Lift and carry funs

L&C Goals

Daniel Erwin (7)

11 days ago

Be gorilla pressed
Get a last ride from both powerbomb and shoulder ride


Easywrestler I (1)

12 days ago

An OTS backbreaker


jessC85 (0)

13 days ago

To be put in a
Delayed vertical suplex
German suplex
Muscle buster


Matwrestler101 (14)

14 days ago

I was 230 lbs now only 170. Want to be able to firemans carry or at least have a 230 lb guy


Mortadelo (11 )

15 days ago

Find a guy willing and able to carry me on his gut while he does a gymnastic or wrestling bridge.

Second is same type of lift but on a reverse all fours (me sited on his guts instead of on his back)


daddybryan (0 )

6/22/2024 9:28 AM

I want to ride on shoulders for as long as possible
To ride on shoulders in the sea
To be carried on shoulders up stairs in a tall building
To have a man do 50 puships with me on top

Any one fit enough for this with 115kg or 250lbs


froliftee (15)

6/21/2024 3:30 PM

What are some lift & carry goals you want to experience as a liftee or achieve as a lifter?

Here are some of mine:

  • Get cradled by two lifters and tossed back and forth, so they play “catch” with me.
  • Ride in the top position of a triple shoulder ride.
  • Balance on an acrobatic lifter’s head
  • Get a shoulder ride at a music festival.
  • Get lifted on a Monday (It’s the only day of the week I haven’t been lifted haha)
  • And as part of a dance routine.

What are yours?


Biceplover (1)

14 days ago

(In reply to this)

As a liftee I would LOVE to have
- a crotchlift
- a craddle lift
- a pitlift
- a OTS lift
- and for the most: a Gorilla Press


KaiLifts (0)

16 days ago

(In reply to this)

My L&C goals:
Be at the bottom of a triple shoulder ride
Lift someone around double my weight and do at least 5 squats
Lift someone on my shoulders and walk for at least an hour
Carry someone in cradle while carrying someone on shoulders


Giwreh (0)

10/25/2024 11:02 AM

(In reply to this)

For me, in the first place,
> to get carried as long and as far as possible on the walk/hiking.
(Piggyback etc)
> Craddle !! As sweet and effortless as possible

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