Milking Matches

Holds for milking

Scissorpower (0 )

11/03/2024 3:49 PM

trapping you in a headscissor with your face pressed into my cock as I use my hand to maul your little dick and milk it dry


Matwrestler101 (14)

11/05/2024 10:54 AM

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That is hot big guy


headscissorschgonwburbs (24 )

11/03/2024 4:32 PM

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We think alike


davewhittle (13)

10/10/2024 6:56 PM

I like to be on my back with oppo sitting on my chest looking towards my feet, then he pulls back my right leg and puts his right leg on top of mine, his foot on the floor , does the same with the other leg, leans slightly back pulling both my legs tighter in like a reverse folding press.
He has both hands free to milk me, as I reach climax he leans back more putting extra pressure on my legs and chest . Wow what a cum.



10/11/2024 5:38 PM

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Fuck, want to cradle you like that, pinned and no way to defend your cock.
I'd fucking milk your hog, pulling back on your legs, keeping you edged and at the brink.
Then force your to give up your defeated dick milk, shooting on my gut, pecs and mouth.
That's just one way to harvest a stud's cum to feed on.
Primal cum fuels my aggression, virility, power, masculinity and manhood.
I own your fucking sperm.


Cheshgrappler (22)

10/11/2024 6:14 PM

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Fuking love that! We need a primal match


LeatherWrestlerUS (1)

10/10/2024 9:17 PM

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Would like to get you in that position and keep you there for a while, slowly edging you until you're begging me to let you release your massive built-up load.


YakoLucha (0)

10/10/2024 7:04 PM

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Cuando estás bien inmovilizado, antes de ser ordeñado, castigar al perdedor. Pequeños golpes en las pelotas para que sepa lo que le espera y ese dolor difícil de resistir. Luego unos tirones de las bolas para que note el dolor de estar cargado. Luego meneársela un poco. Y luego que sufra como se le ordeña contra su voluntad.


luchador (62)

2/05/2024 6:25 AM

The best is a bulge smother naked


GutclawerHunter (3)

1/31/2024 9:35 AM

i like being milked in a knee back breaker position


Muscle hugger (1)

1/31/2024 12:59 PM

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Perfect, I'd chuck you over my knee and milk you dry ....


Easywrestler I (1)

2/05/2024 9:21 AM

(In reply to this)

Yes please


Muscle hugger (1)

1/08/2024 4:39 PM

Over the shoulder, back breaker, is my favourite position for this honour, once I have hoisted the dude up they are completely exposed and at my mercy........


Wrestler4Fun (9)

11/04/2024 10:56 AM

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Very HOT, I would love to check if you can do it with me 😊


Easywrestler I (1)

1/31/2024 11:15 PM

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Just two things put me off: its a painful hold and I've never found anyone I’m completely sure wouldn’t drop me lol
But i do like the idea of being exposed like that :-)


Belly Bee (0)

1/30/2024 5:31 PM

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That is a feel good torture to be n


Muscle hugger (1)

1/31/2024 1:06 AM

(In reply to this)

It sure is....


George1985 (2)

1/05/2024 12:44 PM

I like to be secured (very thightly) to the bondage chair for a good milking session


Timwrestler86 (0)

1/04/2024 12:15 AM

I was pined down in my last match and milked, it was a great match and, hopfully next time I can get the win.


jamesstrong2781 (0)

1/02/2024 7:01 PM

Pin your opponent's back to the ground, your legs trapping his arms either side of his body while you smother him with you ass sat flat and hard on his face. Then reach for his helpless cock and balls and milk him dry with both hands.


zbobsled (0)

1/31/2024 1:05 PM

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That would be fun!


Bonni (2)

1/09/2024 1:38 PM

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My favorite hold right here


ks56 (10)

1/02/2024 10:25 PM

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That sounds like the perfect way to milk an opponent. Can struggle all he wants with no hope of the inevitable climax to the match!


jamesstrong2781 (0)

1/03/2024 12:40 AM

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Yeah. All he can do is thrust his hips and kick out his legs in frustration, but this only helps heighten the effects of the hand pumping his cock to eruption.


wrestlefun1 (35)

1/03/2024 11:36 AM

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Been caught in that position, very humiliating


jamesstrong2781 (0)

1/03/2024 4:58 PM

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I haven't been but I'd like to get defeated that way. Would be an experience to always remember lol



1/02/2024 6:03 PM

Hold? Over the knee bacbreaker.
Hold your opponent over the knee, forearm across the throat, back arched hard.
Tits offered up, helpless hole, cock and balls.
You have clear and unobstructed access to your opponent's nipples, balls and cock.
Also great for finger fucking your opponent.
If you got a tag team partner, he can facefuck the jobber while you're working him over.


go4broke 43 (0)

3/26/2024 5:58 PM

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Would love to find myself in that position with you.


