The Wizard


Member since 3.8 years
Age 40
Height 5'10" (178 cm)
Weight 159 lbs (72 kg)
Gender Male
Last login 3 days ago
Last update 8/27/2022



Show on map
  1. Ireland, Dublin
    Place of residence


Pro wrestling Pro wrestling
Just watching Just watching

Match structure: Give and take, Squash match, Play wrestling, Tag team / group fights, Online chatting

Stand-up fighting: Not interested in stand-up fighting

Fetishes: Don't want sex, Naked wrestling, Rip and strip

Followers of The Wizard


Absolutely brand new to this, but I'm a huge fan of late 80's / early 90's American pro-wrestling where the character/gimmick ruled. Would be interested in trying out some scripted pro-wrestling matches as The Wizard (backstory below). Gimmick matches, such as Kiss My Foot match, Kiss My Ass match, Tuxedo match etc., would be an interesting addition. I figure this may be a little niche on this site, which appears to be a little more serious, but maybe I'll find somebody who shares this interest.

Hailing from Parts Unknown, The Wizard was discovered by the WWF in the early 1990's, with his supernatural powers dwarfing those of The Undertaker or Papa Shango, The Wizard was all set to be the next big thing. Despite his average size and strength, there would be no stopping The Wizard from using his supernatural powers to rise to the top, but alas, it was not to be.

Though incredibly powerful, The Wizard's Achilles' heel is an inherent clumsiness and this clumsiness would see The Wizard causing his own downfall. While attempting to use his powers to remove his one true barrier to success, by sending Hulk Hogan to purgatory for 30 years, as The Wizard pointed his wand as Hogan ducked, the spell reflected off a mirror behind Hogan and bounced back hitting The Wizard.

The Wizard spent 30 years in purgatory and when he reappeared, he found his wand had been stolen, leaving him with very limited supernatural powers. More concerning was that the world he returned to was one that no longer welcomed wrestlers with "gimmicks" and without his wand and just limited powers, The Wizard was doomed to trying to get booked at small independent shows where wrestlers with gimmicks could still earn a crust.


The Wizard has no cyber opponents.