim, he has no affection or respect for the way America has treated Muslims; & maybe he just doesn't like Americans (damn, I've lived in this country my entire life & I gotta say I don't like much of this country either); whatever his reasons, they are HIS reasons & should be respected nor does he have to say what they are. Is it any different if he said he didn't wanna meet a man of a certain age group or men who are not in shape or a specific weight class (like so many men on this site do)?? I think not- it's the individual's decision to meet the opponent he wants to meet w/o condemnation. To say this is "injustice, etc" is just plain crap. But this is where it gets REALLY, REALLY interesting.
Just like PMA, I happened upon a pic & file that was of interest to me- pic of a HOT bod, gr8t file & unlike the above situation, this guy was not across an ocean but in a neighboring state. So I sent an email & No response- so Pwers1103 looked in the mirror & said I may be many things but I'm not an UgAMug &, if I say so myself, have a VERY decent bod, lean muscle w a rock solid core. Re GP, Pwers1103 had a GR8T rec but wondered maybe I don't have enuff opponents to suit this guy BUT guess what?? He had none, ZERO. Hmm- the plot thickens, lol. So there is only 1 box left to check- could it be my age?? To Pwers1103, seems to be- & wouldn't age discrimination be equal re "injustice, etc" to nationality discrimination since there seem to be no other disqualifications (would luv to know what that would be but no matter, his prerogative). Pwers 1103 thinks so but did I call this guy out?? NNOOOO- as I've said above, a rational person would think he has the right to choose his opponents but one of us seems to handle a silent or negative response better than the other (I guess that comes w age, just sayin, lol). In case U guys haven't figured out who the individual was that didn't answer my email, let's see- could it be PMA?? Damn straight so to read this post- REALLY?? To listen to CryMeARiver when the shoe is on the other foot is somewhat hypocritical so the next time there is a need to call out "injustice, etc", U may wanna rethink that, just sayin.
I guess because of my age I have some wisdom since I actually read files, learned how to handle negativity & OMG, know wch playground to play in- I know that at my age, younger men may not find me to be as competitive as men their own age, no worries; I know that men who have fought more opponents than I will have more experience & skill than I do & may also not find me to be as competitive as they have experienced, no worries ; but when it comes to Gut/Body Punching, I KNOW that whatever age U are, unless U are a trained fighter, I will most likely bust Ur gut up way b4 U can mine- I know how hard my gut is because I've trained w my Coach in forced impact conditioning for a couple of years on & off so don't give me any crap that a lack of response has anything to do except for my age. & yet, this older Dude had the wisdom not to make any negative comments like Mr. BOOHOO- what for??
FYI- I'm not on a debate club so don't bother w any excuses, U will lose (just like in a GP session) & I really don't care, it's trivial but, just like s/one who had to point out "injustice, etc", I guess we should also incl hypocrisy- treat others w the same courtesy & respect U think U deserve. If U have a "need" to comment any further, I said my peace in all it's "loquaciousness" (or send a personal message- I won't block U, just sayin). & since I'm heading north into the Adirondacks in 9 hours for a few days, it's not like I'm gonna answer anytime soon.
That’s not an acceptable excuse to be prejudice toward an entire nation of people based on the actions of a single bad egg. He shouldn’t even have a profile on this site as I am pretty certain his prejudice isn’t acceptable behavior on this website.
In an attempt to keep MY reply short and concise: I’m so sorry you entirely missed my point and failed to read that I HAD stated that PREFERENCES were fine, such as "I prefer smooth guys" or "only MUSCLED guys" or even "only guys with blue eyes" (Or even, “no guys older than me” for that matter).
Quite simply, the fault with your admonishments of my original post lie in your confusion of “preferences” with “prejudices” (as demonstrated by your acceptance of lumping all Americans together as guilty for the criminal, immoral, and reprehensible acts of their supposed “leader.”)
As with any other disparaging replies and misunderstandings of my post, I AM taking the advice of those here — and I am simply “over it.” I wish you peace.
Several years ago on another site that I won't name but rhymes with "total light," there was a guy from a country that's north of the United States who messaged me and asked me about a match (I live on the border of said country and visit there fairly often...before the pandemic, anyways). When I read his profile I noticed that he wrote that he didn't want to meet with Americans in his profile. When I mentioned this to him, he apologized and said he had forgotten the statement was there and was going to take it down. We never actually got together.