JayXMuscle (20 )

2/09/2024 4:52 AM

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Defintely am down for backbreaker hold with milking, been in that hold. Its tough on the back, but if cock is milked I dont feel pain, just get spastic


voyageur 66 (0)

2/05/2024 12:37 AM

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Perfect position; would love to get caught in this situation and worked for hours.


voyageur 66 (0)

1/02/2024 3:12 AM

Would be fun to have a strong man hold me in position so I can't control what's happening to my dick and balls


JobberGnarls (16)

12/04/2023 7:25 PM

I love being put in leg locks and forced to jerk off. Hold doesn't end until I shoot. Endure the pain or cum are the only options. Figure4 and standing Indian Deathlock are perfect so I can see the heel watching and enjoying. 😈


luchador (62)

12/25/2023 6:41 PM

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I do it much and enjoy it with a crotch or cock smother


Cheshgrappler (22)

12/04/2023 8:27 PM

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Love it and a fav of mine


voyageur 66 (0)

12/02/2023 7:11 AM

I've been milked and edged but never in a wrestling situation. It would be an incredible experience.


ks56 (10)

12/01/2023 6:07 AM

I was milked in my last encounter. Perfect way to end the match.


YakoLucha (0)

12/02/2023 12:12 AM

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Cuenta como te sacaron la leche? Sólo una ordeñada?



11/29/2023 8:44 PM

over the knee bacbreaker.
Hold your opponent over the knee, forearm across the throat.
You have clear and unobstructed access to your opponent's nipples, balls and cock.


Cheshgrappler (22)

12/01/2023 11:45 AM

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Agree perfect hold or a single Boston


Combatsportsfun (4)

11/30/2023 7:35 PM

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I’ve always want to get in that move in a match struggling and being humiliated being milked dry.


KWT1964 (4)

11/30/2023 5:50 PM

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Yea he’d be helpless


Judobremen (4)

11/18/2023 12:58 PM

Any of you know / have some great links to milking matches to the end??


Thor1985 (4)

11/15/2023 7:59 AM

Lad here in Manchester looking milk match sessions. Let's harvest those loads boys


Cheshgrappler (22)

11/27/2023 9:06 AM

(In reply to this)

Ye mate I would be up for it!



11/17/2023 10:21 PM

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Handsome as fuck and a body built for men.
If you were closer we'd have a pretty tough match and epic cum harvesting session.
Fuck, that's primal.


eremyta Br (0)

8/09/2022 5:52 AM

Hey, acabei de criar um canal no telegram pra postar meus nudes
entra ai 😜
lá você pode encontrar os links do meu Twitter e do meu Privacy 🔞😈


Gws2020 (2)

7/18/2022 8:04 AM

I feel like having a jobbers head in a lock where his face is buried in the opponents pit, forced to smell his victory all while being milked dry is the way to go!


Atom-Bomb (0)

7/19/2022 7:20 AM

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That sounds awesome


squeezerian (135)

3/23/2022 7:26 AM

Immobilizing my jobber in a tight bosyscissors and jacking him off is always fun.


jessC85 (0)

3/23/2022 9:40 AM

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Thats certainly humiliating


GutclawerHunter (3)

3/23/2022 8:21 AM

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hope someone would do that to me.


Kochap (19)

2/23/2022 8:23 AM

Reversee we head scissors usually does the trick.


Leviswrestler (0)

12/18/2023 8:19 PM

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I usually facesit my opponent and then milk him while he whiffs my ass.


jamesstrong2781 (0)

1/02/2024 3:10 AM

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Love this. Sounds so humiliating and fun.


Wolfboy (0 )

3/20/2022 3:33 PM

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That might be the best way...


LeotardWrestler (0)

2/23/2022 9:27 AM

(In reply to this)

Excellent hold for that.


