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kimmetje's blog

An update on the little hiccup

Hey everyone,

I wanted to thank the MF community, my MF friends and past adversaries for your words of support.

So my fracture is pretty bad and i will be operated on Friday and out of action for at least a month. It's going to drive me nuts being glued to my sofa whilst recovering but thanks again guys for being with me on this unexpected journey!


Last edited on 8/21/2019 9:59 AM by kimmetje



recruit20-02-67 (6 )

8/21/2019 10:01 AM

Don't hesitate to Call On Us for any relief, short or long distance, that we can bring you, Kim!

The Power is with You!!


kimmetje (147 )

8/21/2019 10:05 AM

(In reply to this)

Roger wilco 👊🏾


NJWoodbridge (139)

8/21/2019 2:43 PM

Best of luck!


roy65 (104 )

8/21/2019 6:07 PM

Wishing you all the best!!


HardfightFfm (77 )

8/21/2019 6:54 PM

Best wishes that it would be only one month u will be out of order. Recover good


Ondy (6 )

8/21/2019 8:21 PM

Stay strong mate, in a moment you will be ok and you can fight again. ;)


Wrestlertoo (104)

8/21/2019 9:35 PM

Sigh...Maybe I should just come back over and stay with you......I could keep you entertained with stories of wrestlers I have met travelling in forty countries...
I will have to be home for the end of October though.... bearing in mind Brexit will stop us doing any travelling South of Dover.......


osakarob (59 )

8/22/2019 6:36 PM

Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Hang in there!


Zephyr (8)

8/23/2019 8:31 AM

You’ve got this. Heal quickly, and rest up.


fr judoka (40)

8/23/2019 9:05 PM

Bon courage ; remets-toi bien !