I would not have bothered to contact someone who said he didn't want to meet up with guys who are of a category to which I belong, whether it's nationality, age, body type, etc. Life is too short to spend it trying to disabuse guys of their prejudices or preferences. There are plenty of great men on this site, and enough for everyone to find someone who appreciates what each of us offers.
But for me — and again, this is just for me — I find that expressing myself and directly addressing bigotry, injustice and ignorance when I see it works much better — for me — than just ignoring or burying it inside. That’s why I wrote my email and this this post. AFTER doing so, not only am I ABLE to very easily “move on,” but that departure then happens automatically — for me.
But for me — and again, this is just for me — I find that expressing myself and directly addressing bigotry, injustice and ignorance when I see it works much better — for me — than just ignoring or burying it inside. That’s why I wrote my email and this this post. AFTER doing so, not only am I ABLE to very easily “move on,” but that departure then happens automatically — for me.
But for me — and again, this is just for me — I find that expressing myself and directly addressing bigotry, injustice and ignorance when I see it works much better — for me — than just ignoring or burying it inside. That’s why I wrote my email and this this post. AFTER doing so, not only am I ABLE to very easily “move on,” but that departure then happens automatically — for me.
I think it's cool that PoundMyAbs published his account. I agree with most all comments. It's cool that he vented his frustrations,and yeah, everyone agrees, cut your losses and move on. Next?
"abs so punched to mush and his gut pounded in so severely..." "what I could do to him, of what my fists could do to his quivering abs..." Hmmm... yeah, I could imagine myself assuming his identity, and giving you the opportunity to do to me what you'd want to do to him. Your fists plunging deep into my gut would replace arrogance with humiliation and guilt about my bigotry.
"I think we've all run into similar issues over the years, but haven't put voice to it."
I haven't!
2.8 years on this site, it says, (OK, not as active as I could have been, but I think more active than most members) & no trolling yet, or anything I think would offend a snowflake. So... yes, MOST people on here, like most people in the world, are OK.
Of course I'm in no way denying what happened to you, PoundMyAbs, or how it felt to you, but in recent years I have come to appreciate that Jesus was very very right when he said "Judge not, that ye be not judged". After going through a bad patch I have stopped calling a very close relation "the psychotic bitch" as I did for years, now I understand better the sort of pressures she must have been under. My guess is that if you knew all that was going on in the mind of the person concerned, you'd actually be feeling primarily pity.
...but enough soft stuff on a fighting website!
Stop flirting with the ocean 15 miles E of your continent & bring your colonial abs 3500 miles E to your historic & rightful capital & I'll pound them all right!
So, I saw the profile of this guy whose name started with "Gut Punch," and that immediately got my attention. I don't believe he's a member of this group, and I don't want to write his full name (but after those first two words it ends with the name of a country). He had a decent body, seemed well-spoken in his profile description about our mutual interest –– and just as I'm thinking I'll reach out to him, that he could be a fun guy for a gut punch session –– I see the final two words of his profile: "NO AMERICANS."
WTF? I couldn't wrap my head around how somebody could be so insanely prejudiced –– that they hate an entire COUNTRY, especially one known as a "melting pot" of the entire world and its cultures. Sure, a guy might state in his profile that "I prefer smooth guys" or "only MUSCLED guys" or even "only guys with blue eyes" if that was what turned him on. But to dismiss an entire COUNTRY? As a guy who likes to try and mend fences and promote harmony (especially if it means a chance to meet up with a guy for some intense gut punching), I thought I'd peacefully reach out to him and try to communicate, hopefully, showing him that we're all unique, different people –– but who share needs and wants and desires (uh, like gut punching, for some us). So, I wrote him this:
"I saw your profile and thought, 'Yeah, THIS is a guy I could have an amazing gut punching session with!'
Then I sadly saw "No Americans." Out of 328 million people living in the U.S. –– please know that not all of us could possibly possess whatever characteristics you find to be so repulsive. And AS an American, please know that I personally find a very large percentage of this population to be individuals with whom I would never WANT nor CHOOSE to associate. But ALL Americans are not the same –– just as it is true about all French, and Germans, and Spanish. There are among us in America many good and decent people –– and one guy in particular who could give your muscled abs the beating of your life, and could TAKE from you whatever you're able and willing to dish out to HIS nearly unbreakable abs. :-) Peace... Tommy"
After reading my heartfelt email, he politely wrote back saying that he was truly sorry he had held such bigoted views and had rushed to judgement about me and millions and millions of other fellow citizens of the world –– and that he was really looking forward to setting up a gut punch session with me after COVID passed.