Pantyhoseguy (1)

1/27/2022 12:02 PM

I was to be put in a spladle while in pantyhose then milked


hardonthemat (64)

1/27/2022 7:39 PM

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A spladle is a great hold to milk the opponent. Strentch him out and go to work!


CodyW (35 )

11/27/2021 3:46 PM

Locked up and being milked Please log in to view gallery photos.


Wolfboy (0 )

3/20/2022 3:34 PM

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Perfect hold...


DarkFighter001 (0)

11/29/2021 10:31 AM

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I was locked in a similar hold like that which is call crucifix with my arms are trap and being stretch out while getting jack off...I was too weak to break free as I'm being milked for a very long time until I exploded so hard.


KidPrimo (3)

12/03/2021 9:14 PM

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Milk & Pin



1/26/2022 2:35 PM

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That should be pin and milk (slow and hard) 😉


Meilo1 (27)

12/05/2021 8:46 AM

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yeah Milk and Pin, during and after the match, the last one who can no longer be milked has lost because of empty balls


Smallf1ghter (1)

8/09/2022 2:42 PM

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Sounds good Mielo1



12/01/2021 10:00 PM

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Darkfighter, I would love to get you in that predicament!


LustundSpaß (1)

2/24/2022 5:40 AM

(In reply to this)

why not?

Squeezeplay, maybe it s very hot



11/29/2021 12:30 AM

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Excelente pero mejor con spladle


Combatsportsfun (4)

11/27/2021 9:34 PM

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Nice! I’m just imagining how it feels not able to move and struggling to escape and not to to cum.


joeyj 32 (3)

11/27/2021 9:57 PM

(In reply to this)

Definitely sounds hot


Kochap (19)

3/01/2022 8:42 PM

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The more they fight it, the faster they finish lol


CodyW (35 )

11/27/2021 10:01 PM

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I'll upload the video sometime ;)


CodyW (35 )

11/12/2023 1:28 PM

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Video is at:

Wrestling Brent


Lutte Cannes (20 )

11/13/2023 8:27 AM

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This is how I like it


joeyj 32 (3)

11/27/2021 10:23 PM

(In reply to this)

can't wait to see it


jessC85 (0)

10/30/2021 10:07 AM

Love the idea of the winner collecting my cum in a small container as proof of his victory


GutclawerHunter (3)

3/21/2022 12:11 PM

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lets do that.



11/07/2021 9:42 AM

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Suena super eso mi hermano!


Wolfboy (0 )

10/26/2021 11:30 AM

After applying the perfect hold, the victim shouldn't only be milked - it should be milked much too long - as dry milking is one of the most painful punishment methods for men. The victim will hate and fear that - and never forget.


Cheshgrappler (22)

12/01/2023 12:59 PM

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I agree dry milking is the ultimate aim of milking match!

And so painful


GutclawerHunter (3)

3/21/2022 12:08 PM

(In reply to this)

nice idea.



11/07/2021 9:43 AM

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Cómo es eso en secó?


RoughProRassler (0)

11/01/2021 2:19 PM

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It can be a fun and painful way to continue their handling.


Baconbits (1)

10/28/2021 5:55 AM

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Completely agree with you there Wolfboy. There isn’t a more humiliating act than being forcibly milked to ejaculation by an opponent you just lost to, especially under threat of continued …punishment.


Wolfboy (0 )

3/20/2022 3:36 PM

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Thank you - this is the perfect punishment for a looser - I also received that.


Wolfboy (0 )

1/08/2022 4:12 PM

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This is the point - being dry milked in an inescapable hold ist the most extreme humiliation you can get.


KWT1964 (4)

1/26/2022 1:20 PM

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That’s brutal for sure


KidPrimo (3)

12/03/2021 9:20 PM

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right after the pin


Wolfboy (0 )

10/29/2021 1:06 PM

(In reply to this)

Exactly this is the point - dry milking is awfully painful...



10/28/2021 11:06 PM

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and you know that the defeated opponent's forced milk load will be smeared on my cock. Then shove my cum-coated cock back in his mouth so he's fed his own load.


Suncoastotter (0)

11/06/2021 12:37 PM

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I agree, MUSCLEPECMAN, that would certainly be humiliating for the loser and be a memorable defeat.


Wolfboy (0 )

10/29/2021 1:07 PM

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And you could add a little bit of your own cum...



