So I Went to Wrestlefest NYC and all I got was Korean BBQ 😋
- synxiec
- 2/24/2025
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So with a bit less than a month left before this event, I thought about leaving this handy note for "How to interact with me when you see me without it having to be awkward". I picked this up from my friends who go to conventions in other places and thought it would help here.
Why? Because it saves you the time of wondering things like "does this person like hugs?" "does this person drink?" "does this person like going to clubs or bars?" and lets you see what you're getting into ahead of time.
I like doing that.
Anyway, here's a handy list of things:
- Just ask me. The more direct the better and definitely before you do things. For example, you wanna hug? Just ask beforehand. It doesn't need to be super formal; a simple gesture will do. I'm really not hard to read when I want to hug people and when I don't. In fact, I've already asked people if I can hug them when I see them so I can enjoy the moment when I do without worrying about it. It's kind. It's cool. It's sexy. I might even award you with a lil' smooch. Ask before you do the things. This is the biggest thing for me. That said...
- I do like hugs. Hugs are great. I enjoy them. I like to swing people around when I do, but I promise I will ask before I do that.
- I will be in a mask. Especially in large crowds. Mostly for my own comfort and peace of mind.
- I'm fairly friendly. I also have a dry sense of humor. Feel free to introduce yourself if you see me! I generally enjoy talking to people at meetups and things!
- Do you drink? A bit. Mostly spirits rather than beers these days. I'm down to have a few.
I'll update/edit if I think of anything, but there you go.
See you all in a few weeks and may everything you've ordered for the occasion arrive on time.
Preparing to Party 🥳
- synxiec
- 1/14/2025
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Last year around this time was my second Wrestlefest (technically) and during that one, there was a lot to do. Like, an overwhelming amount of things. My third one in Canada went a lot smoother and I'm gonna take a moment to explain what I did differently to make it that way. Especially since, if you're going, you got less than a month of prep time.
Now mind you, some of this I learned vicariously because why step on a rake you just saw someone step on.
- Put your plans on a calendar. If you or the person you're meeting up with has a hard time remembering things, put them on a calendar and share an invite. You both have smart phones probably, so you can get reminders of where you need to be and when.
- Plan for social time and rest. I promise you will be too tired to have that time if you don't plan to have that time. By the eighth match by 2PM when your day started at like 8:30AM and you had neither breakfast nor lunch, you're going to be super tired. You don't have to do that. Put some space in your schedule to have lunch, get coffee, catch a bite to eat with your new wrestling friends. Saying no to a few things so you have some time to recover will make sure you have the energy to have fun for the whole weekend. Trust me on this.
- Plan for travel time. Unless all of your matches are in the exact same building (which more than a few of them might be!), consider the time it will take to do things like walk, take the train, uber, etc.
- Give yourself some "do nothing" time. Just a little bit of time you have set to do anything or nothing or whatever catches your interest at the time so you can have those spontaneous moments that make for great stories or pictures.
- Don't take changes or cancellations personally. Unless you have a reason to assume bad intent, don't. People are going to just indulge and whatnot in the spirit of fun and that might mean things will be missed. Be prepared to adjust as necessary.
OK, but like... what's with all of this planning stuff for? Where is the fun in that? I'm here for spontaneous rumbles, sir!
True enough! You are definitely here for the spontaneous stuff. You are also definitely here for matches and the audience of people that you are here for are:
- People who are also here for as many matches are possible
- People who are here for a combination of matches and sight-seeing
- People who make underground wrestling content
And for at least two out of those three options, you're going to need to plan things or the likelihood of those things happening drops pretty hard.
Matches don't just fall out of the sky and it is a good idea to assume that people (a) don't have infinite free time (even tho they'd really like to) and (b) have infinite energy (because people are going to be worn tf out. happy, but worn tf out.)
If you need to change or adjust times after for whatever reason, by all means do that and remember not to take things personally. While there's not an infinite amount of time or energy, there are damn near 600 people going and if you do miss one match with a particular person or people you were hoping for, there's something to be said about the magic of making the best of the moment with a stranger that could very well become a new friend.
See you at the fest! I don't mind hugs most of the time! 👋🏾
Proof of Life 🌻
- synxiec
- 1/12/2025
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Hey 👋🏾 Someone mentioned that I'd not written an update in some time, so here's some proof of life.
Looking at the things here, I've not written nary a word since Wrestlefest Canada (which was a lovely time) and coincidentally, we're about a month away from Wrestlefest NYC (which I'll be attending). We got things booked, I got PTO, I'm even going to be there early enough to see family and maybe a few friends! Normally, I'm one to avoid being in the mix, but we're going to see about being a bit more social this go-round; I've been micro-dosing human interactions over the last year and it's been interesting to say the least.