Well, that's how I had HOPED he would reply...
But instead, he just spewed back that I didn't have a right to express my views –– and then he blocked me.
And you know what? Instead of me being angered at his ignorance and arrogance and his unwillingness to discuss his prejudices in an attempt to learn and grow –– I'm just going to go with my OWN explanation of why he so hates Americans: He's SCARED of them. I'm going with the story that he once had an ab punching session WITH an AMERICAN –– and he got his Parisian abs so punched to mush and his gut pounded in so severely that he now hates each and everyone of us (especially Rocky). And I've convinced myself that after he read my message to him, and looked at my pics and read my profile, he was SO scared of what I could do to him, of what my fists could do to his quivering abs –– that he just HAD to block me!
Well, that's MY story, and I'm sticking to it. :-)
Okay. I gotta admit –– there's more than a wee bit of irony in some of the replies here, though most are still good-natured. I mean, I WRITE SOMETHING to get a frustration off my chest and to feel better after reading something that bothered me –– and in return –– people WRITE SOMETHING telling me to "get over it," doing the exact same thing I did!: commenting on something that bothered them! :-) Ah, sometimes you just gotta chuckle...
Uma pena isso, e uma pena maior ainda eu estar muito longe, eu ia adorar te socar com toda a minha força e vontade até te dobrar e te deixar de joelhos implorando para eu parar.
I understand your frustration with the guy, but for me, I wouldn't waste any time with a fool like this,, just like a robo call on your phone,, ignore him and move on.
americandream (0)
3/31/2021 1:27 PMI love it!
It was hard to find someone with the same taste as me.
NorthwestGPer (2)
3/28/2021 6:50 AMI stopped reading @ Pwers1103. Too long to make his point and too much BS.
Don't need your politics!
3/28/2021 3:35 PM(In reply to this)
I'm with you NW,,,good God people,, give it a break!! Build a bridge,,, GET OVER IT. Take this to a political website, this is about fighting,, not whining.
PoundMyAbs (2)
3/29/2021 11:15 PM(In reply to this)
For clarification (and my FINAL one at that):
My original post was –– except for those who have either misread, misinterpreted, or purposely misrepresented it –– not "whining" but rather some most appropriate venting about prejudices that, sadly, extend even into THIS part of our lives, into THIS very site. It was timely. It was applicable. And I had every right to compose and post it.
It is the continued and curiously-odd objections here informing me that I had no right to hold let alone express such thoughts that are actually generating and propagating the exceedingly peculiar (for a fighting site!) wafts of whining –– while also serving to clearly demonstrate my point of how some try to excuse bigotry and prejudices as merely being personal preferences.
That clearly said, I'm done reading and responding here. Repetition is rarely if ever heard by deaf ears.
NorthwestGPer (2)
3/30/2021 6:50 AM(In reply to this)
One always can quit reading an OP on a forum is he doesn't like it. Hey, what happened to free speech as long as one isn't yelling FIRE in a crowded theater.Kudos to @PoundMyAbs.!
Pwers1103 (3)
3/28/2021 6:43 AMMy core Coach, Radner Bearman, says I can be rather "loquacious", lol, so bear w me Guys. I dunno what's gotten into the KoolAid this past year but I'm finding it hard to understand this need for so many men to express themselves w trivial comments like this one. And since we apparently want to call out "injustice, bigotry & ignorance", I think we should also call out BS when we see it.
Lemme see if I get this str8t- this guy (aka PMA) finds a file of a guy in France whom he's hot to GutPunch. The French guy states in his file that he doesn't want to meet American opponents, wch is kinda his prerogative, right?? Anyway, PMA still decides to shoot an email & then gets blocked because the guy in France does not wanna meet Americans; & then PMA decides he has to comment on this "injustice, etc". Really, lol? REEAALLY??
