MeetFighters News
New Site Design, Again
Summary: There is a new site design. If you want to keep using the previous one, select it on your Administration page.
Unless you have just joined or are using a braille reader, you must have noticed that our favorite website has some new clothes.
I was personally unhappy with how the previous design (the one I now call "Orange Gym") turned out. Those of you who have been with us for some time might have come to believe that I can make a website work in terms of functionality, but my visual web design skills are somewhat... lacking. (Yes, that is a nice way of putting that.) I started out with some good ideas and best intentions, then started to tweak it, and experiment, and in the end I could never make it look "right".
So this time, I had some help: I bought a professional website template, and carefully tweaked it to fit this site. It wasn't easy, but I am much happier with the end results than I was with the last one. I call the new design "Black Streamlined" because it is black and it is streamlined. (Could it be that I seriously lack in imagination?) Anyway, if you somehow liked the older design better, or have a low tolerance for change, you can have it back. Go to your Administration page, scroll down and find a dropdown box next to "Site layout". Choose "Orange Gym", save, and you'll be good to go. Easy-peasy!
As a lark, I also retrofitted the original "AllFighters" design to the site. Those of you who have been around long enough to remember it might get a rush of nostalgia. :)
Obviously the new design will have some rough edges, but I didn't want to wait any longer before I inflicted it upon everyone deployed it. There is a lively discussion going on about said rough edges in the MeetFighters idea box. Join us there if you find something that looks odd or you have your two cents to share.
Where do we go from here?
I have some plans for 2013. These include:
- A dark text on light background version of the new design (I might end up calling that "Light Streamlined". Maybe not, though.)
- A Match Invite system.
- Continue to serve you the best wrestling website ever!! :)
That's all for today,
– Admin out.
BikerE1W (5)
12/09/2012 6:39 PMCongratulations..! This is so much better and easier to navigate. A much more professional and masculine looking site, with far superior functionality.
Well done..
Now you need to make a real membership charge for the site to get rid of the numerous timewasters and fake profiles... even if it is only £9.95 per year, it will deter the unwanted.
scotsgrappler (114)
12/10/2012 9:31 PMHaving mentioned the new streamlined black layout was toooo black I actually find, on checking it out on a larger monitor, it to be more slate grey than on a netbook. I think the netbook was the problem.
Brawlbrad (26)
12/13/2012 7:37 AMthe new site design makes it impossible for some reason for me to scroll side to side and therefore impossible to navigate...and this was the only venue I could find to find any help.
12/13/2012 12:52 PM(In reply to this)
For future reference, the idea box is a better venue.
Someone beat you to reporting this one, though.
Brawlbrad (26)
12/14/2012 12:44 AMtoday for the first time it seems to be working