

Member since 69 days
Age 47
Height 5'6" (168 cm)
Weight 136 lbs (62 kg)
Gender Male
Orientation Gay
Looking for Male
Last login today
Last update 4/01/2024


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  1. USA - California, Daly City
    Place of residence


Pro wrestling Pro wrestling
Boxing Boxing

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Asian guy with smooth lean athletic body, more dom, working out and trying to gain more strength. Mainly looking for GP partner/jobber who's into taking punches (flexed or unflexed), I've got some experiences as active puncher for bigger/stronger takers, now looking to gain more experiences as a puncher. Love to challenge your rugged thick tough gut with my punches. Let me use your tough strong gut to practice my punches and you can use my punches to train your gut. Great if you can host for intense GP session.


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