
Member since 11.9 years
Age 40
Height 5'11" (180 cm)
Weight 225 lbs (102 kg)
Gender Male
Orientation Bisexual
Looking for Male or Female
Gear 10oz gloves, 14oz gloves, 16oz gloves, trunks, boxer briefs, headgear, groin protector, workout gear, nude
Languages spoken English
Last login 3 days ago
Last update 9/26/2023


Show on map
  1. USA - California, San Diego
    Place of residence
  2. USA - North Carolina, Charlotte
    (I'm here between 6/17/2024 and 6/17/2024)
    Work Trip
  3. Canada - British Columbia, Vancouver
    (I'm here between 9/22/2024 and 9/22/2024)
    Work Trip
  4. USA - Texas, Fort Worth
    (I'm here between 2/05/2024 and 2/05/2024)
    Work Trip

I am willing to travel 100 miles

Past opponents


Boxing Boxing

Match structure: Even match, Give and take, Workout partner, Outdoors fights

Stand-up fighting: Only interested in stand-up fighting

Miscellaneous interests: I have access to a ring, Stakes

Fetishes: Want sex, Jackoff, Leather, Boxing gear, Gut punching

Followers of SD Boxer


***UPDATE 9/26/2023: Foot injury requiring surgery. Will be out of action for 3-4 months. Hanging up the gloves until then. Looking at end of January to step back in the ring.***

Looking for boxers in the Southern California area. Prefer locally in San Diego, but can travel as far as Orange County on most weekends. Couple things that really grind my gears. People who tick Boxing as a style on their profile and are only really into ground fighting. And people who send out a challenge and live half around the world with no intention on traveling.

Open to boxing, rounds, no rounds, till ko, nude, sparring, etc. I have gear, extra gloves and access to a ring in Santa Ana to rent. Cyberbox also, look me up, sd_boxer on Trillian or sd.boxer on Skype. Not into cam boxing though.

Started traveling for work starting in 2023. If I'm coming to your town let me know if you want to meet. My schedules are typically tight, but love to try and make a match happen.


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