blog de Small_Ben
Lack of enthusiam
It's something that has been happening to me lately. Well, not to me exactly, I'm as enthusiastic about wrestling as ever but it happens to a lot of people I'm contacting through here. A lot of convarsation are going something like this more often than not.
Me: Hey, how are you? Want to wrestle?
Other fellow: "Yes"
Me: "Awesome. What kind of wrestling you like? I enjoy ..... And..... I also like etc etc.
Other fellow: Cool.
Me: .... So, anything You want to try?
Other fellow: idk Full nelsons?
Me: Okayyyy, great! and what about gear? I have briefs, etc etc but if you want me to try other gear?
Other fellow: speedos
Me" Oh, Any other kind of set up for a match? Any ideas?
Other fellow: Submission.
Me: Okay, awesome I guess.
Sorry but monosylable guys kill the mood for wrestling. I know all of us are busy with work and family but c'mon! Can't take a couple of minutes to set up a match properly? Show at least some exciment? Worst of all are the guys who contact me to wrestle and then become cold and hard to contact with and/or set up a match. Just cancelled one of those guys today because I cannot take it any longer. Maybe I'm wrong but the thing is, I love wrestling! It's actually pretty fun for me, and I love to set up a lot of stuff before the match. It's not a job, it's not a hussle, it's a hobby, a part of me that makes me very happy. If you're a busy guy, I understand but at least say so.
Other fellow:"Hey, wish we could talk more but I'm too busy right now but don't worry I will kick your ass".
Me: No problem, I understand. And I'll be the one kicking your ass.
Sorry and thank you to anyone who has read this rant. Any comment or advice would be appreciated.
Anas K (21)
11/22/2024 7:46 AMExtremely relatable lol, too many guys respond with 0 details about what they actually wanna do in a match. It's frustrating to be the only one excited to talk/engage with a potential future opponent and just get those responses. Kills the mood immediately.
Small Ben (16 )
11/22/2024 1:45 PM(In reply to this)
Indeed, mate. It sucks that it happens to you by the way.
Smother (49)
11/22/2024 8:57 AMI totally agree.
One explanation from my perspective might be that, having been on here a while, the number of conversations I’ve had that aren’t going anywhere have made me weary, and I’m wary of all those guys who don’t really want to meet.
This becomes exhausting and results, unfortunately, in a lack of enthusiasm.
I just wanna meet and wrestle. I thought that’s why we’re all here 🤷🏽
Small Ben (16 )
11/22/2024 1:30 PM(In reply to this)
I totally understand that. I also engage in conversations with wrestlers abroad that I'm problably not going to meet for a while. We go on and off with out chats because, indeed, it can be boring to talk about wrestling but not meeting in the foreseeable future.
But what I'm talking about here is about matches that are actually going to happens, with a date already set between two guys that have enough past oponentes each to know both of us are serious about the upcomming match.
Atlantis400 (29 )
11/22/2024 11:58 AMOh yes I can really feel what are you writing here. It's kind of a nightmare.
I'm travelling at the moment around a few different city's and it's happening to me so often. Most of the time I'm just sending a message to guy's there had a few opponents in the past.
I'm sending a message. A lot of time no response or the issue with the hosting situation. I'm thinking sometimes you're the local and when you can't host think about where is it possible but mostly nothing. The next is sending some messages but after a while no answers and I'm thinking what's going on here.
But I'm happy that a lot of people have the same situation.
Small Ben (16 )
11/22/2024 1:47 PM(In reply to this)
Oh yes, the "no responses" guys is another subject I'd love to write about in another post. Anyway, sorry it also happens to you but as you just said, at least you're not alone in this.
chrisinro (7)
11/22/2024 12:21 PMI’m happy, but not happy that you (and other guys in the replies) also have these issues. It’s really made not want to engage with anyone on this app. In some respects, it’s even worse than Grindr. Don’t even get me started on people that have a call to action on their profile (ie. “Guys, please just let me know if you aren’t interested.”), but will still leave me on “read.” 😵💫 Hard to not feel like a loser when guys that have 100+ matches ignore you.
Small Ben (16 )
11/22/2024 1:40 PM(In reply to this)
Yeah, I'm also "happy" that I'm not alone in this situation. Happy because I know I'm not alone in this but on the other hand it sucks it happens to other people.
