Streetfighters / Brawlers

Chicago - Looking to make someone bleed

PunchyPunch (0 )

1/21/2021 2:03 AM

Damn. Shane looks fun to fight, but he suspended his account.


Groundfighter123 (0 )

1/24/2021 12:43 PM

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Wanna fight?



12/18/2020 9:23 AM

l live in cadiz city, spain.

l can host.

l live alone.

l have whatsapp.

whatsapp: +34 634 98 53 94


ChiFight (6)

12/19/2020 5:53 PM

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Instead of responding to every post looking for a match in someplace other than Spain, telling the people to come to Spain (which I have seen you do dozens of times), you should start volunteering to be the one that does the traveling.



1/21/2021 12:22 PM

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l can host.

can you host ????


ChiFight (6)

1/21/2021 4:41 PM

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Whether or not I can host is irrelevant to the point that you constantly chime in on posts of people looking for matches in other parts of the world, expecting them to spend hundreds of dollars and dozens of hours of their time on air travel... just because that what is easy and convenient for you.

That is a very lazy, selfish, and entitled attitude. I don't see anyone lining up to do it, and I definitely don't see you offering to compromise and meet half way or offering to reciprocate by YOU being the one that takes a week or more of holiday time, spends 16 hours flying, and spending hundreds (if not thousands) of your hard earned money to present yourself somewhere that is easy and convenient for the other guy. The fact that you are unwilling to even consider something like that should suggest to you that you should not expect anyone else to do that for you.... especially not to any degree remotely justifying how much time you spend spamming the entire site with some version of that message over and over and over again.

Perhaps you didn't notice, but the headline of this post was someone looking for a match in CHICAGO... that's in the USA, North America, on the other side of the world. That's nowhere near Spain. It said "Chicago"... it didn't say they were "Looking to travel anywhere in the world that is convent to someone else, that is too lazy to travel themselves, but feels entitled to get what they want".

If would be one thing if you were posting that response to people who were looking to travel around Spain, but you do that to places nowhere near you constantly. Many people do not travel internationally, can't afford it, or just don't want to... so constantly telling them to do it, when they have expressed no desire to do so, gets very rude and obnoxious.

Also you apparently didn't notice we are in the middle of a global pandemic, with large areas of the world under lockdown, unable to travel more than a few miles from their home anyway, and even the relatively small number who can travel that far and would from time to time, are in no mood to do it right now and deal with the extra hassle and risk. At the time you posted that message air travel between the US and Europe was shut down anyway. Are they supposed to take their private jet to your place??

And while your city is nice enough to visit, when I was there it didn't seem very tourist centric area. Everyone appeared to be locals and it did not appear to be a top tourist destination in Spain like the capitol.... so once again, expecting people to spend their limited holiday time and money (if they travel at all) just to come to you.... who until fairly recently didn't even have any past opponents listed (now I see you finally have 1) was a stretch at best.. more of an unrealistic fantasy than anything else.

If you want to meet people from all over the world lets see you travel to them a few times before telling them they should do whatever works for you.


Fighter UK (23)

1/31/2021 8:26 AM

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Well said

He has messaged with with the same request several times. I’ve blocked the fool now

I don’t think you’ve been rude, just direct. Sometimes you have to be direct and explicit to help them understand

Well said


ChiFight (6)

1/31/2021 8:15 PM

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Thanks. I don't think we are under any obligation to roll out the red carpet and warm welcomes for those who have disrespected our (and other people's) wishes and preferences dozens of times before, but what is really baffling is the people who rush in to defend guys like that without knowing anything of their track record.

Unfortunately being "direct" rarely works for long either, for the most part these guys just wait a few weeks or months, then pretend to forget what you'd told them, then just try again expecting a different answer, but sometimes the frustration just gets to me. Best of luck finding some decent matches.


warhorse573 (0)

1/27/2021 8:11 PM

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You don't have to be this rude.


ChiFight (6)

1/27/2021 9:58 PM

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You don't have to chime in on topics you don't know anything about and don't know any of the context surrounding.

He has done this constantly to a ton of people for years. He rudely never respects anyone else's wishes, their situation, or what they say they are looking for. When I was posting messages looking for matches in Ireland, he's telling me (no asking, not inviting, telling) to come to Spain. When I took a trip to Amsterdam and was looking for matches there, he's telling me to come to Spain. When a guy here is posting looking for a match on the other side of the world, in Chicago, he is once again telling them to some to Spain. He never offers to deal with all the hassles involved in traveling himself, doesn't offer to pay their expenses... but feels entitled to tell people, who are CLEARLY looking somewhere else, they should travel to where ever is convenient for him, like we are running some kind of international, charity, on-demand, escort service.