10/29/2021 11:09 PM

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He'll be fed the motherload after he sucks his cum off my cock.


RoughProRassler (0)

11/01/2021 2:21 PM

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DarkFighter001 (0)

10/25/2021 5:35 AM

I had always milked my opponents by wearing them down into a very tight body scissor....I would jack them off slowly while edging their dick head against my thighs ...I had made one dude suck his thumb while edging him


Wolfboy (0 )

1/08/2022 4:15 PM

(In reply to this)

I envy you - I'd like to get this treatment from you...


CoachDad37 (1 )

11/27/2021 9:38 PM

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I've done something similar, only had him suck my thumb! It wasn't long before he was done.


DominateMe24 (1)

11/07/2021 3:55 PM

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Bastardo :)


Fig4headscizzors (5 )

10/22/2021 5:46 PM

My emission hold is a headscissors me on top.I milk my opponent with my throat.Love watching his legs kick around with his hands on my head trying to pull my mouth off his exposed cock.


ZeakMartin (74)

11/30/2023 8:21 PM

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Does it work on straight guys?


Fig4headscizzors (5 )

11/27/2023 4:46 PM

(In reply to this)

Just did this to a straight guy


Combatsportsfun (4)

11/27/2023 5:41 PM

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Nice! I bet he was humiliated and trapped.


LeotardWrestler (0)

1/29/2022 7:43 PM

(In reply to this)

Been in that hold.


Wolfboy (0 )

3/20/2022 3:38 PM

(In reply to this)

How did it feel?



11/07/2021 9:48 AM

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Es experto ordeñando verga amigo?


RoughProRassler (0)

11/01/2021 4:28 PM

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Once you get a good lock on that cock there are not many who will be able to stop you. Fewer would want to try after a moment of intense dominating pleasure.


Fig4headscizzors (5 )

10/23/2021 10:58 AM

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I also had it done to me by a guy with an enormous moustache.He brushed my shaft and cock head til I emitted.


Meilo1 (27)

10/23/2021 11:00 AM

(In reply to this)

that's sounds horny



10/22/2021 6:33 PM

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Goddamn, FUCK.
Force milking your opponent with your mouth siphon harvesting and claiming his cum.


joeyj 32 (3)

10/22/2021 7:23 PM

(In reply to this)

Damn. I agree


hardonthemat (64)

10/22/2021 6:19 PM

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Hey Fig 4 - great hold to milk the opponent. Drain his balls!


zbobsled (0)

10/23/2021 7:14 PM

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Love the figure 4...that works!


looking2wrestle (0 )

10/03/2021 2:44 PM

That hold is great but don’t edge him. Keep stroking him and see how many cum shots you get out of him before he escapes (or runs dry) that is what I do!!


DarkFighter001 (0)

9/11/2021 3:33 AM

I remembered my 1st erotic milking match...I was trapped in a crucifix and too weak to get out of it...and I was milked for about a good 45min and explode so hard in defeat


CoachDad37 (1 )

11/03/2021 9:32 PM

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That happened to me with a young bodybuilder/wrestler. I was unable to use my hands to push him off (he was also bigger than I). He was using his mouth & throat - I kept telling him to stop but he wouldn't. He was able to bring me right up to the point where I thought I was going to shoot, then back off - then start up again. This went on for a good 45 minutes and got to the point where I was begging him to finish me off. When he finally did I shot buckets! And was thoroughly exhausted.



8/12/2021 1:41 PM

WOW,, that is one hot video,, ultimate humiliation,,I'm surprised the winner didn't skull fuck him too,,


Meilo1 (27)

8/12/2021 7:19 AM

i like to wank my opponent in a dragon-sleeper, so i can also twist his nipples, while he helples lying face in my armpit to lick it


Atom-Bomb (0)

9/23/2021 5:45 AM

(In reply to this)

that sounds awesome


RoughProRassler (0)

9/22/2021 7:55 PM

(In reply to this)

Damn man that is hot for sure!