Indeed every day I'm less and less sure about engaging to other guys here.
Maybe I should also try that Grindr app.
KOFistBoxer (2)
11/22/2024 3:31 PMYeah, this extends far beyond just wrestling, but I get super tired of the guys who can only ever respond with four word sentences or less. I figure some are just lazily typing on phones the rest probably are just typing with one hand on the keyboard and the other on their johnson.
If you're actually interested in setting something some, occasionally using complete sentences with things like capital letters and and correct punctuation helps, so when dealing with people like that I tend to check out of the conversation now. Shows they are too lazy or disengaged to make something happen for real and their only real interest is in keeping you sending them messages they can use as j/o material, so they will only send the bare minimum response to keep the conversation going, even if it has become completely one sided.
Small Ben (16 )
11/23/2024 2:34 PM(In reply to this)
Proper grammar is always a pleasure to the eye.
Megawatt (8)
11/23/2024 1:38 AMSeems to be a more common experience than I realized. I'm confused by those guys who initiated the conversation with me, but can't seem to sustain it past their one or two-word answers. I just had one of those confusing chats this evening. Those types of conversations are a wet blanket on my wrestling fireworks. :)
bigt730 (11 )
11/23/2024 8:15 AMAh, the wrestling world, where spandex trunks and adrenaline-filled matches reign supreme! It seems you're grappling with the issue of setting up bouts with folks who don't quite match your feverish enthusiasm. It can be a bummer when others don't share your thrill, but remember, everyone's got their own style of chatting and their own level of love for the sport.
Here's a game plan: be upfront about craving those juicy, detail-packed conversations about match strategies. Maybe they're just not as into it as you are, and a gentle nudge might get them to open up and spill the wrestling beans. It's possible they're unaware of how their quick replies can squash the buzz.
But, hold on! Sometimes, you're just dealing with someone who's not as wrestling-obsessed as you. That's cool, everyone's got their thing. You might need to look around and see if you can tag-team with someone who's all in on the mat-based madness like you are. It's okay to want someone who'll geek out over the minutiae of every chokehold and body slam with the same fervor.
Don't let it get you down, though. The key is to keep your chin up and keep hunting for those who share your wrestling spirit. They're out there, waiting to bounce ideas around like a steel chair in a no-holds-barred match. When you find them, the excitement will be palpable, and the conversations will flow like a well-executed suplex.
So, keep at it! Your dream of a wrestling community that sizzles with anticipation and camaraderie is within reach. Just don't forget, it's your show, so make it count. And always remember, spandex trunks are optional, but passion is a must!
Juggernaut (0)
11/23/2024 7:33 PM(In reply to this)
There are no absolutes, only individual preference that other may sometimes share.
Small Ben (16 )
11/25/2024 1:18 PM(In reply to this)
Never thought about it in that way. It's true, a lot of guys may not have the same levels of interest I have for wrestling. Maybe some are just experimenting a new kink, or are simply more level-headed people that I am. I'm a nerd, a geek! So I get obsesive about stuff. I want the details, the lore! Maybe the other guys just want to sweat a bit and a jerk off.
Not gonna lie, I was really annoyed at the start of the year for what I perceived as a lack of comitment of the wrestling fellows but then I had the most wonderful match on june. The only one this year. But better one good match than six mediocres ones.
I'll keep looking for the good ones, and thanks for showing me an alternative perspective!
Juggernaut (0)
11/25/2024 8:36 PMEver hear of penpals? People that share common ideas, like, dislike, experiences, interest, etc. via text. 📝
The point is, there's no one size that fits all. Some people can talk/chat for years before they meet. Other people can talk and never meet. They're satisfied just to share common interest, experiences and preferences they have with others. When you think about it, that's pretty much how social media works, in a nutshell.
Small Ben (16 )
11/25/2024 10:00 PM(In reply to this)
Hmm you're definitely right. But my post goes more for the people that have already pacted a match, that is going to happen, not for people that may or may not meet in a near future. I've been messaging with some guys on and off for years and I'm okay with that. But when you already have date and place for the encounter, maybe some enthusiam is appreciated.