Then you rudely chime into a situation you know nothing about, to defend someone who has been so rude and disrespectful to dozens of other people, totally ignoring their wishes out of pure entitlement and narcissism. Take your own advice and worry a little more about getting a profile picture, some past opponents and establishing and legitimizing yourself, before worrying about butting into and policing situations you are completely ignorant about.


warhorse573 (0)

1/28/2021 9:17 PM

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Oh no! He invited you to visit him?!


ChiFight (6)

1/28/2021 9:56 PM

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Apparently basic reading comprehension skills are not your strong suit. He does not "invite", he tells. He butts into conversions that have nothing do to with him (much like you), and practically orders people to come to him.

OK, hero... since you are so concerned for him..... either put your money where your mouth is and YOU fly out to Spain to meet this clown (no excuses about money, lack of time, lockdowns, etc. just do it) or STFU.


AbqWrestler1 (1 )

1/31/2021 5:59 AM

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VERY well articulated!! This is true for SEVERAL "fighters" on here.


ChiFight (6)

1/31/2021 8:18 PM

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Oh yeah, I am very used to it. In my time living in the Chicago area whenever I post for local matches, most the responses come from guys nowhere near me (typically New York and California) telling me to come to them. When I lived in Dublin, I got the same from guys from London all the time (and the come to Spain guy frequently).

Never once have any of them offered to come to me, or even meet halfway or something. There is just this baffling sense of entitlement. Then when I say no, then I'm the one with the attitude problem. Go figure.


AbqWrestler1 (1 )

1/31/2021 8:28 PM

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Same here, even offered to go 50/50, on flights, room, etc., or meet in between, but then get blocked. Guess it gets to REAL then!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!


bigchicago (68)

1/30/2021 2:45 PM

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You ever consider not treating everyone like crap?


ChiFight (6)

1/30/2021 8:20 PM

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Your comment is nothing but sour grapes over the fact I've turned you down multiple times due to the massive weight gap, because you kept pestering me even though my profile clearly states I am looking for someone within 30 pounds. This is why I had to block you years ago, and I have no idea why you are even able to respond to my posts.

If someone is respectful of mine and other people's stated wishes they won't have a problem with me, it's only the pushy, entitled, types who constantly completely disregard other people's preferences that I "treat like crap". Your assumption that I treat "everyone" like crap, as opposed to just the rude, disrespectful, entitled pains the the ass, is just more of that self-centered narcissism I was talking about... just like it will be true of anyone else who tries to take a personal shot at me in this thread. Of course, because I don't find YOU (the center of the universe) appealing, I must treat everyone like crap. Even the ones that are appealing, and approach me in a respectful and reasonable manner.

All I have EVER advocated for is RESPECTING the preferences people post in their profile, or in their match request posts. Not just ignoring a preference because you don't fit it or it's not convenient for you. You aren't entitled to meet people just because something turns you on. The people who have a problem with my totally reasonable position are all just the entitled types I mentioned before, people who I've rejected multiple times who just look for any chance to get back at me, or the over-sensitive heroes who see any post that is more than two sentences long and doesn't seem "nice" who love to butt into situations they don't understand and "correct" everyone else's behavior.

Sorry, but I feel no obligation to be "nice" to someone if they decided to be the disrespectful jackass first, twenty times in a row, before I finally got fed up with their B.S. and put them in their place. Now before anyone else decides to push back or lecture me, worry about fixing everything wrong with yourselves first.


bigchicago (68)

2/01/2021 3:43 AM

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Um, are you an asshole and delusional? You have never turned me down because I have never shown any interest in meeting you. You are a toxic individual, and you ruin every thread you unfortunately decide to comment on. Seriously, somebody makes one comment and you write a 5 paragraph essay ranting about nonsense. I strongly encourage you to seek help.


ChiFight (6)

2/01/2021 11:50 PM

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OK so we can add liar to the list too. At this point we know you aren't going to be honest, I will just leave anyone else reading this with a few questions they can ponder over and decide who they believe.

Why do I have this guy blocked? It it because he likely did was I said he did or I just made it all up and this is one of these poor victims who was blocked for "no reason"? (because that's a logical thing to do, trying to use one of my limited number or block to apply to people I've never interacted with for "no reason").