8/12/2021 5:20 PM

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Dragon-sleeper...fucking great hold. opponent's face being crushed by flexed pec, a mouthful of mantit, chewing and teasing his nips while checking out his prized cock and cranking out his defeated alpha cum. That's the way your force milk a fucker and claim his cum.


awill92 (86)

8/12/2021 4:00 PM

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Always love a milking a opponent while their locked in a choke hold of some kind and stuck in a smoother like the pits - forced to lick them as he gets harder



8/10/2021 9:52 PM

Spladle is an excellent hold to use for milking your opponent! He is trapped and has no way to defend himself against your assault on his cock, or his hole!


wrestlefun1 (35)

8/11/2021 11:49 PM

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Totally agree, it definitely opens you up to be worked over


KidPrimo (3)

12/03/2021 9:22 PM

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posers make it too easy



8/11/2021 7:59 PM

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Spladles are best for 2 on 1 tag teams....all alphas. The one opponent is held in a spladle, his hole wide open and helplessly exposed, and the other is in the perfect position to line up his raging boner against the alpha's hole and impales him with his warrior cock in a single thrust. That alpha will not forget that dicking.


wrestlmscl (0)

10/03/2021 5:36 AM

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I’ve done that. Very hot!



10/06/2021 2:40 AM

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stud...were you the winning or defeated wrestler?
Bro, i would lock up with you. Hit the gym, square off, size each other up and get down on the mats.


wrestlmscl (0)

10/09/2021 5:16 PM

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I’ve been on the winning and losing end of that.


wrestlefun1 (35)

8/11/2021 2:48 AM

(In reply to this)

Definitely a awesome milking position


headscissorschgonwburbs (24 )

6/18/2021 10:57 PM

a nice headscissors keeps him milking


RoughProRassler (0)

9/22/2021 7:59 PM

(In reply to this)

It works good every time. Squeeze that head so you keep him light headed and work that cock slow and firm. Edge him multiple times but don't let him cum until you allow it.


WrestlerPunk (1)

8/12/2021 5:00 AM

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Always love a headscissors and milking finisher



6/18/2021 11:14 PM

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tiene algún ejemplo gráfico de cómo sería eso?


JayXMuscle (20 )

12/03/2021 3:49 AM

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Hot fight, love the head scissors submission


headscissorschgonwburbs (24 )

6/18/2021 11:21 PM

(In reply to this)

sure like to wrestle him into a cock sucking headscissors



6/18/2021 11:25 PM

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a usted le gusta?



5/10/2021 4:54 PM

Alguien me puede por favor enviar fotos de las mejores llaves para lograr someter a mi adversario y poder lograr un buen ordeño?


zbobsled (0)

4/29/2021 11:49 PM

I would love a good milking match. I am into a real challenge to see who is the true heel.



4/30/2021 6:53 PM

(In reply to this)

Poderlo descargar entero seria uffff


wrestlefun1 (35)

4/28/2021 1:53 AM

Here's a great hold to apply and milk your opponent into submission


CodyW (35 )

4/27/2021 4:04 PM

My most humiliated milking was when I was trapped in a hold, stripped of my underwear, then gagged with my underwear, and then milked dry.


TheColossus (10 )

3/01/2022 8:54 PM

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One of my favorite ways to milk my opponents



4/30/2021 6:57 PM

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poseidon (5)

3/24/2020 7:43 AM

wrestle to dominate is the way forward for me. i wrestled on 21.03.2020 a 17 stone mountain thick thighs and arms i got him in a boston and sat on his back to breaking point and milked that man so good. then we fought again and i pinned him i spread his thick thighs over my shoulders pulled him up so his weight was placed on his neck, no chance of moving as i leant in and then milked the muscle again. his thick big veint cock had no chance all i could see was his face twitching and moaning he was dominated and finished i layed on his chest he tapped and panted like a big old bear , mmmmmmgrrrrrmmmmm


LeatherWrestlerUS (1)

4/29/2021 11:29 PM

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I would've loved to see that match. Or, better yet, experience it first hand, if you know what I mean. LOL


awill92 (86)

3/24/2020 1:47 PM

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That's very hot! And the fact you did it to a muscle bear makes it more hot 😛


wrestlerguy21 (11 )

3/24/2020 1:05 PM

(In reply to this)

yeah it sure does sounds hot.


poseidon (5)

3/25/2020 8:36 AM

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oh grrrr he wont forget his emptying


Ken1964 (9)

7/01/2021 2:22 PM

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Nice, chicken wing him and make him helpless


Ken1964 (9)

7/01/2021 2:22 PM

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Wrap a guy up unsuspecting, then get him helpless and mild him good would be awesome


Ken1964 (9)

7/01/2021 2:22 PM

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Wrap a guy up unsuspecting, then get him helpless and mild him good would be awesome


Meilo1 (27)

3/24/2020 7:46 AM

(In reply to this)

hi poseidon, damn that sounds hot, like a great match



9/10/2019 11:44 PM

I have used many of these holds to keep a guy in place while I milk him, but I especially enjoy the spladle to immobilize, humiliate, and punish. Easy access to his manhood.