So let's think about this- maybe the French guy doesn't wanna meet Americans because the former guy in the WH denigrated Europeans & threatened the continent's security w his words & actions or he didn't like what he has seen happen in allegedly the world's greatest democracy; France has a large Muslim population & maybe, if he is Muslim, he has no affection or respect for the way America has treated Muslims; & maybe he just doesn't like Americans (damn, I've lived in this country my entire life & I gotta say I don't like much of this country either); whatever his reasons, they are HIS reasons & should be respected nor does he have to say what they are. Is it any different if he said he didn't wanna meet a man of a certain age group or men who are not in shape or a specific weight class (like so many men on this site do)?? I think not- it's the individual's decision to meet the opponent he wants to meet w/o condemnation. To say this is "injustice, etc" is just plain crap. But this is where it gets REALLY, REALLY interesting.
Just like PMA, I happened upon a pic & file that was of interest to me- pic of a HOT bod, gr8t file & unlike the above situation, this guy was not across an ocean but in a neighboring state. So I sent an email & No response- so Pwers1103 looked in the mirror & said I may be many things but I'm not an UgAMug &, if I say so myself, have a VERY decent bod, lean muscle w a rock solid core. Re GP, Pwers1103 had a GR8T rec but wondered maybe I don't have enuff opponents to suit this guy BUT guess what?? He had none, ZERO. Hmm- the plot thickens, lol. So there is only 1 box left to check- could it be my age?? To Pwers1103, seems to be- & wouldn't age discrimination be equal re "injustice, etc" to nationality discrimination since there seem to be no other disqualifications (would luv to know what that would be but no matter, his prerogative). Pwers 1103 thinks so but did I call this guy out?? NNOOOO- as I've said above, a rational person would think he has the right to choose his opponents but one of us seems to handle a silent or negative response better than the other (I guess that comes w age, just sayin, lol). In case U guys haven't figured out who the individual was that didn't answer my email, let's see- could it be PMA?? Damn straight so to read this post- REALLY?? To listen to CryMeARiver when the shoe is on the other foot is somewhat hypocritical so the next time there is a need to call out "injustice, etc", U may wanna rethink that, just sayin.
I guess because of my age I have some wisdom since I actually read files, learned how to handle negativity & OMG, know wch playground to play in- I know that at my age, younger men may not find me to be as competitive as men their own age, no worries; I know that men who have fought more opponents than I will have more experience & skill than I do & may also not find me to be as competitive as they have experienced, no worries ; but when it comes to Gut/Body Punching, I KNOW that whatever age U are, unless U are a trained fighter, I will most likely bust Ur gut up way b4 U can mine- I know how hard my gut is because I've trained w my Coach in forced impact conditioning for a couple of years on & off so don't give me any crap that a lack of response has anything to do except for my age. & yet, this older Dude had the wisdom not to make any negative comments like Mr. BOOHOO- what for??
FYI- I'm not on a debate club so don't bother w any excuses, U will lose (just like in a GP session) & I really don't care, it's trivial but, just like s/one who had to point out "injustice, etc", I guess we should also incl hypocrisy- treat others w the same courtesy & respect U think U deserve. If U have a "need" to comment any further, I said my peace in all it's "loquaciousness" (or send a personal message- I won't block U, just sayin). & since I'm heading north into the Adirondacks in 9 hours for a few days, it's not like I'm gonna answer anytime soon.
GutPuncher89 (1 )
3/28/2021 11:58 AM(In reply to this)
That’s not an acceptable excuse to be prejudice toward an entire nation of people based on the actions of a single bad egg. He shouldn’t even have a profile on this site as I am pretty certain his prejudice isn’t acceptable behavior on this website.
PoundMyAbs (2)
3/28/2021 8:21 AM(In reply to this)
In an attempt to keep MY reply short and concise: I’m so sorry you entirely missed my point and failed to read that I HAD stated that PREFERENCES were fine, such as "I prefer smooth guys" or "only MUSCLED guys" or even "only guys with blue eyes" (Or even, “no guys older than me” for that matter).
Quite simply, the fault with your admonishments of my original post lie in your confusion of “preferences” with “prejudices” (as demonstrated by your acceptance of lumping all Americans together as guilty for the criminal, immoral, and reprehensible acts of their supposed “leader.”)
As with any other disparaging replies and misunderstandings of my post, I AM taking the advice of those here — and I am simply “over it.” I wish you peace.
NorthwestGPer (2)
3/29/2021 6:57 AM(In reply to this)
Thank you for clarifying the differences between PREFERENCES and PREJUDICES.