He's in my geographical area and we both have had profiles for a while. Is if logical that I've had to deal with him before or does this sound like a first time encounter? And which of seems more likely to turn the other one down? Look at us and take a guess. The guy who has standards and put a specific reasonable weight limit for his opponents or the one well outside that preference, whose every reply is drenched in sour grapes?

Does his attacks sound like someone who is a neutral party just running around defending the unfairly treated people of the site because of what an altruist he is? He also supposedly knows how I treat "everyone" (Even if that were true... stalk much?). Or do his shots about how horrible and awful I am and how I am treating "everybody else" really sound like they are about something else? A little more like he's upset about the response he got from me, but cloaking his desire to take shots under the guise of defending others. (Note he's not addressing how the original problematic person was behaving, the fact several people other people agreed -stating they have had the same problems -, or how cordially I interacted with them. It's just all about how awful I am an how I supposedly treat "everybody".)

BTW this complaint about the length of a reply is such a limp dick response that always comes from people who can't handle the arguments they started and who are making some passive aggressive attempt to shut you up. No one has ever been forced to read anything I have posted, and no one has ever been forced to chime in and respond. They choose to, but they don't get to dictate how I respond to them. If they want to start with me and be a dick first, then don't expect me to just sit and take it or only respond to them in a way they approve of. No grown adult should be proud of the fact anything over 2 short sentences is too much for them to handle. That's embarrassing. Sorry, but I write like a literate adult that understands concepts like complete sentences, full paragraphs, and actually providing examples to support my arguments.... rather than just handing down decrees and using ad hominem attacks as a total crutch. I get that you want them to be short manageable quips, because that's all you can handle pushing back on, but as long as you decide to chime in I will respond how ever I see fit. If someone is upset by reading it, that's their fault and their problem. They could have chosen to move on or not get involved at any point.

NOW can the rejects just drop the totally desperate and ineffective shots at me, and just let the original poster just get back to what he was looking for. The only position I've been trying to maintain is to respect other people's stated wishes and preferences, the people who need to push against that message and the messenger (purely with ad hominem attacks) really need to reexamine themselves, their positions and their true motives before they concern themselves with pushing back.


bigchicago (68)

2/03/2021 3:28 PM

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Dude, this is just sad. How much time do you waste writing these replies? You come off as a lunatic and yet I'm the one who you think isn't believable? Why do you care who people believe? And besides, I think the person ranting about blocking people gives plenty of reason enough to believe you are randomly blocking people.


ChiFight (6)

2/04/2021 4:15 AM

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If you have such a problem with me stop directing comments at me. Continuing to hound me after I said I preferred not to talk to you was the whole reason I had to block you going back to Globalfight in the first place. Now you are harassing me on here. Sorry man, not everyone is going to be into you. Just grow up and deal with it, but stop pretending it's because you can't read a few paragraphs without having a hissy fit. Got forbid you come across a book or even a web article. You might have a full meltdown.

You're so concerned with how I spend my time, but how much are you going to waste reading them and trying to make sure the last word is some parting ad hominem insult directed at me. You are so far off the original topic with your rants, I don't even know what you're bitching about other than just trying to hurl weak insults at someone who never cared about your opinion anyway.

BTW, I only get 20 blocks out of a site of thousands of people, so you have to be a Top-20 A-Hole to get put on the block list, which is a title you well earned 7+ years ago. Now disappear already.


bigchicago (68)

2/04/2021 2:45 PM

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I love how you’re just replying to my comments but somehow me doing the same thing is hounding and harassing you. I spend 30 seconds writing a comment, you write a 5 paragraph essay, and yet I’m the one obsessed?

PS It’s really sad and speaks to your toxic nature that you even know how many blocks you get. I didn’t know that was even a thing. I have maybe 1 or 2 people blocked and have been doing this for 15 years. I don’t think it’s the people who are blocked that have a problem, it’s obviously you.


ChiFight (6)

2/04/2021 10:39 PM

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Yes, we all know that stalkers who get blocked object to the idea that other people are even allowed to block them, but the fact you disgust me in every conceivable way is the reason you got rejected in the first place, and the fact you couldn't respect my wishes and leave me alone is the reason you were blocked. Perhaps that's why you are spending so much time on this thread defending someone that multiple people have had problems with, and why you are attacking someone that advocates respecting other people's wishes and preferences.. and the ability to block people who harass others for years on end. People like you are the reason blocking exists. There is zero logic to that behavior, it's clearly motivated my some spiteful need for unobtainable revenge, because it's been nothing but off-topic personal attacks against me since you started.

