masochistic wrestling

Hot coach fantasy.... Work me over

boston kid (74)

12/27/2011 11:06 AM

Hey sure Adam. Please use ! Cheers Mike


BearhugAddict (3)

12/26/2011 8:20 AM

Love this kind of thing, where the victim takes increasing pain, punishment and humiliation (from Coach insisting on skimpier and more demeaning gear for victim while he advacnes to more dominant (black/leather) gear. Adding in the increasing pleasure of forced j/o to temper the pain is hot too.

Would love for you to post this in my group: or at least have your permission to post up a lightly modified version (creditting your original post here of course).


boston kid (74)

12/19/2011 1:40 PM

Some definitions first:

Rocking crab means apply boston crab hold in rocking manner so when pulled back hard is intense but then release follows soon and then intense again. Variant - end of each rock the final mean position can be held for few or many seconds!

10 count crab - start gentle count 1, increase pressure count 1,2 increase more count 1,2,3 then increase more count 1,2,3,4 and so on up to 10. 15 count is same but much worse

Pyramids - apply hold  for 1 min then rest 30 secs then 2 mins hold then rest 30 secs then 3 mins and so on - once say at 5 mins next could be 4 then 3 then 2 then 1 and stop. Can do longer pyramids of course or just increase and never decrease. More of a pain plateau than a pyramid.  

So here it is:

Coachs boston crab lesson plan

Part 1 maybe 20 mins - coach in regular gear student regular gear eg shorts or larger trunks footie or sport socks -  loose holds demonstrated by coach - getting feel for what student can take.  Sone pyramid work  or coach times student in hold then makes him beat that time. Main hold boston but coach might test some others. Gentle rocking crab and 10 counts to show who is boss.  

Part 2 maybe 30 mins - student strips down more to sexy blue trunks coach starts testing him some more- longer fixed time bostons some pain testing predominantly bostons. Rocking and 10 count crabs too. Whatever coach enjoys.    Both getting horny coach taunts student some - some penalty work  by coach eg if you take this hold for 2 mins next will be for 3 mins but if you don't take this for 2 mins next one will be 5 mins. Some matched video holds where coach puts student thru action playing out on dvd. 

Part 3 30 mins - lesson continues but student takes liberty of touching coachs nipples or cock - coach gets angry and more horny - starts to use more pressure longer holds gets more excited. Starts to think about setting the  student some tough challenges.  Coach in control makes student worship him too. Coach does some rocking crabs and 10 or more counts. Worse pain testing some schoolboy pins alternated with bostons to make pain worse.  Coach selfishly enjoying himself.

Break - student and coach each decide on 3 aims or targets for the training session. Eg student might want to take the 20 count crab. Student has to accept coachs targets. In rest of training coach will ensure student reaches standard and persist till student has passed. Aims may be sporty, sexual or a combination eg one might be for student to make coach come as coach locks student in his hold of choice, or student might want as his final test to endure a 20 count which if he succeeds is then kept on and student can wank till he comes.    

Part 4 40 mins coach puts on black gear feels really dominant makes student wear whatever coach wants maybe red trunks - now working the student hard - coach demands pleasure too from student occasionally making student wank to help him take the pain. More worship and taunting. Coach sits astride student working his nipples while telling him what is coming next and might demand pleasure at same time - student knows pain coming and will be intense  lots of 10 or more  counts, rocking crabs and time challenges. Also coach aiming at ticking off challenges but might mix in other mean stuff anyaway.   Maybe some challenges accomplished maybe not.

Part 5 40 mins coach makes student wank off in bostons and thru some of challenges   but never lets him come.  Also makes student pleasure him sometimes in various ways while he works holds. Repeats many times sometimes alternating bostons with fig 4 head scissors. Some timed holds again or 10 counts or rocking crabs all with sexual pleasure added on. Coach dictates what student wears whole time. Maybe more challenges achieved.  

Part 6 40 mins coach dictates everything aim being max horny fun for both. In this stage all targets have to be met finally. This might mean coach gives student permission to wank so he can tolerate the intense pain.  

Part 7 30 mins repeat any bits that were total turn on or if coach or student feel some targets were not well met or could be pushed ie were not enough of a challenge then to do them again.

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