Davey716 (45)
3/27/2021 3:23 PMSeveral years ago on another site that I won't name but rhymes with "total light," there was a guy from a country that's north of the United States who messaged me and asked me about a match (I live on the border of said country and visit there fairly often...before the pandemic, anyways). When I read his profile I noticed that he wrote that he didn't want to meet with Americans in his profile. When I mentioned this to him, he apologized and said he had forgotten the statement was there and was going to take it down. We never actually got together.
I would not have bothered to contact someone who said he didn't want to meet up with guys who are of a category to which I belong, whether it's nationality, age, body type, etc. Life is too short to spend it trying to disabuse guys of their prejudices or preferences. There are plenty of great men on this site, and enough for everyone to find someone who appreciates what each of us offers.
PoundMyAbs (2)
3/27/2021 5:28 PM(In reply to this)
But for me — and again, this is just for me — I find that expressing myself and directly addressing bigotry, injustice and ignorance when I see it works much better — for me — than just ignoring or burying it inside. That’s why I wrote my email and this this post. AFTER doing so, not only am I ABLE to very easily “move on,” but that departure then happens automatically — for me.
PoundMyAbs (2)
3/27/2021 5:28 PM(In reply to this)
But for me — and again, this is just for me — I find that expressing myself and directly addressing bigotry, injustice and ignorance when I see it works much better — for me — than just ignoring or burying it inside. That’s why I wrote my email and this this post. AFTER doing so, not only am I ABLE to very easily “move on,” but that departure then happens automatically — for me.
PoundMyAbs (2)
3/27/2021 5:28 PM(In reply to this)
But for me — and again, this is just for me — I find that expressing myself and directly addressing bigotry, injustice and ignorance when I see it works much better — for me — than just ignoring or burying it inside. That’s why I wrote my email and this this post. AFTER doing so, not only am I ABLE to very easily “move on,” but that departure then happens automatically — for me.
NorthwestGPer (2)
3/27/2021 6:05 AMI think it's cool that PoundMyAbs published his account. I agree with most all comments. It's cool that he vented his frustrations,and yeah, everyone agrees, cut your losses and move on. Next?
slimp (0)
3/27/2021 3:19 AM"abs so punched to mush and his gut pounded in so severely..." "what I could do to him, of what my fists could do to his quivering abs..." Hmmm... yeah, I could imagine myself assuming his identity, and giving you the opportunity to do to me what you'd want to do to him. Your fists plunging deep into my gut would replace arrogance with humiliation and guilt about my bigotry.
ruinurabs (42 )
3/27/2021 2:38 AMGlad you vented. I think we've all run into similar issues over the years, but haven't put voice to it. Cheers!
Robin (20)
3/28/2021 1:04 AM(In reply to this)
"I think we've all run into similar issues over the years, but haven't put voice to it."
I haven't!
2.8 years on this site, it says, (OK, not as active as I could have been, but I think more active than most members) & no trolling yet, or anything I think would offend a snowflake. So... yes, MOST people on here, like most people in the world, are OK.
Of course I'm in no way denying what happened to you, PoundMyAbs, or how it felt to you, but in recent years I have come to appreciate that Jesus was very very right when he said "Judge not, that ye be not judged". After going through a bad patch I have stopped calling a very close relation "the psychotic bitch" as I did for years, now I understand better the sort of pressures she must have been under. My guess is that if you knew all that was going on in the mind of the person concerned, you'd actually be feeling primarily pity.
...but enough soft stuff on a fighting website!
Stop flirting with the ocean 15 miles E of your continent & bring your colonial abs 3500 miles E to your historic & rightful capital & I'll pound them all right!
expat (6 )
3/26/2021 8:22 AMThere are lots and lots of great looking idiots in the world. Forget him. Move on
PoundMyAbs (2)
3/26/2021 6:19 PM(In reply to this)
As I expressed in my post –– I already have.
But for me in life, expressing myself actually ALLOWS me to release my frustrations with people and things.
PoundMyAbs (2)
3/25/2021 9:02 PMSo, I saw the profile of this guy whose name started with "Gut Punch," and that immediately got my attention. I don't believe he's a member of this group, and I don't want to write his full name (but after those first two words it ends with the name of a country). He had a decent body, seemed well-spoken in his profile description about our mutual interest –– and just as I'm thinking I'll reach out to him, that he could be a fun guy for a gut punch session –– I see the final two words of his profile: "NO AMERICANS."
