
Member since 6.6 years
Age 67
Height 5'6" (167 cm)
Weight 152 lbs (69 kg)
Gender Male
Languages spoken Dutch, English, French, German
Last login 10 days ago
Last update 3/06/2024



Show on map
  1. Belgium, Temse, Vlaanderen
    Place of residence

I am willing to travel 300 kilometers


Olympic / Greco-Roman Olympic / Greco-Roman

Miscellaneous interests: Friendship

Fetishes: Muscle worship

Followers of Giwreh


Due to recent BAD EXPERCIENCES on the site,
which is SUPPOSED to be a SPORTS-oriented network site,
NOT a sex-dating site,
> if you are some person looking for SEX meetings, then STAY AWAY !!!
(If it ever happens in reality, I invariably will call in the police)
I will not accept any invitation/arrangement in 'private quarters' for the same type of safety reasons,
with people I do not know personally in real life, since a very long time.
I only accept 'dressed' meeting on public domain. (Park, beach, hiking environment and the like)
> If you're the one "who does not want to be seen in public", then don't contact me.

I'm a 100% lover of lift & carry. I'm a 99% typical liftee, but would also carry the other one, if I think I can ! :-) (for sure, if much lighter then me)

The other thing is that I'm into 100% guaranteed "no hurt, no pain, no aggression" kind of playfighting. If you are into punching (whatever way), do not contact me as I hate it. Ideally with someone of approximately my own size, or lighter but more muscular at the same time. Big difference in weight poses a too high risk on injury (even if not at will).

I catched covid in july 2022. Thereafter suffering ftom the post-covid damages (restrained breathing, ligaments inflamation etc etc) Still not 100% recovered from those nasty post-illness damages. Due to a long period of not been very active in cardio, I gained weight. (+5kg, I changed my weight indication to actual state)

My main sport, actually, is running. (All kind of distances) Recently took up swimming again as well.
Combined meeting is preferred ! (Hike/run together, then enjoy lift & carry and/or a playfight)

