
matworker is recommended by Perseus (2/09/2013)

8/2/12 Hi had the pleasure of fighting Dave today.. Lots of grunting and groaning and the occasional scream !
He knows his wrestling and he's a lot of fun. Wrestle him .


Scotsjay is recommended by Perseus (2/09/2013)

Met Jay at pippas today 8/2/12. His fast determined and has a lot of skill. He's already a good wrestler but is destined to be gr8. Off mats cool guy to chat to and a lot of fun.
Hope for a rematch soon.


MEGRAPPLE is recommended by Bearhuggruk (2/09/2013)

Had a great grapple with MEwrestler today. Great fella, strong and persistent and looks great in his gear! A pleasure to meet on and off the mats. Looking forward to the rematch already!


Mr Wrestling is recommended by wrestlehunt (2/08/2013)

Jonny is a very reliable guy. He really enjoys his wrestling and is great at getting into the fantasy of a pro match. We had a great 3 way tag match with Thighman who could kick both our butts but we enjoyed every minute of it. LOL. He is good company both on and off the mats. Hope we catch up again.


Jerzee guy is recommended by builtbod (2/08/2013)

finally got to meet up with Jerzee Guy at his place
great guy..strong big dude....knows what he is doing...great space to wrestle in...nothing wrong with the jersey shore in my book...had the best time...he really knows how to make the whole experience great....
afterwards...lunch and good conversation also added to the whole fun time
.....will do it again anytime with him


dundun is recommended by g6fighter (2/08/2013)

Dundun ist der pure Ringerwahnsinn: Charisma, kampfstark, Muskeln und ein harter Sixpack - eine gefährliche Kombination, der man(n) nur chancenlos gegenüberstehen kann. Nur Dank Deiner wahrhaftigen Fairness konnte ich die schweißtreibenden Fights mit Dir ohne Knochenbrüche überstehen :-) Warnungen gab es ja genug, aber auch die Aussagen, dass Du echt ein netter und fairer Kämpfer bist.
Bist übrigens auch ein guter Trainer, nur die Griffe, die Du mit extremer Geduld mir beibringen wolltest, habe ich schon wieder vergessen ... hoffe trotzdem auf ein erneutes Treffen. Sehr empfehlenswert.

Dundun is the pure madness wrestling: charisma, strong, muscle body and a real hard six pack - a dangerous combination, no chance to win versus him. Thanks to your only true fairness I could sweaty survive all fights with you without fractures :-) - yes there were warnings enough, but also the statements that you're a nice and fair real fighter too.
By the way you are also a good coach, just the handles, which you wanted with extreme patience to teach me, I've already forgotten ... hope to meet you again soon. Very reliable! Highly recommended!


ATONMAN is recommended by bearlotta (2/07/2013)

great wrestler, strong and technical,
we had a great time, to recomend!!!!!
i hope to fight him very soon again!


fig4man is recommended by Mark uk (2/07/2013)

Hit the Maz at his place a couple of years ago now and glad to see him here on meetfighters.
Wrestled at his place in LA and had a blast. Great wrestler and super nice guy. If your in the area pls look him up. Looking forward to a rematch soon.


Brown Bomber is recommended by musclechris80 (2/07/2013)

Brown Bomber is the jobber who can step on, bearhug, camel clutch, boston grab , or do any kind of hold you like. I checked him! He returned several times on the ring nomatter he knew I would beat him hard!!


flexiwrestler is recommended by wrestleclaw (2/07/2013)

had a great time wrestling Adrian, he is strong, good, and hot great body if your in London def. look him up I will every time I am there cheers A great great time