WTF? I couldn't wrap my head around how somebody could be so insanely prejudiced –– that they hate an entire COUNTRY, especially one known as a "melting pot" of the entire world and its cultures. Sure, a guy might state in his profile that "I prefer smooth guys" or "only MUSCLED guys" or even "only guys with blue eyes" if that was what turned him on. But to dismiss an entire COUNTRY? As a guy who likes to try and mend fences and promote harmony (especially if it means a chance to meet up with a guy for some intense gut punching), I thought I'd peacefully reach out to him and try to communicate, hopefully, showing him that we're all unique, different people –– but who share needs and wants and desires (uh, like gut punching, for some us). So, I wrote him this:
"I saw your profile and thought, 'Yeah, THIS is a guy I could have an amazing gut punching session with!'
Then I sadly saw "No Americans." Out of 328 million people living in the U.S. –– please know that not all of us could possibly possess whatever characteristics you find to be so repulsive. And AS an American, please know that I personally find a very large percentage of this population to be individuals with whom I would never WANT nor CHOOSE to associate. But ALL Americans are not the same –– just as it is true about all French, and Germans, and Spanish. There are among us in America many good and decent people –– and one guy in particular who could give your muscled abs the beating of your life, and could TAKE from you whatever you're able and willing to dish out to HIS nearly unbreakable abs. :-) Peace... Tommy"
After reading my heartfelt email, he politely wrote back saying that he was truly sorry he had held such bigoted views and had rushed to judgement about me and millions and millions of other fellow citizens of the world –– and that he was really looking forward to setting up a gut punch session with me after COVID passed.
Well, that's how I had HOPED he would reply...
But instead, he just spewed back that I didn't have a right to express my views –– and then he blocked me.
And you know what? Instead of me being angered at his ignorance and arrogance and his unwillingness to discuss his prejudices in an attempt to learn and grow –– I'm just going to go with my OWN explanation of why he so hates Americans: He's SCARED of them. I'm going with the story that he once had an ab punching session WITH an AMERICAN –– and he got his Parisian abs so punched to mush and his gut pounded in so severely that he now hates each and everyone of us (especially Rocky). And I've convinced myself that after he read my message to him, and looked at my pics and read my profile, he was SO scared of what I could do to him, of what my fists could do to his quivering abs –– that he just HAD to block me!
Well, that's MY story, and I'm sticking to it. :-)
Jack41 (2)
3/28/2021 10:02 AM(In reply to this)
America is a continent. Did he mean the continent or did he mean a specific country such as Mexico? Or USA?
PoundMyAbs (2)
3/28/2021 5:20 AM(In reply to this)
Okay. I gotta admit –– there's more than a wee bit of irony in some of the replies here, though most are still good-natured. I mean, I WRITE SOMETHING to get a frustration off my chest and to feel better after reading something that bothered me –– and in return –– people WRITE SOMETHING telling me to "get over it," doing the exact same thing I did!: commenting on something that bothered them! :-) Ah, sometimes you just gotta chuckle...
Jefferson Nasc (2)
3/26/2021 6:52 PM(In reply to this)
Uma pena isso, e uma pena maior ainda eu estar muito longe, eu ia adorar te socar com toda a minha força e vontade até te dobrar e te deixar de joelhos implorando para eu parar.
PoundMyAbs (2)
3/26/2021 6:56 PM(In reply to this)
Eu gostaria muito disso. Apenas saiba que eu NÃO imploro que vocês parem. É muito mais quente para continuar tomando.
3/26/2021 11:57 AM(In reply to this)
I understand your frustration with the guy, but for me, I wouldn't waste any time with a fool like this,, just like a robo call on your phone,, ignore him and move on.
PoundMyAbs (2)
3/26/2021 6:19 PM(In reply to this)
Already done.
GutPuncher89 (1 )
3/26/2021 10:52 AM(In reply to this)
I tried searching for his profile. When did this happen? He must have been suspended or banned from the site.
PoundMyAbs (2)
3/26/2021 6:23 PM(In reply to this)
A few days ago. It's still there. But no need to check him out... :-)
NorthwestGPer (2)
3/26/2021 8:00 AM(In reply to this)
Quite a story!
PoundMyAbs (2)
3/26/2021 6:20 PM(In reply to this)
Indeed! :-)