Pantyhoseguy (1)

8/10/2021 5:31 PM

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Spladle me


Ken1964 (9)

7/01/2021 2:25 PM

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What’s a spladle?


Katfitefan (4)

3/16/2020 8:46 PM

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Damn, spladle has to be the most humiliating wrestling hold ever.


wrestlefun1 (35)

3/16/2020 8:54 PM

(In reply to this)

I agree, it's very humiliating to be spread wide open and exposed in a spladle hold while being milked Please log in to view gallery photos.



5/10/2021 4:56 PM

(In reply to this)

buenos días, me podría por favor enviar mensajes internos con fotos de esta llave para lograr un buen partido de ordeño? quedo de usted altamente agradecido ¡


Meilo1 (27)

3/21/2020 9:45 AM

(In reply to this)

indeed, you right


Katfitefan (4)

3/16/2020 9:28 PM

(In reply to this)

I challenge you to a milking match if you are up for it.


wrestlefun1 (35)

3/16/2020 9:30 PM

(In reply to this)

Would love to have a milking match with you



3/20/2020 12:32 PM

(In reply to this)

I with you for sure!


Wrestling4fun1958 (0)

9/11/2019 6:32 AM

(In reply to this)

Put me in a hold and milk me


Rob3811 (12 )

9/09/2019 8:20 PM

so hot a scene is beefy heel & his equally beefy unsuspecting good guy jobber---private match both in pro trunks/singlets– heel takes his sweet time 'working on his man' with long methodical dirty tactics ' away from the ref's view' to pour on the sweat and close contact to keep his good guy 'frustrated, distracted, and jutting up rock hard ' as he's weakened/dazed and set up for a milking he's not yet aware of.....kneeling arm bars, leg locks, prone face to pit head locks, meaty thigh head scissors , prone grape vines etc all take their toll as heel marks his man with his sweat and contact.

an upper body face to pouch cover to stun him and the heel knows his jobber bud is ready as he shifts further down for a full sweaty weighty reverse body press–rear fig 4 head scissors to slide his jobbers face up to his ass, heels hands around the fleshy upper thighs to spread those legs some as he slides his head down to take his time working a milking as he hears his good guys muffled protests as hes taken against his will


wibster74 (1)

7/02/2021 9:24 PM

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Sweet Jesus bud!


wrestlingbear (3)

9/22/2019 11:13 PM

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I wrestle a Big 6' 320 lb Bear monthly, Who uses vary simular tac ticks on Me.


WrestlerPunk (1)

9/11/2019 5:27 AM

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I’ve been taken many times this way. It’s alsi one of my favorite holds to milk the weakened opponent. Course nothing I like better than being made totally helpless by a heel and milked slowly



9/13/2019 12:30 AM

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Hey wrestler punk., i will milk you good


WrestlerPunk (1)

9/14/2019 12:59 AM

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I look forward to it. I remember times being taken against my will. Held down and helpless, struggling and trying to escape unable to move anything but my legs and as the milking started, then feeling the strength sapping away, weakening, unable to resist as the milking continued being played with by this heel until he was ready to let me cum. Totally controlled


KidPrimo (3)

9/10/2019 1:26 AM

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...had his happen to me in 04' but it was a Spladle!


wrestlefun1 (35)

9/10/2019 1:54 AM

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Spladles are definitely a awesome hold to milk your opponent. I have been trapped and milked in those a few times


MatmanGWIN (14)

9/09/2019 8:24 PM

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Vivid imagination or been there, done that?


Rob3811 (12 )

9/09/2019 8:32 PM

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been there, done that....great male bonding with a bud


KidPrimo (3)

9/10/2019 4:14 AM

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The Pin is the Climax™ Pun intended.


