ant-tor's blog
Question meeting
Anyone ever wrestled with buds, sons, dads, or neighbors without this app. Would love to ask some of my local neighbours to wrestle but i dont know what they would say. i hope i find some random friends to that enjoy losing
wrestlebear410 (0)
3/20/2022 7:47 PMWhat kinda wrestling do you want to do with them?
ant-tor (6)
3/20/2022 9:09 PM(In reply to this)
Eh in boxers. Sweaty. Just hang out. Maybe mud
BamaJDon41 (10 )
3/20/2022 8:08 PMThat is the big question. How to discover interest without changing the dynamic of a relationship for the worse. I suppose the simple questions to ask might be - Do you watch wrestling? Did you ever wrestle? Do you think you can beat me? Seriously, what makes you think you can beat me? 🤨 Then there's the question of will wrestling this guy turn me on and if so how will he handle it.
elpectoral (17)
3/20/2022 11:46 PMI like to start such a conversation by asking if he is interested in combat sports. Then it either develops or it doesn't.
ant-tor (6)
3/25/2022 10:51 PM(In reply to this)
Thanks for the advice
synxiec (75)
3/21/2022 4:35 AMOne thing I find helpful is either wearing items that indicate your interest (like a wrestling t-shirt) or casually mentioning it when your interests come up.
As in “I’m into grappling and such when I can…” Most people will just assume you’re into sports and such and will likely just ask if you like UFC or whatnot. From there, you can ask if they have adjacent interests. Things should sort themselves out from there.
The big thing here is keeping things casual until you figure out where your interests align.
JasonFL (23)
3/21/2022 8:48 PM(In reply to this)
Agree with Synxiec. Got a buddy who wears a lot of wresting t-shirts (not the pro merchandise ones but college wrestling team shirts that he usually finds cheap at thrift stores) and that leads to conversation starters with guys.
Saw it in action one year in DC at the Vietnam Memorial as a group of guys passed us (my bud wearing his University of Iowa wrestling t-shirt, me and another wrestler) and I saw one guy stop, look back, and tell his group about the shirt. Unfortunately, we three were on our way to another meet!
Bigchest (2)
3/21/2022 10:52 AMHow about asking if they watch cage fighting and if its better than wrestling or boxing .maybe drop in how you like the bigger men fighting see what happens .but most of try and read the conversation and go with the flow