Doing your millionth lap around "U rIGht Two much woRds fOur me!!! Dar, duh dar...." is never going to change or distract from that fact. It just makes you seem even more feeble-minded each time you repeat it. I get it, what takes me 2-3 minutes to read or write probably takes you several hours, a dictionary and a thesaurus to get though. Once again, a slow mind is nothing to brag about.

And yes, I already stated if you keep directing insulting, off-topic, sour grapes comments at me you will continue to get replies. I pointed out the hypocrisy of you complaining about the length of time I was supposedly spending, then spending days responding to me, because you were the one bitching about how much time was being spent, not me.

Now it's clear your limp-dick insults don't have a shred of originality to them, which is why you'll just do another tired lap around "U RiGht tO muCh, Dar dar!!!".... but just imagine if you took all that time and energy you waste trying to get back at someone who rejected you by complaining about how four paragraphs is too much for your pea brain to handle, by doing something productive, like cardio, or engaging in some other form of self-improvement... maybe you wouldn't have all these spiteful, jealous, insecurity issues and could just move on with your life.


bigchicago (68)

2/05/2021 12:12 AM

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I don't have the patience to read your new essay. But go ahead, get the last word in. It's obvious your ego requires you too.


ChiFight (6)

2/05/2021 1:34 AM

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BTW before you worry about correcting everyone else, maybe you should take a long hard look in the mirror and worry about fixing yourself first.


ChiFight (6)

2/05/2021 1:31 AM

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More projection. More "rules for thee, but not for me". Seen it a million times before.

Your bruised ego from years ago is the only reason you are even addressing me. It's never had anything to do with my original point. This is why bitter stalkers need to be blocked.


realthing (34)

1/28/2021 10:20 AM

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I had to block that guy: he was stalking me even with private messages. Moreover, he he has no idea of what he is talking about. I never post anything because he will immediately post as usual his annoying usual stuff...


ChiFight (6)

1/28/2021 5:45 PM

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Totally understandable, considering his track record. It's a shame anyone has to deal with that that kind of behavior, but I feel like it needs to be called out, if there is any chance of toning it down. The fact that he was telling people to come to him for years before he even had a past opponent listed (at least one person that could verify he was real) shows how lacking he is in any kind of reality based self-assessment. I don't travel just for matches, and have had people within a 3 hour drive flake out on me at the last minute, so the last thing I would ever do is take off vacation time and spend thousands of dollars to travel and meet some pushy person I had zero interest in, who hasn't even shown any proof he is legit and not a fantasy head or flake.

The misguided people who just excuse or legitimize it only propagate and encourage that kind of thing. Personally I prefer to respect other people's stated wishes.

If I saw someone posting for a match in Japan I certainly wouldn't tell them to come to me, on the other side of the world, as if that's just down the street and a totally simple reasonable thing, that anyone can do at the drop of a hat.


wi23combat (19)

12/19/2020 11:14 PM

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I agree with you on that one.



1/21/2021 12:26 PM

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l can host

can you host ??


ChiFight (6)

1/21/2021 4:42 PM

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This was a dumb response when you posted it to me two messages above and it's just as dumb when repeated.


Benmore (5 )

11/18/2019 10:40 PM

Damn I was in Chicago today! Would have loved to knock you the fuck out


ShaneFrost (0 )

11/18/2019 8:30 PM

Just as the title says..hmu


Groundfighter123 (0 )

2/11/2021 8:46 AM

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I will fight your roommate


RuffFightChallenge (77)

9/29/2020 4:35 PM

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I'd take him on, and anyone else in this thread


Foxlakebeast (1)

10/08/2020 11:08 PM

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Take me on Rufffight.


wi23combat (19)

9/28/2020 12:46 AM

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After covid-19 I can make arrangements to come to Chicago where can we do this any limits what ends the fight. My availability is Thursday nights to Saturday nights.


Groundfighter123 (0 )

1/17/2021 12:25 PM

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Wanna fight after the virus?


wi23combat (19)

1/18/2021 12:56 AM

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That would be awesome


Groundfighter123 (0 )

1/24/2021 12:42 PM

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Let's fight


Groundfighter123 (0 )

1/24/2021 12:42 PM

(In reply to this)

Let's fight


Groundfighter123 (0 )

1/24/2021 12:42 PM

(In reply to this)

Let's fight


Groundfighter123 (0 )

1/18/2021 12:49 PM

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We can fight in a hotel room close to me


RuffFightChallenge (77)

9/29/2020 3:56 PM

(In reply to this)

I've fought wi23combat and he's a serious fighter---go for it!

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