Have we had matches since then? One or two, but not really. Instead, I've just been working away at several things: my video game backlog, my day job, cuddling with my cat, and decluttering stuff in different spots in my house.
Most of my time lately has been spent watching content on fashion, organization, minimalism, remodeling, and apparently tv shows with people who wield magic.
Back to slicing a few veggies for cooking this week. I need to buy heavy cream, tho. 🤔
Reflections: Wrestlefest Canada 2024 🍁
- synxiec
- 8/04/2024
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This is technically my second wrestlefest, but I’m tempted to call it my proper first.
It had been a few months since the NYC Wrestlefest with Scooter and a friend I met there suggested I come to this one to settle a lil rivalry between us, so I did. I even got a friend to let me stay at his place for the weekend. That means no hosting, but also no hotel expenses. Bless.
This trip I wanted to apply the things I learned in NYC and be intentional about meeting people during the weekend. The crew there were so warm and friendly so shoutout to them for putting this together but also for the locals for making this a place I’m definitely coming back to. Most everyone was super welcoming whether to battle or to a bar. People were by and large very approachable and that meant picking people up in hugs.
I met up some old friends and definitely made new ones (that Friday social was solid) that I will likely be seeing in NYC come February. I got to be a brawler, a nerd, and a game designer. I got to see the author of a novel series I’d been reading for years. I finally got to wrestle and meet with people I’d been talking to for nearly ten (10) years. I wore a crop top!
This was one for several books and I can’t wait to do all of this again next year* and wrestle all the people I didn’t get the chance to or hug some of you again.
Thanks, and Happy Holidays ✨
- synxiec
- 12/23/2023
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It's the eve of Christmas Eve for me and I'm soon to head off to see family for a couple of days. Before I go I waned to say "Thank you" to the people who I've met this year - some multiple times - and have been solid fun. Thank you also to the people who reached out letting me know they were interested, but we just haven't met yet. The time is coming since I finally got my cat that automatic feeder.
Enjoy your holidays for the rest of the year and I'll see y'all in 2024. ✌🏾
Back At Home, December Edition I 🎄
- synxiec
- 12/07/2023
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Hey y'all 👋🏾 So if you were here last week, you would have seen me post a little meetup request with the note that these meetups were subject to availability because I was at a convention. With my obligations there vs. the amount of wrestlers in the area, the amount of responses quickly outpaced the amount of time I had to accommodate them.
In some cases, people checked in and I was able to let them know how things were. In other cases, I let people know I was in the area, but no firm plans were made and the communications took a hard pause which are easily read as a negative thing.
That's not necessarily the worst thing; sometimes people just ghost you on here and I understand that trying to separate me as an individual from the pattern of behavior we have here in general can be a lot in the moment.
If you kept it optimistic, wrote to me and asked what was up, know I appreciate you and I'll make sure you're the first people I see when I come back to Philly.
Next time, I'll have more wrestling time (but probably not a lot of wrestling space 😂).
End of Year Things + A Gift 🎁
- synxiec
- 11/29/2023
- 4
Ayo ✌🏾 It's been a long time since the last entry so here's another one for the end of the year. Things are still going well around here. Did some wrestling, doing some traveling, and feeling better these days about being around people in general. That MIGHT mean planning some short trips for wrestling in 2024.
Additionally, if you've wrestled with me during this year or before now, I just want to let you know I appreciate you. Especially if it's been a while since we've spoken (it's been a long while for some of you). I have a special present for y'all, but it will take me about 4 months to put it all together. ✨
As you may have seen from the match request section, I'm headed to Philly this week. I'm mostly there for business, but have a bit of room for fun here and there. If schedules allow, I look forward to grappling with some of y'all.
See you all then!
Nipping things in the bud...except me
- synxiec
- 1/09/2023
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Since We're Here
- synxiec
- 12/26/2022
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I've been in the new spot for a few months now and so far? Some things never change (especially, meeting people for matches) XD
It's been a good time. I'm okay. My cat is okay. I have good people around me. In terms of meetups, it's been people from out of town more often than not, as you do. A constant refrain, but instead of frustration now, it's just wry chuckles followed by tabletop writing. However, it's nearly the end of the year, so I guess it's about that time to answer that question of "what about next year?"
Well, I have 58 matches now and I am going to have things sorted for licenses, rentals, and all of that jazz soon. After a couple of years, I'm also ready to consider flying as a travel option. So I'm laying the groundwork for a few things and seeing if we can make another 42 matches happen before the end of 2023.
Why? Well, why not.
That's about it, really; wrestling was light this year, but what I didn't get in matches, I made up for in moving, finding new friends, and enjoying this change of scenery. I'm gonna check on this stew, but if you're in the area, don't be shy. I only bite when requested.
Oh and I hope you're all having wonderful holidays and/or end-of-year however you enjoy them!