IllWIll (3)

8/31/2019 3:02 AM

I haven't had the pleasure of trying yet, but I think a dragon sleeper or a good north-south choke with top pressure would do the trick. Especially since they wouldn't wanna trying to roll over and reverse it and risk crushing their own boner in the process


Grizzled Wrestler (10 )

8/22/2019 6:23 PM

I find a body scissors that keeps his arms out of the way is great for forcing him to shoot his load.


MatmanGWIN (14)

7/22/2019 12:37 PM

Always a guillotine fan here...and the look in the guys face as he is about to be forced to cum...and it's a stakes match.


CuriousBoy (0)

7/21/2019 5:38 AM

I think the ultimate hold would be putting their head over heels so the jobber has no leverage for the heel who can milk the jobber onto his own face!


TheColossus (10 )

7/02/2021 7:54 PM

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I’ve used this hold several times during a first2cum match and that dick turns into an instant cum cannon that never fails to shoot within its mark: my opponents face 🤣🤤. I’m 3/3 with this first2cum finisher



8/09/2021 10:42 PM

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Which hold is that @the colossus?


wrestlefun1 (35)

7/06/2019 7:15 AM

A awesome milking hold


Tanman2 (0 )

7/06/2019 4:27 PM

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I like the standing ab stretch for milking


The Villainous Prince Glycerine (37)

6/20/2019 7:50 PM

The Dragon sleeper or head scissor are my go to holds for milking


wrestlerguy21 (11 )

6/16/2019 1:31 PM

I use my weight and splash the guy repeatedly. he's weak and then can't get out and can milk him, especially if the guy is smaller than me.


awill92 (86)

3/21/2020 5:27 AM

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That's the way to prep for milking an opponent :P


wrestlin (77)

3/21/2020 5:36 AM

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That's how he does it


wrestlin (77)

6/20/2019 5:06 PM

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He's not joking. Here are a couple of pictures of wrestlerguy21 using that pin style to milk his jobber. Please log in to view gallery photos.


wrestlin (77)

6/20/2019 5:07 PM

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Just shoves him down to go on top Please log in to view gallery photos.


wrestlin (77)

6/20/2019 5:09 PM

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The jobber struggles underneath Wrestlerguy21 as he starts the milking process on him. Please log in to view gallery photos.


wrestlin (77)

6/20/2019 5:11 PM

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Wrestlerguy21 uses his size 13 feet to help try to smother out the jobber during the milking. Please log in to view gallery photos.


Rasslebarefoot (15 )

8/24/2019 5:47 PM

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me next please!


wrestlin (77)

6/20/2019 5:14 PM

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Jobber kicking and struggling during the second milking process, but with wrestlerguy21's more than 80 lbs weight advantage, there's no way he can get out from under there. Please log in to view gallery photos.


wrestlin (77)

6/20/2019 5:17 PM

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Wrestlerguy21 getting another milking out of his smaller jobber. Please log in to view gallery photos.


wrestlin (77)

6/20/2019 5:45 PM

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Jobber kicks as wrestlerguy21 extracts it out of him. Please log in to view gallery photos.


wrestlin (77)

6/20/2019 5:48 PM

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This round of milking is complete, but wrestlerguy21 stays seated on him while he decides whether he's ready to put the jobber through another milking already. Please log in to view gallery photos.


tulipenoire (0)

3/20/2020 12:19 PM

(In reply to this)

go for it!


joeyj 32 (3)

9/19/2019 3:02 AM

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Damn that’s so fucking hot


wrestlerguy21 (11 )

9/19/2019 11:09 AM

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it was for me especially since I was on top


Iowacutie17 (0)

6/15/2019 10:14 PM

Hey everybody! I'm new to the idea of wrestling, and I was wondering if you guys knew of any good holds to use for milking your opponent in a milking match?


Tanman2 (0 )

6/16/2019 11:05 PM

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Standing ab stretch is great.Use your free hand to milk him


jimbo (106)

6/17/2019 4:01 PM

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Spladdle is a good one that exposes his manhood while you have a free hand to work his meat and he cannot reach your cock


tulipenoire (0)

3/20/2020 12:21 PM

(In reply to this)

yes so right!


headscissorschgonwburbs (24 )

6/16/2019 10:00 AM

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Here are a few


Jvallee8 (0)

6/16/2019 8:16 AM

(In reply to this)

Different versions of over the knee backbreaker ,especially if you're play wrestling, can be fun.

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