
Lawmiller06 is recommended by BEEFBOY31 (12/29/2020)

Aggressive reliable and just fun to wrestle with !!! Starts the match to win - if he got some training he would become formidable .Friendly guy - highly recommended.


FlDean2012 is recommended by Florida Beast (12/29/2020)

Had a match today with FlDean2012 More of a learning experience for me He is a great guy and I look forward to meeting him and learning more from him He was able to tame this beast Grrrrrrr


Florida Beast is recommended by FlDean2012 (12/29/2020)

Florida beast is a fun guy to wrestle. He is new and wants to learn more of the sport so if you get a chance invite him and have a great time. We even played around in the water too. He will get really good at some point and then I am going to be in real trouble but I know I am safe even with a big guy like that. Dean


Nonofight is recommended by ugo clever (12/28/2020)

Je ne regrette pas d'avoir fait la rencontre de Nonofight. C'est un hôte sympathique. Au moment de passer à l'action, il devient redoutable : il m'a plié dans tous les sens, sans le moindre effort. pour le reste, il a déjà tout dit, nous n'avons pas vu les heures défiler..


RNC23 is recommended by subcub (12/28/2020)

Had a great time with RNC23 when we finally met up! He’s a very cool guy, easy to talk to and communicate with, very strong, and lots of fun on the mats. It’s true—he has strong legs, but I think mine gave him a good workout ;) Definitely recommend him for anyone looking for a challenge on the mats or for jobbers who can handle/enjoy being wrecked. Looking forward to a rematch.


wrestlemee is recommended by Wrestlerct (12/28/2020)

I’m fortunate to have had many, many good matches and quite a number of great matches on MF. But, I’ve only had a couple fantastic matches and my match yesterday with this rising young wrestler was certainly one of them. As nice a guy as you’ll meet on here and with a wrestler’s ripped physique, his pics on here, good as they are, don’t do him justice. We met for over four hours and most of that time was actual wrestling. Very strong opponent who continues to improve technical skills with each match, he deserves my very highest recommendation!


Wrestlerct is recommended by wrestlemee (12/28/2020)

Met with wrestler CT in December, it was my first match back in a king while and it was an amazingly fun time and has me itching for more! Wrestlerct is strong and skilled and will definitely give you a great match, meet him if you can!


GLAD is recommended by oursonlutteur (12/28/2020)

Plaisir des yeux, des mains et de tout le reste...
Quand un lutteur rencontre un grappler, ils finissent toujours par avoir des points communs et des choses à se dire...
Merci à Glad pour ce moment très sympathique que je veux bien réitérer sans modération...


oursonlutteur is recommended by GLAD (12/28/2020)

si vous êtes adeptes de sensation fortes ourson lutteur est votre homme. bon lutteur et bon cardio. Un régal de le combattre. Je le recommande fortement


ralph is recommended by Australian Wrestler (12/28/2020)

Dec 2020-Lucky enough to catch up again.If you work his weakness he is 'paralised' but a fun social guy though quiet.I would describe him as a solid built jobber but also fights back and as enjoyable as before

Despite my awkward time of year was visiting he was good enough to find time to catch up.Really friendly guy with a great smile and great attitude.Had a solid 3 hr roll with only a couple of minor breaks.Ultimately was compet fun in hot conditions with a great guy who would happily roll again with now i know where ur weakness is ha.Thanks a lot mate.Real enjoyable
